Instructions for AFCAT 1 2017 Written Exam OMR Sheets

AFCAT 1 2017 Exam will be conducted by Indian Air Force. Below given are the Instructions for AFCAT 1 2017 Written Exam OMR Sheets, these...

AFCAT 1 2017 Exam will be conducted by Indian Air Force. Below given are the Instructions for AFCAT 1 2017 Written Exam OMR Sheets, these instructions will help you in your AFCAT written exam formalities fill up.

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Instructions for AFCAT 1 2017 Written Exam OMR Sheets


Instructions for AFCAT 1 2017 Written Exam OMR Sheets

Before we discuss about the instructions you must know what is a OMR sheet and how it look like. OMR aka Optical mark recognition also called optical mark reading is the process of capturing human-marked data from document forms in this case document form would be your AFCAT answer sheet. OMR Software is used by the invigilators to scan the OMR sheet for the candidates data like names, roll-number,marked or unmarked answers etc. After scanning it will automatically generate the student performance and store the result in the database, everything here is done online so chances of manual error  is nil,it increases accuracy and transparency. Below given is sample AFCAT OMR sheet, click on it.

OMR Sample

1. Use BLUE/BLACK BALL POINT PEN to darken the ovals and for filling up the boxes. Pencil is NOT to be used.

2. Darken the response chosen by you, only in the corresponding oval against the question you are attempting.

3. Ovals must be darkened completely. Do not darken more than one oval for any particular question. A question with more than one darkened response shall be considered as wrong answer.

4. No change of option in answering a question is permitted. Whitener or Correction Pen should not be used.

5. Do not make any stray marks on the OMR answer sheet.

6. No rough work is to be done on the OMR answer sheet. For rough work, a separate blank sheet will be provided.

7. Do not fold or tear or mutilate the OMR answer sheet.

8. THREE marks will be awarded for every correct answer and ONE mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. There will be NO negative marking for un-attempted questions.

9. Marking or writing on the question paper is prohibited. This will lead to cancellation of candidature.

10. Any candidate found using unfair means will be immediately expelled from the examination hall.

11. Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of exam and without the permission of invigilator.

12. MOST IMPORTANT Candidates to ensure that AFCAT Number, Booklet Series and Date of Birth should be bubbled properly, failure of which would result in cancellation of candidature

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

4 thoughts on “Instructions for AFCAT 1 2017 Written Exam OMR Sheets”

    • Hi Ashok,
      It had happened in August 2017. Did you try contacting AFCAT Cell for the help ?
      Kindly acknowledge.
      Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Rahul,
      It had happened in August 2016. So what did AFCAT Cell give your result ? if yes, was it expected result ? Did you mailed something or any action had take by you ?
      Thanks in advance.


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