How to improve Communication Skills for SSB Interview

There is a lot of communication in SSB. You must express your views and thoughts. You must socialize with the other candidates, become friends with...

There is a lot of communication in SSB. You must express your views and thoughts. You must socialize with the other candidates, become friends with them, and establish yourself as the group’s leader. Any of these activities require effective communication abilities. Now, developing communication skills takes more than a day or two. For a long time, you must continually and methodically practice it. Here are some pointers for improving communication for the SSB.

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Importance of Communication Skills in SSB Interview 

We are all aware that service officers in charge of their soldiers frequently need to address their men on short notice or give them orders for daily tasks. The policeman must possess strong communication skills.

How to improve communication skills for SSB interview

Therefore, a defence candidate must be extremely skilled in the art of public speaking. The major purpose of this test is to determine whether the candidate is proficient in speech production and effective speaking under time pressure. Never are good speakers born. This ability can be developed via consistent practice if one lacks it. Concern not, aspirants; you possess the aptitude to communicate persuasively. But the majority of us never grasp that. A good speaker needs to possess these crucial skills.

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How to improve Communication Skills and gestures to perform your best

Method and Style

When you talk, you either have a compelling argument to make or are simply making your presence known. This distinguishes successful candidates from failed ones. You need a compelling argument to make in the GDs or elsewhere if you want to make your presence known. Therefore, you must structure your speech, and in order to do so, you must be well-versed in general awareness-related topics. Additionally, when making your point, you must be able to arrange things so that the most important things come first and the least significant things come last.

Eye contact and Hand gestures

The two most crucial components of good communication are these. If you make some hand movements while you’re speaking, it will have more impact. Making eye contact with the audience keeps them attentive.

Bodily Expression

While conversing, you must keep respectful body language. Being startled and getting out of your chair while GD is not a positive body language indicator.

Also read: Tips For Good Communication In Group Discussion SSB

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Flow and linguistic mastery

A nice flow can only be attained via practice. The same holds true for language proficiency—the more you talk, the more proficient you become. Having fluency is crucial when talking. Your audience will be somewhat interested if you speak fluently. especially during interviews, GDs, and lecturettes. You should therefore practice speaking a lot, either in front of a mirror or with a family member. Additionally, if you attended an English-medium school, you must be proficient in English.

Also read: Tips For Good Communication In AFSB Interview

Many of you claim that officers speak Hindi to guys and do other things, but let’s be honest: you can’t dispute that speaking English well offers you an advantage. Therefore, it is best to practice English and become fluent in it rather than using your brain and trying to convince others that English is more essential than Hindi. Hindi is our mother tongue, and we all respect it, but as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” you are not going there to argue for and defend Hindi. Isn’t getting recommended your goal?

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Language Proficiency 

Factual command and familiarity with contemporary developments are equally as vital as language proficiency. Even if you use big words in your speech, your audience won’t be impressed if you don’t know the most recent facts and trends on the topic. Coming preparing to Lecturette in SSB is useless. For the knowledge of facts, preparation for the GD will be sufficient. Be careful not to provide your viewers with any false information. Such an endeavour will just make you feel hopeless. You ought to be an expert on facts. Reading frequently will help you become more knowledgeable.

No need to be anxious or shy

Even though they struggled with shyness as children, some outstanding personalities overcame it to succeed. For a public speaker, shyness could be fatal. You should thoroughly prepare before speaking, stay focused on the subject at hand, and try not to think about the audience while you speak in order to overcome shyness. It doesn’t matter if they don’t support you. Utilize all opportunities to attend public meetings. The best method for overcoming shyness is this. Participate in extracurricular drama clubs and activities. If you tend to stumble, it could ruin your otherwise polished speech. Certain activities can help eradicate it. Better to get advice from a professional.

Also read: 5 Golden Communication Tricks To Crack SSB Interview

The Tone of the Voice

What sets you apart from the crowd is your voice. It’s like the “survival of the fittest” when ten individuals are speaking at once since only one is ultimately heard. You must first determine the volume at which your voice sounds its finest if you want to be an effective speaker or orator. It goes without saying that your tone should be lower when speaking with friends and the IO than it will be in the GD. Decide on that voice for yourself, and only use it when speaking. Remember not to raise your voice excessively if you have a shrill voice; otherwise, it won’t sound very well.

Take time to Listen

To be a good speaker, you must first be a good listener. The final but most crucial element of good communication is this. Allowing others to speak enhances your impression of flexibility and consideration for others. This helps you appear more versatile since it conveys that you value their opinions enough to pay attention to them and are willing to embrace them.


Long before you appear for the SSB, you should practice speaking clearly and persuasively. Speak up frequently, work to increase your understanding, and pay close attention to editorials produced by journalists. Notes should be taken if necessary. Practice for GD will enhance your knowledge base on its own.

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To crack the SSB Interview and join the Indian Army as an Officer, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.

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Picture of Anuradha Dey

Anuradha Dey

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, M.A.(Psychology), M.A. English (Gold Medalist) from BHU; B.A. Hons from St. Xavier’s College (Kolkata). Poet, Writer & Translator. Certified Career Counselor. Knows Mandarin, German, English, Bengali & Hindi.

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