How To Prepare for NDA 2 2022 SSB Interview After Written Exam

Jai Hind future warriors, as NDA 2 2022 results are out now and SSB Interviews will start for the NDA-150 entry later, so we have...

Jai Hind future warriors, as NDA 2 2022 results are out now and SSB Interviews will start for the NDA-150 entry later, so we have come up with some genuine tips to help the candidates in their preparation for it.

How To Prepare for NDA SSB Interview After Written Exam

1. For screening test on Day-1, start solving intelligence tests questions from SSB interview master online course available. Write stories following all instructions like writing character details and action in the required time frame, then narrate in front of mirror to build your confidence and work on any weakness you find.

2. For psych tests, there is only thing practice, and keep on introspecting your responses not just from yourself but also from any SSB buddy you know. Initially the responses may not be up to the mark, but with consistent practice things will eventually work out for you. Try to relate the responses to your life experiences.

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3. Amongst the CIQs frequent questions are asked in personal interviews, so prepare them. People will say SSB is a personality test and you can’t prepare for it. But there’s a reason SSB coaching industry is blooming. So focus on questions related to your PIQ, prepare for every section and keep on cross questioning your responses, to bring out all the responses. This is the best form of self-introspection as PIQ pretty much covers everything.

4. Other than that Also you should be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and how are you able to utilise your strengths or how are you working to remove your weaknesses. Remember there are no specific best responses in personal interview, only the true responses (your own life experiences) are the best responses. Also have knowledge about the force you want to join, like if you want to join the Navy, then which arm do you aspire for, let’s say you said Submarine Arm, then why so, latest submarines, comparison with our neighbours, what role will you play in the submarines, evolution of Indian Submarines etc. Also latest defence deals, exercises, etc should be somethings you should know about.

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5. First and foremost, thing would be to focus on your fitness. Although no one is asking you to be Bear Grylls or someone with six packs, but in tasks like GOR (Group Obstacle Race) and IO (Individual Obstacles, you will need a lot of stamina as it may so happen that immediately after the IO/GOR, lecturette/any other task will be conducted and if you are someone with less stamina you will be exhausted physically and that may take a toll on your performance. Also keeping yourself in shape helps you boost your confidence and project a positive vibe about yourself to the assessors.

6. For this you can start gyming or if you have a ground nearby start going for runs. Also if you are able to give team sports, it would be of best help to you, as nothing builds more personality than them, they bring out every aspect of you be it physical or mental toughness.

7. Improving communication skills would be of great help to you, and when I say this I don’t mean become a English speaking nerd, even if your English is just kaam-chalau that is you can explain your views properly with Hinglish it would do. Even the assessors stress on speaking the language (Hindi/English) you are comfortable with. So how to have that kaam-chalau English:

  • Read newspapers or if you find them boring, start reading novels of your preferable genre.
  • Make SSB prep buddies and converse with each other in English. Give your best, because initially it may feel weird and hard, but with time your fluency will improve.
  • If you have time, stressing on time, watch some English series/documentary, as it will help you improve your pronunciation and clarity of voice. Again follow this tip only if you have sufficient time, otherwise watch English news.
  • Don’t make those difficult words diary, dictionaries were made for a reason, no one wants you to be walking thesaurus in the SSB, rather focus on more speech and speech, be it with friends, family or in front of mirror
NDA 2023 Live Classes 1

Earlier I talked about newspapers, so if you are reading one, try to or follow some online resource, speak in front of mirror for three minutes not more not less on important topics / issues you read about. Never speak randomly, rather plan it under various parts like Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages, Solutions(focussing on this part), etc and record your lecturette using phone/ any other device. Now notice your body language, voice modulation(if you sounded too monotonous), expressions, and keep on improving.

To crack the SSB Interview, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.

SSB Interview Best Online Classes Schedule [Live Batch]

  • Student-friendly classes SSBCrackexams online coaching classes are student friendly.. It means that the students and their doubts are given the utmost priority.
  • Digitally advanced video lectures – The quality of video lectures is extremely good. Students can watch videos as per their convenience.
  • Live classes SSBCrackExams also conduct live classes to guide the students and clear their doubts. These live classes help to boost confidence in students prior to the SSB Interview.
  • Teaching by top-rated tutors – The students get taught from the top notch faculties having experience of many years in teaching and guiding the students. 
  • Doubt clearing Sessions – SSBCrackExams conduct doubt clearing sessions which help in clearing the doubts of the students. This helps in the overall preparation of SSB interview of the students and fills even the slighest gap of doubt among them. 
  • Pocket-friendly courses – The most important is the price of online SSB coaching provided by SSBCrackExams. It is pocket friendly and way too low compared to market prices. 

In a brief reply “What is the SSB Interview process” we can say SSB interview or service selection board interview is a recruitment process under which a candidate’s skills are tested intellectually, physically, psychologically, and through group activities. There are mainly two ways a candidate can get qualify for an SSB interview: First, he/she has cleared the written exam based on a particular type of entry; Second, a candidate can be selected on the merit list prepared on the basis of candidates academic records. Below discus are the types of entries to get recruited in the Indian Armed Force as a commissioned officer.

SSB Interview Best Online Classes Schedule [Live Batch]

form banner 1
1SSB Interview Online Course Introduction
2Introduction Of OIR and Practice Session I
3OIR Practice Session II
4Introduction of PPDT and Practice Session I
5PPDT Practice Session II
6Complete Screening Test Practice (OIR & PPDT)
7Overview Of Psych Test
8Introduction of TAT And Practice Session I
9Introduction of WAT And Practice Session I
10Introduction of SRT And Practice Session I
11Introduction of SDT And Practice Session I
12Complete Psych Test Practice (TAT, WAT, SRT & SDT)
13Introduction of PIQ Form And Guidance
14Introduction of Personal Interview And Discussion
15Individual Personal Interview Sessions
16Introduction of GTO And Tips
17 AIntroduction of GD And Practice Session I
17 BGD Practice Session II
18Introduction of GPE And Practice Session I
19GPE Practice Session II
20Introduction of Lecturette And Practice Session I
21Complete Overview Of SSB Interview Process & Feedback


Other than these tips, start spending more time with your family as more than anything they have seen you grow from start and would be the best source of motivation and guide.

For more tips and strategies regarding defence exams and SSB Interview, stay tuned.

Jai Hind

To crack the SSB and AFSB interview, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.

Picture of Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Maths Undergrad and Defence Aspirant, been to SSB 4 times for NDA Entry. Enjoy reading novels and playing cricket

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