List of Indian Navy Multilateral And Tr-Services Military Exercises [UPDATED]

Indian Navy has established a presence in IOR with IN ships through Mission-Based Deployments with the objective of undertaking sustained surveillance to enhance Maritime Domain...

Indian Navy has established a presence in IOR with IN ships through Mission-Based Deployments with the objective of undertaking sustained surveillance to enhance Maritime Domain Awareness for achieving this aim Indian Navy carried out various exercises with various friendly naval patterners in multi-domain maritime routes.

Here is the list of multinational and tri-services exercises in which the Indian Navy actively participates:  

List of Multilateral Exercises country wise:

Exercise Name: KAKADU

Country: Australia

Periodicity: Biennial

About KAKADU Exercise:  Exercise KAKADU is a joint-enabled, biennial exercise hosted by the Royal Australian Navy and supported by the Royal Australian Air Force. KAKADU is Australia’s largest maritime exercise and aims to foster and strengthen effective security and humanitarian partnerships across the Indo-Pacific region through a series of training and engagement activities.

Exercise Name: MILAN

Country: India

Periodicity: Biennial

About MILAN Exercise:  MILAN is a biennial multilateral naval exercise incepted by Indian Navy in 1995 at Andaman and Nicobar Command. Starting with the participation of only four countries, viz Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand, in the 1995 edition, the exercise has since transitioned leaps and bounds in terms of number of participants and complexity of exercises.

Exercise Name: KOMODO

Country: Indonesia

Periodicity: Biennial

About KOMODO Exercise: KOMODO or Multilateral Naval Exercise KOMODO (MNEK) is a military exercise by the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL). It is annually held between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The first KOMODO was held in 2014, around Batam.

Exercise Name: IONS Exercise

Country: IONS Member Nations

Periodicity: Annual

About IONS Exercise: IONS is a premier forum for cooperation and collaboration among navies of littoral states of the Indian Ocean Region. The inaugural IONS Seminar was held in New Delhi in February 2008. The maiden edition of Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) Maritime Exercise 2022 (IMEX-22) was conducted at Goa and in the Arabian Sea.

Exercise Name: Mighty Shield

Country: Israel

Periodicity: Annual

About Mighty Shield Exercise:  The naval drill had two main goals: to practice setting up a “sea gate,” through which the majority of the humanitarian aid Israel would need in the aftermath of a massive earthquake would pass, and, more generally, to learn how to more efficiently work with the various national and international organizations that would be involved in the disaster relief work.

Exercise Name: EOD Ex 2-JA

Country: Japan, USA

Periodicity: Annual

About EOD Ex 2-JA Exercise: MIWEX 2JA is an annual bilateral exercise held between the U.S. and Japan to increase proficiency in mine countermeasure operations.

Exercise Name: CUTLASS Express

Country: USA

Periodicity: Annual

About CUTLASS Express:  Cutlass Express is a U.S. Naval Forces Africa led, all-domain exercise in East African coastal regions and the West Indian Ocean. The exercise is linked to U.S. Central Command’s International Maritime Exercise to counter malign influence, aggression, and activity along overlapping command seams and maritime regions.

Exercise Name: IMX

Country: USA

Periodicity: Annual

About IMX Exercise: To demonstrate global resolve to maintain freedom of navigation and the free flow of maritime commerce; deter threats to freedom of navigation, and build interoperability and familiarity with maritime security partners to enable the rapid formation of a coalition force.

Exercise Name: WPNS

Country: US, SE Asian countries, France, Australia

Periodicity: Annual

About WPNS Exercise: The WPNS aims to increase naval co-operation in the Western Pacific by discussing maritime issues, both global and regional, and generating a flow of information and opinion between naval professionals. Since 1988, WPN Symposia have been held biennially and have taken place in Canberra, Bangkok and Hawaii.

Exercise Name: RIMPAC

Country: USA

Periodicity: Biennial

About RIMPAC Exercise:  RIMPAC, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise, is the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise. RIMPAC is held biennially during June and July of even-numbered years from Honolulu, Hawaii, with the exception of 2020 where it was held in August. It is hosted and administered by the United States Navy’s Indo-Pacific Command, headquartered at Pearl Harbor, in conjunction with the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, and Hawaii National Guard forces under the control of the Governor of Hawaii.

Exercise Name: Sea Dragon

Country: USA

Periodicity: Annual

About Sea Dragon Exercise: The exercise, primarily focused on anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training, will involve more than 270 hours of in-flight training and activities ranging from tracking simulated targets to tracking a US Navy submarine. Each event will be graded and the country scoring the highest points will receive the Dragon Belt award.

Exercise Name: Black Carillion

Country: Australia

Periodicity: Annual

About Black Carillion Exercise:  The Royal Australian Navy annually conducted submarine search and rescue exercise off the coast of Western Australia, along with international participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

Exercise Name: MALABAR

Country: Australia, Japan, US

Periodicity: Annual

About MALABAR Exercise: Exercise Malabar is a naval exercise involving the United States, Japan and India as permanent partners. The annual Malabar exercises includes diverse activities, ranging from fighter combat operations from aircraft carriers through maritime interdiction operations, anti-submarine warfare, diving salvage operations, amphibious operations, counter-piracy operations, cross–deck helicopter landings, and anti-air warfare operations.

Exercise Name: La Perouse

Country: France (lead), US, Japan, Australia, India

Periodicity: Annual

About La Perouse Exercise: The first edition of La Pérouse joint exercise, initiated by France in 2019, included ships from Australia, Japan and the US. The exercise is named after the eighteenth century French Naval explorer.

