Do’s and Don’ts of SRT With Sample Question And Answers

Do’s and Don’ts of SRT With Sample Question And Answers Sample Questions Question: On reaching the railway station, you find that the train you wanted...

Do’s and Don’ts of SRT With Sample Question And Answers


Sample Questions

Question: On reaching the railway station, you find that the train you wanted to catch is just to start and there is hardly any time for purchasing the ticket. The best thing for you is to__ Answer: rush to the train rather than miss it and inform the T.T.I. at the next stoppage about your inability to purchase the ticket. Question: He is asked to organize a variety show in the aid of jawan Welfare in his unit. He__ Answer: accepts the responsibility, makes a detailed programme of the variety entertainment show, carries out extensive rehearsals and ensures that the variety show I performed to the best. Question: Whenever he is required to take new step. He__ Answer: goes more about details, makes extensive efforts, does lot of reading and takes the right step to succeed in the mission. Question: His friend lost his job and into financial difficulties. He___ Answer: helps his friend to the best of his ability by giving financial and moral support and see that his friend recover from the loss. Question: Bharat Bandh is likely to be declared while you are on leave. Your leave is to be finished after two days of commencement of Bandh. He__ Answer: get In touch with the unit via telephone, in view of Bharat Bandh, leaves his house in sufficient time so that he is not late for duty. Dos and Donts of SRT With Sample Question And Answers Do’s:

  • Provide sensible and practical solution.
  • Use proper punctuation and pauses in the sentence. Assessor has to see that you know what you are writing.
  • On similar kind of situation it’s better to answer with same type answers.
  • Read the situation properly before answering to understand the context of the place.
  • Practice as many questions as you can prior to sitting your assessment. This will enable you to familiarize yourself with the typical format of the questions and the type of responses that are required.
  • Keep the response short and true to your self-personality i.e. how you actually going to react in the situation instead of imagining one.


  • Avoid quick jump on conclusion, providing different answers for similar kind of situation will show the assessors that you are not confident on your views.
  • Silly grammar mistakes: Read while you are writing to avoid silly mistakes.
  • Do not write your reaction. For example don’t write “I will be shocked” or “I will be confused” or “I will deal with the situation”.
  • Do not skip a situation in between, it projects that you are trying to run away from that situation.
  • Bear in mind that you are not being judge on right or wrong answer but you are being judged on your evaluation capability of a situation. Keep a different mind-set, this test is nothing like your regular classroom tests.
  • The quality of response matters not the quantity, but this does not give the freedom to think and write less.

1 thought on “Do’s and Don’ts of SRT With Sample Question And Answers”

  1. Sometimes candidate have answers but difficult to explain in English and explin answer well in Hindi…So what candidate will do?
    In SRT or all other tests & interview….it is necessary to respond/answer in English??


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