6 Important Things You Must Take Care During SSB Personal Interview

The interview is one-to-one direct interaction in the SSB. The personal interview is taken by the Interviewing Officer (IO) and lasts for 30-40 min approximately....

The interview is one-to-one direct interaction in the SSB. The personal interview is taken by the Interviewing Officer (IO) and lasts for 30-40 min approximately. During this interview, the IO assess your personality and makes up his mind about your recommendation. It is, therefore, most important to display the “Best of You” by overcoming all odds and shed your best impression.

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The PIQ is exactly like the contents displayed in the index of a book. It gives an initial blueprint of the candidate to the IO as it is the first thing he reads before the interview. Hence PIQ needs to be carefully filled with precision.

Fill Personal Information (Name, Address, Educational Details, Family Details, Participation in sports, extracurricular activities, responsibilities held etc) properly, neatly, tidily in best of handwriting as it reflects a lot about your personality. Avoid spelling mistakes, cuttings and overwriting and also avoid bluff.


How you present yourself, is how people first few you. First impression is the last impression. You make the first impression the way you dress up (well ironed, clean and starched clothes with well-polished shoes). Greet well politely when you enter the room and have a firm handshake if offered.


Sit straight and look up. Maintain Eye contact and avoid unnecessary movements. Get relaxed and keep a constant smile on your face. It is assured this smile and confidence do wonders. It shows your keen interest, activeness and enthusiastic nature. Speak with interest and vibrance in your voice by proper voice modulation wherever necessary.


Attentively listen to the questions put forward to you. Your concentration helps you to keep the sequence of rapid-fire questions in your head and reply well with organized ideas. Be positive and optimistic in your overall outlook and rationally answer the questions. Your views with consideration and valid logics are appreciated, hence avoid unnecessary conclusions and arguments with the IO.


Your truthful nature and authenticity are the primary requirements. Be a good speaker with genuine thoughts and expressions. If you try to bluff and lie about your achievements or hobbies or boast about something you have not done, it leads to a question mark on your originality and credibility. Hold the attention of the listener by being genuinely honest and take up your downfalls with grace. If you get stuck somewhere because of lack of knowledge on the subject, frankly accept being unaware of it.


Do proper self-introspection and be ready to tackle the trickiest questions put up to you. No one knows you better than yourself, hence analyze yourself properly from your past, present and to your future approach. How you present your thoughts and ideas is more important. Also develop an understanding of the things happening around you, in society, country and the world. Formally address the queries in the most comprehensive and optimistic way.

Overall, SSB wants a prospective candidate with realistic and logical approach who can lead the team and work perfectly in a team. Prove your worth for the recommendation: “YES! You have it in YOU!!”

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Picture of Pavni Sharma

Pavni Sharma

A defence Aspirant hailing from Chandigarh and Fauji Brat pursuing Microbiology. Got recommended SSB twice at 1AFSB Dehradun and 2AFSB Mysore and have more SSBs to come. Working to my best efforts to be a part of the Defence Forces.

6 thoughts on “6 Important Things You Must Take Care During SSB Personal Interview”

  1. Dear sir/ mam thankyou for ur fruitful knowledge and guidance …. Thank-you soo much indeed of it.

  2. Pavni, thank you for sharing deep knowledge and helping other aspirants, loved your article, hope you will keep writing more for us.


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