Exercise Name: SITMEX

Country: Singapore, Thailand, India

Periodicity: Annual

About SITMEX Exercise:  SITMEX is being conducted annually since 2019 with an aim to enhance mutual inter-operability and imbibing best practices between Indian Navy (IN), RSN and RTN. The maiden edition of SITMEX was hosted by IN off Port Blair in September 2019. RSN hosted the second edition of the exercise in November 2020. The 2021 edition of the exercise is being hosted by RTN in Andaman Sea.

Exercise Name: IBSAMAR

Country: Brazil, South Africa, India

Periodicity: Biennial

About IBSAMAR Exercise:  The aim of the exercise is to undertake collective training for participating navies, building interoperability and mutual understanding as well as sharing of best practices.

Exercise Name: MARISX

Country: Singapore, SE Asian States

Periodicity: Biennial

About MARISX Exercise:  The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) successfully organised the biennial Maritime Information Sharing Exercise (MARISX). This is the 7th edition of MARISX. Held from 27 to 29 July 2021, the year’s MARISX was conducted virtually from the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) located at the Changi Command and Control Centre in RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base. First started in 2009.

Exercise Name: SEACAT

Country: US, SE Asian countries

Periodicity: Annual

About SEACAT Exercise: SEACAT was held for the first time in 2002. The exercise aims to foster enhanced cooperation between Southeast Asian countries by incorporating standardized training, tactics and procedures when faced with crises, contingencies or illegal activities in the maritime domain.

List of Tri-Service Exercises:

Exercise Name: ADMM Plus

Country: ADMM Plus countries

Status: As Scheduled

About ADMM Plus Exercise: The ADMM Plus is an annual meeting of Defence Ministers of 10 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries and eight dialogue partner countries – Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Russia and the United States.

Exercise Name: INDRA (Tri-Service)

Country: Russia

Periodicity: Biennial

About INDRA Exercise: The INDRA exercises are being regularly held since 2003, initially being a bilateral single service exercise between India and Russia. The first-ever Joint Tri-Services Exercise was held in the Eastern Military District of Russia in Oct 2017.

Exercise Name: VOSTOK

Country: Russia

Periodicity: Annual

About VOSTOK Exercise: Vostok 2018 was a large-scale Russian military exercise, held from 11 to 17 September 2018, throughout Siberia and the Russian Far East in the Eastern Military District. The exercise involved units from the Army, Air Force, and Navy. China and Mongolia, which also participated, became the first countries outside of the former Soviet Union to join the Vostok exercises

Exercise Name: Ex Cobra Gold

Country: Thailand

Periodicity: Annual

About Ex Cobra Gold Exercise: Cobra Gold is the largest Asia-Pacific military exercise held annually between Thailand, the USA, and 27 nations. It takes place in Thailand every year.

Exercise Name: Ex Tiger Triumph

Country: USA

Periodicity: Annual

About Ex Tiger Triumph Exercise: The first-ever India-US joint tri-services Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) exercise, named ‘Tiger Triumph’, is being held from 13th-21st November 2019.

Here is the complete list of BILATERAL EXERCISE & Tri-Services Exercises undertaken by the Indian Navy with friendly foreign countries are tabulated below:

S No.CountryExercisePeriodicity
1Australia (lead), MultilateralKAKADUBiennial
2India (lead), MultilateralMILANBiennial
3Indonesia (lead), MultilateralKOMODOBiennial
4IONS Member NationsIONS ExerciseAnnual
5Israel (lead), MultilateralMighty ShieldAnnual
6Japan, USAEOD Ex 2-JAAnnual
7USA (lead), MultilateralCUTLASS ExpressAnnual
8USA (lead), MultilateralIMXAnnual
9US, SE Asian countries, France, AustraliaWPNSAnnual
10USA (lead), MultilateralRIMPACBiennial
11USA (lead), MultilateralSea DragonAnnual
12Australia (lead), MultilateralBlack CarillionAnnual
13Australia, Japan, USMALABARAnnual
14France (lead), US, Japan, Australia, IndiaLa PerouseAnnual
15Singapore, ThailandSITMEXAnnual
16Brazil, South AfricaIBSAMARBiennial
17Singapore, SE Asian StatesMARISXBiennial
18US, SE Asian countriesSEACATAnnual

Tri-Services Exercise:

S No.CountryExercisePeriodicity
1ADMM Plus countriesADMM Plus As Scheduled
2RussiaINDRA (Tri-Service)Biennial
4ThailandEx Cobra GoldAnnual
5USAEx Tiger TriumphAnnual


  • Black Carillion is a
  • Annual Ex
  • Biennial Ex
  • Domestic Ex
  • None


  • Exercise INDRA 2021 Conducted B/w India &
  • USA
  • Nepal
  • Russia
  • France


  • Exercise Sea Dragon hosted by
  • USA
  • Nepal
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan


  • MILAN is a
  • Tri services exercise
  • Multilateral exercise
  • Both A & B
  • None


  • Maiden Exercise 2021 Exercise Conducted B/w
  • India-Nepal
  • India-Indonesia
  • India-Bhutan
  • India-Qatar


  • KOMODO Ex hosted by
  • China
  • India
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Indonesia


  • Mighty Shield is a
  • Annual Ex
  • Biennial Ex
  • Domestic Ex
  • None


  • SIMBEX Conducted b/w
  • India-France
  • India-Indonesia
  • India-Bhutan
  • India-Singapore


  • KONKAN Shakti Conducted b/w
  • India-France
  • India-UK
  • India-Bhutan
  • India-Singapore


  • Ex Tiger Triumph conducted b/w India &
  • UK
  • USA
  • Russia
  • None


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Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

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