General Science Questions for AFCAT 2 2017 Written Exam

AFCAT 2 2017 Exam will be conducted in the year end of 2017 by IAF, candidates who are serious to clear the written exam must...

General Science Questions for AFCAT 2 2016 Written Exam

AFCAT 2 2017 Exam will be conducted in the year end of 2017 by IAF, candidates who are serious to clear the written exam must start their preparation as early as possible, go through all the sample and previous year question papers. Practice on daily basis with a schedule. Here we are sharing few General Science Questions for AFCAT 2 2017 Written Exam that may give an idea about the written exam pattern.

Best Coaching for AFCAT Entrance

AFCAT Coaching

General Awareness:

History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics , Civics, Basic Sciences, Defence, Art etc.

b) Verbal Ability in English:

Comprehension, Error Detection, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Testing of Vocabulary, Sentence Completion etc.

c) Numerical Ability:

Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, and Simple Interest, Profit & Loss

d) Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test section:

Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.

General Science Questions for AFCAT 2 2017 Written Exam


Based on the previous year AFCAT question papers and AFCAT exam pattern we are sharing some AFCAT Exam General Science Sample Questions, We hope our readers will get an idea on the types of questions that arrive in AFCAT exam and help them along in preparations.

Q. Which of the following is a non metal that remains liquid at room temperature?

A. Phosphorous

B. Bromine

C. Chlorine

D. Helium

Q. Which of the gas is not known as green house gas?

A. Methane

B. Nitrous oxide

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Hydrogen

Q. The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called

A. osmosis

B. deliquescence

C. efflorescence

D. desiccation

Q. Most soluble in water is

A. camphor

B. sulphur

C. common salt

D. sugar

Q. The filament of an electric bulb is made of

A. tungsten

B. nichrome

C. graphite

D. iron

Q. In fireworks, the green flame is produced because of

A. sodium

B. barium

C. mercury

D. potassium

Q. Which of the following metals remain in liquid for under normal conditions?

A. Radium

B. Zinc

C. Uranium

D. Mercury

Q. Decibel is the unit for

A. speed of light

B. radio wave frequency

C. intensity of sound

D. intensity of heat

Q. Very small time intervals are accurately measure by

A. White dwarfs

B. Quartz clocks

C. Atomic clocks

D. Pulsars

Q. A chronometer measures

A. colour contrast

B. sound waves

C. time

D. water waves

Q. Knot is a unit of speed of which of the following?

A. Aeroplane

B. Light waves

C. Ship

D. Sound waves

Q. Which among the following is a positively charged particle emitted by a radioactive element?

A. Beta ray

B. Alpha ray

C. Cathode ray

D. Gamma ray

Q. Mesons are found in

A. Laser beam

B. X-rays

C. Gamma rays

D. Cosmic rays

Q. The dark lines in the solar spectrum are due to

A. absorption of corresponding wavelengths by the outer layers of the sun

B. destructive interference between waves of certain definite wavelengths

C. absorption of corresponding wavelengths by the prism used in the photograph

D. absence of corresponding wavelengths from the light emitted by the core of the sun

Q. Nuclear fission is caused by the impact of

A. neutron

B. proton

C. deuteron

D. electron

Q. Which of the following rays are more penetrating?

A. Beta rays

B. Alpha rays

C. Gamma rays

D. X-rays

Q. Which of the following is commonly called a ‘polyamide’?

A. Terylene

B. Nylon

C. Rayon

D. Orlon

Q. Which of the following is a protein?

A. Natural rubber

B. Starch

C. Cellulose

D. None of these

Q. In vulcanisation, natural rubber is heated with

A. Carbon

B. Silicon

C. Sulphur

D. Phosphorous

Q. Soap is a mixture of sodium or potassium salts of

A. dicarboxylic acids

B. monocarboxylic acids

C. glycerol

D. tricarboxylic acids

Picture of Ashutosh


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