CDS 2 2016 Entry SSB Interview Dates [Expected]

Recently UPSC published the CDS 2 Result 2016. 8K+ candidates who have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of...

CDS 1 2016 Entry SSB Interview Dates

Recently UPSC published the CDS 2 Result 2016. 8K+ candidates who have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence will seek admission into

(i) Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 142nd Course

(ii) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course

(iii) Air Force Academy, Flying Course 201/17 F/PC Course

(iv) Officers Training Academy, Chennai 1105th SSC Men Course and

(v) Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 19 SSC Women Course.

CDS 2 2016 SSB Screening OIR Test Coaching

CDS 2 2016 Entry SSB Interview Dates [Expected]

CDS 2 2016 Entry SSB Interview Dates


UPSC CDS 2 2016 SSB Dates

Once UPSC published the list of successful candidates, Indian army, air force and navy will publish the SSB interview dates for IMA, AFA, OTA and NA on their respective career website. SSB interviews of CDS 2 2016 will start one month after the date of result of written exam.

UPSC CDS 2 2016 Merit List

Once the SSB interviews are over, UPSC will publish the list of candidates who have cleared the SSB and AFSB interview. UPSC will not publish the result of medical test of recommended candidates, so the list which is published by UPSC will consist of roll numbers of unfit candidates as well. To check the final merit list of CDS 1 2016 candidates have to check the official website of the respective services.

Documents to Carry for CDS 22016 SSB interview

If you are attending CDS SSB interview, it is good to be ready with few documents beforehand. Now, candidates can fill up the SSB documents well in advance and save the time during SSB interview documents check and  form filling. List of Documents to Carry for SSB interview likePIQ form, Identification form, certificate of previous candidature, risk certificate, travelling allowance form, certificate for final and pre final candidates etc.

  • Call Letter
  • 10th/12th Mark sheet & Certificate (Original & 2 Photocopy)
  •  Graduation/Post Graduation Degree (final year students must bring a certificate form principal)
  •  NCC Certificate (Original & Photocopy) (If applicable)
  •  Valid Commercial Pilots License, issued by DCGA (If applicable)
  •  Ticket Original (for Traveling Allowance if you are going for that entry for the first time)
  •  Identity Proof (Voter ID/Passport/DL/PAN Card) (Original and 2 Photocopies)
  •  NOC Certificate (for those who are currently working in Govt. Org or PSUs)
  •  Risk certificate duly signed by parent/guardian
  •  20 Passport Size Colour Photographs (with light coloured clothes and against white background)

List of documents to be filled before SSB Interview

  • PIQ form
  • Identification form
  • Certificate of previous candidature
  • Risk certificate
  • Travelling allowance form
  • Certificate for final and pre-final candidates
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

45 thoughts on “CDS 2 2016 Entry SSB Interview Dates [Expected]”

  1. Sir i got message from ssb to join the interview on 24th june carrying my cds 2 roll hvnt got the call letter yet.

  2. I have qualified CDS 2 2016.. for OTA…Kindly tell when are we getting call letters for the interview…i am still waiting

  3. Sir , I have received SSB LETTER but I don’t know whether it is CDS SSB letter or direct entry SSB LETTER.
    Please tell me sir how to know about it?

  4. Sir,

    I have qualified for CDS 2 – 2016 for INA. Please help me when shall i receive my call letter. Did the process start or yet to start. Please help

  5. I got little confused on ssb interview date…i got qulified in cds 2 2016..yet didnt get vivid idea about notifying already started or it gonna happen in month of may…?

  6. Sir,I have got the SSB call-up letter. I am told to report at 4AFSB Varanasi on 20th Feb.2017. I haven’t even registered for SSB yet.
    But in the mail it was written that we need to first register for SSB within 2weeks of result and then we will get the SSB dates that too will be after 30days from results which is also mentioned in your blog here.
    I also want to know that do they allot a SSB date themselves or we have the option to choose because here I didn’t do anything and yet got call with dates and venues .
    Can we also change or extend the dates..??
    Please clarify…!!!
    Will be very thankful

  7. sir i have lost my email id from which i have registered for cds 2 2016 bt i have cleared my exam.does email id play any role for getting registered for ssb

    • ya e-mail is essential as yr call letter for Ssb will come on that only .Don’t loose hope as there are many other alternatives. Ssb board will declare Ssb dates n centre allotment on its site ,kindly take a print out of that n report to yr respective Ssb .Also there’s a chance of call letter being dispatched by post to yr home .so don’t loose hope too qualified CDs 2 ,2016 this time ,

  8. I have cleared cds1 2016 for both IMA &OTA but I have not any idea about how to get call letter for SSB. I became very disappointed when I knew that the final result has been published.

  9. hlo sir. i am an ota women entry for cds1 2016 . sir i have’nt got any call letter yet. can you please tell me about the interview dates if released, or what should i do to check about the same..

  10. dear Sir, I haven’t recieved any info yet regarding ssb dates of cds1 2016 ota (w) course…please provide some info on that…whether we’ll b getting emails or we have to check up on somwhere else too…its desponding!!


    • Hey, r u waiting fr ota call letter cds-2016(1)
      Even I m waiting
      Bt dont know whom to ask
      If u have any info regarding dat please msg me

  12. sir i have not got my ssb ota call letter till now when it will come? and what is the date for ssb interview for ota?

  13. sir my call letter got washed.
    bt i have my roll no. and my registration no.
    sir how can i get my duplicate call latter for my further ssb procedure.


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