Instructions for Candidates joining AFA Dundigul

As per the UPSC Notification for Combined Defence Services Entry, candidates have to follow few instructions before joining the AFA (Air Force Academy), Dundigul. Instructions...

Instructions for Candidates joining AFA Dundigul

As per the UPSC Notification for Combined Defence Services Entry, candidates have to follow few instructions before joining the AFA (Air Force Academy), Dundigul.

Instructions for Candidates joining AFA DundigulInstructions for Candidates joining AFA Dundigul

For candidates joining the Air Force Academy

1. There are three modes of entry into F(P) Course viz. CDSE / NCC / Airmen. Candidates who apply for Air Force through more than one source will be tested / Interviewed at Air Force Selection Boards only once for Air Force as well as other arms of services. Common candidate who fail in Computer Pilot Selection system ( CPSS ) / PAB test as an NCC or Airman candidate will be called again for OLQ testing for Army / Navy / OTA only, if it is found that he has applied through CDS Exam also.

2. Detailing for Training : Candidates recommended by the AFSBs and found medically fit by appropriate medical establishment are detailed for training strictly on the basis of merit and availability of vacancies. Separate merit list are prepared for Direct entry candidates through UPSC and for NCC candidates. The merit list for Direct Entry Flying ( pilot ) candidates is based on the combined marks secured by the candidates in the tests conducted by the UPSC and at the Air Force Selection Boards. The merit list for NCC candidates is prepared on the basis of marks secured by them at AFSBs.

3. Training : The approximate duration of training for Flying Branch ( Pilots ) at the Air Force Academy will be 74 weeks.
Insurance cover during Flying Training – ( Rates are under revision ) : Air Force Group Insurance Society would pay Rupee1,00,000/- for a monthly contribution of Rupee800/- pm. as ex-gratia award to the next-of-kin of a flight cadet drawn from Civil life and undergoing flying training in an unfortunate eventuality. In case, flight cadet undergoing flying training is medically invalidated boarded out, he would be paid Rupee20,000/- as ex gratia award for 100% disability and this reduces proportionately upto 20%.Cadets are authorised fixed stipend amounting to Rupee21000/- per month ( Rupee15600/- pay in the pay band and Rupee5400/- as grade pay ) during training. “On successful completion of training the stipend admitted will be converted as pay for all purposes. However, the period of training shall not be treated as commissioned service.”

Once flight cadets are granted pay and allowances by government, the death cover would be Rupee50,000/- and the disability cover would be Rupee25,000/- for 100% disability. This cover would be provided by AFGIS on payment of monthly non-refundable contribution of Rupee76/- by each flight cadet undergoing flying training for which membership would be compulsory.

Conditions governing Financial Assistance :

a) While the cost of training including accommodations, books, uniforms, boarding and medical treatment will be borne by Government, candidates will be expected to meet their pocket expenses themselves. The minimum expenses at the Air Force Academy are not likely to exceed Rupee14,000 ( under revision ) per mensem. If a cadet’s parent or guardian is unable to meet wholly / partly even this expenditure, financial assistance may be granted by the Government. No cadet whose parent or guardian has an income of Rupee750/- or above per month would be eligible for the grant of the financial assistance. The immovable property and other assets and income from all sources are also taken into account for determining the eligibility for financial assistance. The parent / guardian of a candidate desirous of having any financial assistance, should immediately, after his son / ward has been finally selected for training at the Air Force Academy, submit an application through the District Magistrate of his district who will, with his recommendations, forward the application to the Commandant, Pre Flying Training Courses, Begumpet.

b) Candidates finally selected for training at the Air Force Academy will be required to deposit the following amount ( under revision ) with the Commandant on arrival.

  • Pocket allowance for six months @ Rupee140/- per month        Rupees 840/-
  • For item of clothing and equipment                                                  Rupees 1500/-
  • TOTAL                                                                                                     Rupees 2340/-

4. Career Prospects : After successful completion of training, the candidates pass out in the rank of Flying Officer will be entitled to the pay and allowances of the rank. Time scale promotions to the rank of Flight Lieutenant, Squadron Leader, Wing Commader and Group Captain are granted on completion of 2 years, 6 years, 13 years and 26 years of succussful service respectively. Grant of Group Captain (select) and higher ranks is only by selections. Promising officers have a fair chance of getting higher promotions to air ranks • Air Commodore, Air Vice Marshal and Air Marshal.

5. Leave and Leave Travel Concession: Annual Leave – 60 days a year Casual Leave – 20 days a year. Officers are authorised encashment of Annual Leave upto 10 days alongwith LTC to the extent of a total 60 days in a career span to cover incidental expenses on travel. Officers when proceeding on annual/ casual leave, irrespective of its duration, is entitled for free conveyance from place of duty (unit) to home town and back once in the second year of his service for the first time and thereafter every alternate year to any place in India in lieu of home town or selected place of residence without any distance restriction.

In addition officers of Flying branch employed on regular Flying Duties in vacancies in authorized establishment are allowed, while proceeding on leave once every year on warrant a free rail journey in the appropriate class upto a total distance of 1600 Kms. for the forward and return journeys both inclusive.

Officers when travelling on leave at their own expenses are entitled to travel by entitled class or lower class on payment of 60 percent of the fare for self, wife and children from unit to any place within India on 6 one way journey Form ‘D’ in a calender year; Two of these Form ‘D’ may be availed of for the entire family. In addition to wife and children family includes parents, sisters and minor brothers residing with and wholly dependent upon the officers.

6. Pensionary Benefits : Retiring Pension : The minimum period of qualifying service required for retiring pension is 20 years (without weightage). Retiring pension shall be calculated at 50% of the average of emoluments reckonable for pension (i.e. pay, rank pay and non-practicing allowance, if any) drawn by the officer during the last 10 months of his service or 50% of last pay drawn whichever is more beneficial. The retiring pension in no case shall be less than Rs. 3500/- per month.

7. Retiring Gratuity : Retiring Gratuity : The minimum period of qualifying service for earning retiring gratuity is 10 years (without weightage). The retiring gratuity shall be admissible at a uniform rate of half month’s emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service. The emoluments for this purpose shall be pay, rank pay, dearness pay and non practicing, if any, stagnation/increment and DA.

AFCAT exam coaching

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

8 thoughts on “Instructions for Candidates joining AFA Dundigul”

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    • Prepare for AfCat exam Or CDSE xam for entering this academy held twice a year.
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      Or for cdse


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