CDS 1 2024 Defence Training Centres of Indian Navy Lecture

The Indian Defence services have established numerous academies and staff colleges across India for the purpose of training professional soldiers in military sciences, warfare command and strategy, and associated technologies....

The Indian Defence services have established numerous academies and staff colleges across India for the purpose of training professional soldiers in military sciences, warfare command and strategy, and associated technologies.

CDS 1 2024 Defence Training Centres of Indian Navy Lecture

S. No.Name of the Training Institutes/Academies 1
1.Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala
2.National Hydrographic School, Goa
3.INS Dronacharya, Kochi ll
4.Anti Submarine Warfare School, INS Venduruthy, Kochi
5.Navigation and Direction School, INS Venduruthy, Kochi
6.Signal School, INS Venduruthy, Kochi
7.Naval Institute of Education and Training Technology, INS Venduruthy, Kochi
8.Indian Navy Physical Training School, INS Mandovi, Goa
9.Diving School, INS Venduruthy, Kochi
10.School for Naval Airmen, Kochi
11.Naval Institute of Aeronautical Technology, Kochi
12.INS Satavahana, Visakhapatnam
13.INS Agrani, Coimbatore
14.INS Chilka, Orissa
15.INS Shivaji, Lonavala
16.NBCD School, INS Shivaji, Lonavala
17.INS Hamla, Mumbai
18.Naval War College, Goa
19.INS Valsura, Jamnagar
20.Shipwright School, Visakhapatnam
21.Institute of Naval Medicine, Mumbai
22.Naval Police and Regulating School, INS Mandovi, Goa
23.Naval School of Music, INS Kunjali, Mumbai
24.Naval Special Warfare Training cum Tactical Centre, Goa
25.Centre for Leadership and Behavioural Studies, Kochi
26.Seamanship School, INS Venduruthy, Kochi
27.Observer School, Kochi
28.School for Naval Oceanography and Meteorology, Kochi
29.Maritime Warfare Centre, Kochi
30.School of Advanced Undersea Warfare, Visakhapatnam
31.School for Medical Assistants, Mumbai.
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