How Girls Can Join IAF As Officers In 2017

Statistics states the fact that over the past few years IAF has been able to enroll more women as officers compared to other two branches...

Statistics states the fact that over the past few years IAF has been able to enroll more women as officers compared to other two branches of Indian Armed Forces (Army, Navy). Recently, IAF became the first branch of the armed forces to allow, on an experimental basis, combat roles for three women flying officers on short service commission.

AFCAT Coaching

How Girls Can Join IAF As Officers In 2017


List of Entries:

Female candidates can apply for AFCAT which is held twice in a year. It is a written exam and those who qualify in this exam are called for SSB interview.

IAF Flying Branch Eligibility

Women candidates of age 19 to 23 years (as per notified in the advertisement) can opt for flying branch.

IAF Flying Branch Educational Qualification

To apply for this entry, a candidate should be having a Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognised university with aggregate of 60% marks and have passed Math and Physics at 10+2 level OR B.E/B.Tech degree from a recognised university with aggregate of minimum 60% marks.

IAF Technical Branch Eligibility

Female engineering candidates of age 18 to 28 years can opt for the technical branch. There are two types of technical service whose educational qualification conditions are given below:

IAF Technical Branch Educational Qualification

  • Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical): Minimum four-year degree course from a recognised university with aggregate of minimum 60% marks and qualification in at least eight subjects out of eighteen as per notified in the advertisement OR cleared Section A and B exam of Associate membership of Institution of engineers or Aeronautical society of India in regular courses.
  • Aeronautical Engineer (Electrical):Minimum four-year degree course from a recognized university with aggregate of minimum 60% marks and qualification in at least eight subjects as per notified in the advertisement OR cleared Section A and B exam of Associate membership of Institution of engineers or Aeronautical society of India or graduate membership exam of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers in regular courses.

IAF Ground Duty Branch Eligibility

For graduates: 20 to 23 years, Post Graduates: 20 to 25 years, LLB: 20 to 26 years, M.Ed/ PhD/ CA: 20 to 27 years.

IAF Ground Duty Branch Educational Qualification

There are three types of services in Ground Duty Branches whose educational qualification conditions are given below:

  1. Administration and Logistics: Graduate in any discipline from a recognised university with aggregate of 60% marks OR a Post Graduate degree/ diploma in any discipline from a recognised university with aggregate of minimum 60% marks.
  2. Education: Post Graduate degree in any discipline with aggregate of minimum 50% mark
  3. Accounts: Graduate degree in any commerce with an aggregate of minimum 60% marks OR a Post Graduate degree/ diploma in Commerce (M Com) / CA / ICWA with an aggregate of minimum 50% marks.
Non-AFCAT Entry
  • Meteorology Branch: In this entry, candidates are short-listed and called for SSB interviews at Air Force Selection Board’s. Age group in this entry is 20 to 25 years and  27 years for PhD candidates. To be eligible for this entry candidates must be having a Post graduate degree in any science stream / Maths / Statistics / Geography / CS / EVS / Physics / Geo-physics etc. with minimum 50% aggregate and have scores 55% marks both in Maths and Physics at graduation level. Final year students can also apply for it.

AFCAT 2 2017 Recruitment/Notification

The next entry is suppose to be come out in month of June/July 2017. All the best!


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