CDS 1 2023 GK 40-Days Master Plan

CDS 1 2023 is approaching and almost 40 days are remaining. In this article, we shall learn how you can qualify CDS 1 2023 even...

CDS 1 2023 is approaching and almost 40 days are remaining. In this article, we shall learn how you can qualify CDS 1 2023 even if you have this amount of time remaining. We are conjecturing that you have the basics ready with you and once these basics are clear you can definitely clear the CDS 1 2023 exam with flying colors. So let us dive into the article.

CDS 1 2023 GK 40 Days Master Plan
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First of all, let us understand the GK portion of the CDS Exam. The GK portion generally consists of questions from the following Subjects.

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Indian Polity
  • Economics
  • Static General Knowledge
  • Defence Specific Related

40 Days Master Plan to Clear CDS 1 2023

You should know that you will have to follow these steps every day till the last day before the exam. Once you complete all these steps and keep on following them every day, you will definitely clear the exam.

Step-1 Create Short Crisp notes of what you have learned

Identify the Critical Topics: The first step is to identify the critical topics that are frequently tested on the CDSE exam. Make a list of these topics and rank them in order of importance. Pick up a Subject, for example, Science, now in Science we got P, C, and B. Now note all the important topics from Physics, skip the topics which you think are not Important. For example, if you have analyzed the paper you may have seen that Light (Optics) is a much more important topic than sound, so keep Topics from Sound for later and finish Optics first.

Use Bullet Points: Use bullet points to jot down key facts and figures about each topic. Keep the notes brief and to the point, focusing only on the most important details. While revising any topic, take a sticky note or paper and keep on jotting down keywords of that particular topic, you’ll be amazed to see how efficiently you will be learning things. Give this a try.

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Highlight Important Information: Use highlighters to highlight important information in your notes. When revising, will help you quickly locate important information. Use different colors of highlighters while highlighting. For example orange for dates, green for Names, and so on. Creativity comes into play when the mind is more active. More activeness leads to better learning.

Mnemonics: Mnemonics can help you remember difficult-to-remember information. You can make a mnemonic for the names of the rivers flowing eastwards or westwards for example. You can make Mnemonics for the Right Bank Tributaries of the Ganga or any river.

Example Rama Ghumti hui Ghaghara Ganda Kar Mat.

Rivers are – Ramganag, Gomati, Ghaggar, Gandak, Kosi and Mahananda

Organize your Notes: To make it easier to navigate, organize your notes in a logical sequence and create headings and subheadings. To save space, you can also use abbreviations.

Step-2: Read Current Affairs from Sources specially designed for the exam

CDS asks you questions about what is happening around you. You really don’t have to read the whole newspaper for brushing up on your Current Affairs Knowledge. Just go through the last 4 months’ monthly magazine from a trusted source that’s it. You don’t have to real CA’s from 6 months, 4 months is enough. Make sure you keep revising these 4 months ‘CAs every day or you can simply give it a read, you will easily memorize it. You can watch SSBCrackExams Daily Current Affairs Videos and monthly compilations, you will love them.

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Step-3: Economics and Geography can be the Game Changers

Economics comprises questions that total 10-12 marks in the GK paper. Now here is the trick to fetch these 10-12 marks very easily, Look in the past 4 months what is happening around in the Ecnonmy of the world, read it, and relate it to the Static portion of the Subject. That’s it. You can analyze the paper and see how questions have been asked previously. Draw Graphs and Diagrams on your own, and use your memory power to picture them, in the exam if you are clear with the concept, you will be able to do the question correctly irrespective of the stream you belong to. Similarly, go with Geography. Questions which are in news are also important from a Geography point of view. Learn Geography through Maps (Most Important).

Step-4: Revise instead of learning new things

They say 80 percent of work is done by 20 percent. Focus on this 80 percent portion. Don’t waste time focusing on the whole syllabus. We usually tend to compare ourselves to others by comparing the number of syllabi they have done against ours. Don’t do this, revise what you have read, and read what you have revised. Follow this cycle till the 40th day.

Step-5: English comes handy

For Vocabulary, go through the last 15 years of Anto-Syno and Idioms and Phrases questions asked in the SSC papers along with past 10-year questions from CDSE question papers. 40 days are not enough to hone your grammar, instead, focus on what you can improve. You can practice spotting the errors from past 10-year papers, the concept lies around there only. Rearranging Sentences are very scoring, here also practicing the previous year’s questions is more than enough.

Step-6: Avoid Distractions and Rest well

You have a career to make, a dream to follow. Give your 100 percent to these steps and avoid all those distractions coming over, you will have plenty of time to deal with them later. Rest well, and take naps in between (It increases your concentration and focus) studying. Avoid junk foods and eat homemade food. Small Steps take you to larger Destinations.

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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