Meet Capt. Shilpy Gargmukh, First Woman Territorial Army Officer

The Indian army is now recruiting women through Territorial Army Exam too. In the year 2019 a huge number of men and women attempted the...


The Indian army is now recruiting women through Territorial Army Exam too. In the year 2019 a huge number of men and women attempted the Territorial Army written exam to join the Indian Army. The next Territorial Army notification will be coming soon. If you are a working professional or a business owner, you can earn the uniform without sacrificing your current job, yes it is possible with TA the exam, you can serve the nation in two capacities – as a civilian and as a soldier. No other option allows you such an expanse of experiences. If you are serious aspirant do check our FULL TERRITORIAL ARMY EXAM ONLINE COACHING PROGRAM. To motivate the young and dynamic aspirants, we are sharing the story of the first woman territorial army officer Cap. Shilpy Gargmukh.

Amidst loud thunder of claps and soaring enthusiasm, history was created on 5 October 2016, when Mrs. Shilpy Gargmukh, AEE (Production) was commissioned as an Officer in Territorial Army. Mrs. Shilpy Gargmukh is the first lady ever to be inducted as an Officer in the Territorial Army.  A grand Piping ceremony was organized in Jeevan Bharti Building, ONGC, Delhi, where Mrs.  Gargmukh was piped by CMD Mr D K Sarraf and Major General Sanjay Soi in presence of ONGC Directors and Senior Territorial Army Officers.  Mrs. Shilpy Gargmukh is currently posted in ONGC Ankleshwar as AEE (Production). She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from BIT Sindri, Dhanbad. ED-Chief Security Mr. D C Srivastva, in his opening remarks, said that it’s an extremely proud moment for ONGC and energy fraternity. “ONGCian Mrs.  Shilpy Gragmukh succeeding to status of a first lady officer in Territorial Army is a matter of great honor. Achievement of Mrs. Gargmukh will serve as an example to all women employees and will embolden their spirits to join Territorial Army.” He mentioned that vacancies for joining TA advertised through ONGCreports received an astounding response.

Talking about her remarkable accomplishment, Shilpi said that both her brothers are serving in the armed forces and now she will also serve the nation as a combat soldier. She said she was always fascinated by the olive green uniform and is all set to embark on her new journey. 

The Centre in June this year told the Delhi High Court that women can join and serve in Territorial Army in its railway engineering regiments and will also be considered for honorary commissions. The government’s submission came in response to a PIL seeking recruitment of women in TA.

Who can apply for the Territorial Army Exams?

  • Nationality: Only citizens of India (male and female).
  • Age Limits: 18 to 42 years on the date of application.
  • Educational Qualifications: Graduate from any recognized university.
  • Physical Standards: A candidate must be physically and medically fit in all respects.
  • Employment: Gainfully Employed/Business Owners.

If you are working in a govt officer or in an MNC, you can apply for the Territorial Army and earn the uniform along with your current job.

Training Duration of Territorial Army

  • One month basic training in the first year of commission.
  • Two months annual training camp every year including the first year.
  • Three months Post Commissioning training within first two years at IMA, Dehradun.


  • Territorial Army is part-time concept with mandatory two months training in a year and does not provide full-time career.
  • Serving in Territorial Army do not guarantee pension and the same is subject to embodied service as per organisational requirement.
  • The commission is granted in the rank of Lieutenant.
  • Pay and Allowances and privileges will be same as for Regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service.
  • Promotions up to Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection.
  • Officers commissioned in Infantry TA may be called out for military service for longer duration depending on the requirement.
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Territorial Army Exam 2022 Online Coaching – Enroll Now

Many aspirants who are looking forward to joining the Territorial Army official notification TA Exam 2022 will be tentatively out in the month of May 2022. In this article, we are going to talk about a frequently asked question which is, can I join the Territorial Army? So we are going to talk about what is TA and who all can join the TA.

Indian army will publish the Territorial Army Officer notification for civilian candidates very soon. Applications will be invited from gainfully employed young citizens for an opportunity of donning the uniform and serving the nation as Territorial Army Officers (Non Departmental), based on the concept of enabling motivated young citizens to serve in a military environment without having to sacrifice their primary professions. You can serve the nation in two capacities – as a civilian and as a soldier. No other option allows you such an expanse of experiences.

Now it must be clear, so if you are preparing for the TA do check the given link: Territorial Army Full Online Course


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