NDA 2 2015 SSB Interview and Merit List

NDA 2 2015 written exam was conducted on 27 Sep 2015, UPSC will be publishing the written test result of NDA 2 2015 on their...

NDA 2 2015 SSB Interview and Merit List

NDA 2 2015 written exam was conducted on 27 Sep 2015, UPSC will be publishing the written test result of NDA 2 2015 on their official website in the month of December. NDA 2 2015 result pdf list will be published by UPSC. National Defence Academy and Naval Academy examination (II) 2015 result list mentions the roll numbers of candidates who have qualified for Interview that will be conducted by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence.

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NDA 2 2015 SSB Interview and Merit ListNDA 2 2015 SSB Interview and Merit List

NDA and NA Courses Vacancies

  • National Defence Academy – Army : 208 vacancies
  • National Defence Academy – Navy : 42 vacancies
  • National Defence Academy – Air Force : 70 vacancies
  • Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) : 55 vacancies

NDA 2 Result 2015 Date

It is expected that the result of NDA 2 2015 held on 27 Sep 2015 will be announced on or around 24 Dec 2015. Correct date of results declaration is to be decided by the Commission.

NDA 2 2015 SSB Interview Dates

Services Selection Board (SSB) Interview date, time, and venue is intimated through the call letter. Candidates who have been declared qualified in the UPSC NDA 2 Result 2015 of written exam have to clear SSB interview in order to get selected in National Defence Academy.

Selected candidates must appear before the Board for Intelligence and Personality Test where,

  • Candidates for Army and Navy wings of NDA and 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme of INA will be assessed on Officers Potentiality.
  • Candidates for Air Force will be assessed in Pilot Aptitude Test and for Officers Potentiality.

NDA 2 2015 SSB Interview Merit List

Meril List is the final hurdle that a candidate have to cross before you can joining the academy. In approximately all Defence entries merit list is published, which is based on the candidates performance in SSB.

Many candidates who are declared medically fit are unable to join the academy because they can’t make through the merit list. So, apart from clearing SSB one must an aim of performing well also in order to be in merit.

How to check NDA 2 2015 Merit List:

  • First , visit the UPSC website which is www.upsc.gov.in
  • Check the “What’s New” section and press on NDA II Exam Merit List option.
  • Follow the given instruction.
  • The Cut off list will be opened on your screen.
  • Now save it and take a physical copy of it for future reference.


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

4 thoughts on “NDA 2 2015 SSB Interview and Merit List”

  1. India has currently 8 boards for selecting candidates for Army, Navy and Air Force. All these boards judges the candidates on the basis of three scientific tests named Psychological Tests, Group Tests and Personal Interview.

  2. when will be released call letter of nda 2 interview 2015
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