Daily Current Affairs 23 September 2020 With Video Lecture

What is Biotech-KISAN Programme? Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN) is a Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology initiative that empowers farmers, especially...

What is Biotech-KISAN Programme?

  • Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN) is a Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology initiative that empowers farmers, especially women farmers.
  • It aims to understand the problems of water, soil, seed and market faced by the farmers and provide simple solutions to them.
  • The Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN) programme focuses on taking innovative technologies to the farmers.
  • The Biotech-KISAN hubs are expected to fulfil the technology required to generate agriculture and bio-resource related jobs and better livelihood ensuring biotechnological benefits to small and marginal farmers.


  • Recently, experts have warned: Mediterranean Hurricanes’, could become more frequent due to human-induced climate change.
  • On September 18, 2020, a medicane named Ianos made landfall along the coast of Greece and caused heavy rainfall and flooding on the islands of Zakynthos, Kefalonia and Ithaca.
  • The Mediterranean hurricanes are called Medicanes.
  • They are Extra tropical storms.
  • With the surrounding dry climate and the relatively shallow waters of the sea, the occurrence of tropical-like cyclones is infrequent.
  • They occur once or twice a year.
  • They occur in colder regions as compared to tropical cyclones. Also, their wind speed is lower than that of tropical cyclones.
  • Why are they increasing?
  • They have increased in number lately because of global warming.
  • The increased sea surface temperature of the Mediterranean sea paves way for these cyclones to take more of tropical appearances.
  • Increasing the wind speeds and making the storms more intense and cause heavier rainfall.
  • Two of these storms, one in 2005 and another in 2012, even formed over the Black Sea, which is a much smaller water body than the Mediterranean Sea.

Destination North East Festival

  • The Union Minister of State Development of North Eastern Dr Jitendra Singh unveiled the Logo and song for festival “Destination North East-2020” (The Emerging Delightful Destinations).
  • It is a four-day event held in different cities in India to showcase and promote the north-eastern states of India.
  • Aims to bring the rest of India closer to North East (NE) India.
  • The previous editions of the festival were held in Varanasi, Delhi and Chandigarh.
  • The festival is not just about Tourism, but it’s an invitation to the organisations too.
  • Specially to the young entrepreneurs who would like to avail the advantage of unexplored potentials of the region.

Suspension of Eight MPs From Rajya Sabha

  • Eight Rajya Sabha members have been suspended from the Upper House for one week for their unruly behavior during the passage of two farm Bills.
  • The government moved a motion seeking the suspension of these MPs and it was passed by voice vote.
  • Power to suspend Rajya Sabha MPs:
  • Rule Number 373 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business provides for the suspension of MPs by the Speaker.
  • The Chairman of Rajya Sabha is empowered under Rule Number 255 to “direct any Member whose conduct is in his opinion grossly disorderly to withdraw immediately” from the House.
  • The House may adopt a motion suspending the Member from the service of the House for a period not exceeding the remainder of the session.
  • Unlike the Speaker, however, the Rajya Sabha Chairman does not have the power to suspend a Member. The House may, by another motion, terminate the suspension.

The United Nations completed 75 years

  • The United Nations has completed 75 years this year.
  • In order to commemorate the historic moment, world leaders come together at a one-day high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly.
  • The United Nations finally came into existence on October 24, 1945
  • It was ratified by 51 nations, which included five permanent members (France, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the UK, and the US) and 46 other signatories.
  • At present, 193 countries are members of the UN.
  • The four main goals of the UN included
  • Maintaining international peace and security
  • Developing friendly relations among nations
  • Achieving international cooperation in solving international problems,
  • Being at the center for harmonising the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
  • The main organs of the UN are:
  • The General Assembly
  • The Security Council
  • The Economic and Social Council
  • The Trusteeship Council
  • The International Court of Justice
  • The UN Secretariat

Current COVID19 Situation in India



What is Medicanes?

  1. Name of a vaccine
  2. Oceanic current
  3. Extra tropical Storms
  4. Volcano

Answer – C

The Chairman of Rajya Sabha is empowered under which Rule to “direct any Member whose conduct is in his opinion grossly disorderly to withdraw immediately” from the House?

  1. Rule Number 255
  2. Rule Number 257
  3. Rule Number 256
  4. Rule Number 254

Answer – A

Which of the following is not a permanent member of UNSC?

  1. China
  2. USA
  3. France
  4. India

Answer – D

Question of the Day

What is O-SMART Scheme?

Answer in next session…

Picture of Sakshi Sahu

Sakshi Sahu

Senior Lecturer, General Knowledge, SSBCrackExams, Master's in Politics and International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Bachelor's in Commerce and Computer Applications from DAVV Indore, Former research fellow at Ministry of women and Child Development New Delhi, 1 Year teaching experience (UPSC CSE).

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