How To Make Accurate Guess In CDS 2017 Entrance Exam

As per the pattern of CDS written exam a candidate has to attempt 100 or 120 questions in just two hours, most of the occasion...

As per the pattern of CDS written exam a candidate has to attempt 100 or 120 questions in just two hours, most of the  occasion this allotted time is not enough to attempt the minimum no of questions that a candidate wants to attempt hence, at the rush of last minutes he/she opts to make guess to full fill the required no of attempted questions. In order to make a better guess work we are sharing few important tips, read and see if they are any helpful for you.



How To Make Accurate Guess In CDS 2017 Entrance Exam


  1. Deterring conventional wisdom: Many individuals who take up a multiple choice question have the habit of guessing the middle option as the answer if they do not know. They also avoid answers which show none, all, always and never. Conventional wisdom will never help throughout the exam and so ignoring conventional wisdom is vital for answering a multiple choice answer.
  2. True or false test: Read the question carefully and if you’re muddled by looking at the options, give each option a true or false test. Cross out the false answers and by this way the most appropriate answer can be found out.
  3. When two choices have words that sound similar, choose one of them: If two of the choices on the test are nearly identical in terms of spelling, one of them is probably the right answer. Professors like to throw two similar options at you in an attempt to trip you up. If you’re guessing, this usually gives you a 50/50 shot.
  4. Patterns and similarities: When there are options with many variables and so, look out for the options and its patterns and similarities. Pick choices which have the same patterns and leave out the outliners so that the nearest or right answer is picked.
  5. Eliminate extreme answers: If one of the options seems completely out of place, then it’s probably because it doesn’t belong. If you’re answering a math question and the options are:A. 22
    B. 13
    C. 812
    D. -42

    Answers “C” and “D” stand out because they’re far off from “A” and “B.” Eliminate those as potential answers and you’re down to just “A” and “B.”

  6. Focusing on keywords: The keywords in the question are to be identified and underlined which helps to narrow down the meaning. By this way the right option will match each and every part of the stem of the question. For the same paying attention to qualifiers, superlatives, negatives are important.
  7. Don’t read too deep into the questions: When you really don’t know the answer to a question, it’s easy to overanalyze. You might wonder if it’s a trick question or if there’s some kind of deeper meaning. Most of the time the question means exactly what it says and you should take it at face value.
  8. Answers hid in questions: A complete reading of the question paper is one way to find out few answers, this is because for some questions answers are found in the question itself. The questions may have a link and answers within it too.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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