NDA CDS 2 2024 Exam English Revision Class 8

The English section of the NDA & CDS exams is designed to test a candidate’s proficiency in language, comprehension, and grammar. Among the various topics...

The English section of the NDA & CDS exams is designed to test a candidate’s proficiency in language, comprehension, and grammar. Among the various topics covered, Correlating Sentences, Usage of Paired Words, Adaptation of Borrowed Words, and Matching List hold significant importance. Mastery of these topics not only enhances your understanding of English but also boosts your overall score in the exam.

1. Correlating Sentences

Correlating Sentences is a critical topic that requires candidates to identify the logical relationship between two or more sentences. This skill is vital in understanding the flow of ideas, ensuring coherence in writing, and interpreting the intended meaning of the text. A strong ability to correlate sentences is essential for excelling in reading comprehension and structured writing tasks. Understanding grammar rules, conjunctions, and transitional phrases is crucial for tackling these questions effectively.

Directions: Given below are pairs of sentences (S1, S2). Select the co-relationship of the second sentence to the first from among the options (a), (b), (c) and (d), and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q) S1: Looking out the window of the soaring airplane at the metropolis below, one can see cars patiently lined up along the highway.

S2: Sitting in one of those cars for 45 minutes while crawling at a snail’s pace can wear on anyone’s patience.

The second sentence

(a)expands on the first sentence

(b)states an effect

(c)defines what is stated in the first sentence

(d)presents an image that contrasts with the one presented in the first sentence

Ans. (d)

Q) S1: Attacks by red wolves on livestock have reached an all-time high.

S2: Wolves are currently on the endangered species list.

The second sentence

(a)reinforces the first sentence

(b)explains what is stated in the first

(c)contradicts the first sentence

(d)analyzes a statement in the first sentence

Ans. (c)

Q) S1: Coffee cupping is the practice of observing the aromas and tastes of brewed coffee.

S2: A standard coffee cupping procedure involves first deeply sniffing the coffee, next loudly slurping the coffee so it spreads to the back of the tongue to experience its flavor and lastly spitting it out into a spittoon.

The second sentence

(a)states an effect

(b)is long and the first sentence is short

(c)precedes the first one from the standpoint of time

(d)gives an example of what is talked about in the first sentence

Ans. (d)

Q) S1: Most college students who decide to major in English thoroughly enjoy reading and analyzing literature.

S2: English Professors tend to give extremely lengthy reading assignments that can sometimes be too much to handle.

The second sentence

(a)makes a contrast to the first

(b)restates the idea found in the first

(c)states an effect

(d)gives an example of the first

Ans. (a)

Q) S1: One of the first places of interest that visitors to Pittsburgh notice as they leave the airport is Golden Triangle Park.

S2: It is a scenic spot found at the point where three rivers – the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela Rivers – meet.

The second sentence

(a)adds a fact to the first

(b)clarifies what is said in the first

(c)tells what happens after the event named in the first sentence

(d)tells the location of something mentioned in the first sentence

Ans. (d)

2. Usage of Paired Words

Paired Words, often referred to as “word pairs” or “binomials,” are two words that are commonly used together to form a specific meaning, such as “bread and butter” or “safe and sound.” These word pairs can sometimes be tricky, as they may seem intuitive but often require specific knowledge of their usage. Understanding these pairs is important for answering fill-in-the-blanks and sentence completion questions. A strong vocabulary and familiarity with common paired words are key to scoring well in this section.

Directions: In the following questions a pair of similar sounding words is provided. You are required to select the option that most appropriately describes the meaning of both the words and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q) Connote and Denote

(a) Connote means to contain something and denote means to give away something

(b) Connote means to suggest and denote means to imply something

(c) Connote means to detain and denote means to give notes

(d) Connote means to suggest and denote means to be sign of

Ans. (d)

Q) Creak & Creek

(a) Creak means to make a sharp sound and Creek means a stream

(b) Creak means to peek and Creek means to lie

(c) Creak means to make a sharp sound and Creek means an open end

(d) Creak means to make a sharp turn and Creek means to look

Ans. (a)

Q) Capital and Capitol

(a) Capital means upper case letter and Capitol means parliament

(b) Capital means money and Capitol means legislature building

(c) Capital means city and Capitol means a highway

(d) Capital means delivery and Capitol means official building

Ans. (b)

Q) Imply and Infer

(a) Imply means to give away something and infer means to instigate

(b) Imply means to apply something and infer means to celebrate

(c) Imply means to hint at something and infer means to deduce

(d) Imply means to resign at something and infer means to conclude

Ans. (c)

Q) Further and Farther

(a) Further means go away and Farther means away

(b) Further means more and Farther means the distance

(c) Further means away and Farther means below

(d) Further means go away and Farther means below

Ans. (b)

3. Adaptation of Borrowed Words

The English language has borrowed extensively from other languages, and many of these borrowed words have become integral to everyday usage. Understanding the origin and correct usage of these words is essential for candidates. Questions related to borrowed words often test a candidate’s ability to recognize and use them correctly in sentences. Knowledge of etymology, as well as the context in which these words are used, can greatly enhance your ability to tackle questions in this area.

Directions: In the following items, certain words which have been borrowed into English from other languages have been given. Select the most appropriate meaning from the options provided and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q) Bonjour

(a)Good man

(b)Good joy


(d)Good morning

Ans. (d)

Q) Entente



(c)An entire group

(d)An informal alliance

Ans. (d)

Q) Impasse

(a)A pass

(b)A path

(c)Pass by

(d)A deadlock

Ans. (d)

Q) Anno Domini

(a)Before Christ

(b)In the year of Christ

(c)After Christ


Ans. (b)

Q) Gens de lettres

(a)Literary man

(b)Gentle man


(d)Man of languages

Ans. (a)

4. Matching List

The Matching List topic typically involves questions where candidates must match words or phrases from two columns based on their meanings, usage, or context. This exercise tests your vocabulary, comprehension, and ability to quickly identify relationships between different elements of language. To excel in this area, candidates should have a strong grasp of synonyms, antonyms, and word associations.

Directions: In the following items, two lists are given with the keywords mentioned. You are required to match List-I with List-II and mark your response on the Answer Sheet using the code given below the Lists.

Q) List-I (Loan word)              List-II (Meaning)

A. Bon voyage                   1. a warning against certain acts

B. Caveat                            2. the principle that the buyer takes on the risk of a purchase

C. Caveat emptor              3. with academic distinction

D. Cum laude                     4. expression of goodwill at the start of a trip


(a) A  B  C  D

      4  1  2  3

(b) A  B  C  D

      4  3   2  1

(c) A  B  C  D

      1  3  2  4

(d) A  B  C  D

      1  4   2  3

Ans. (a)

Q) List-I (Loan word)              List-II (Meaning)

A. Mea culpa                      1. an acknowledgment of guilt

B. Per se                              2. with respect to inherent nature

C. Pro bono                        3. done for the public good without compensation

D. Quid pro quo                4. something given in exchange for something else


(a) A  B  C  D

      4  1  2  3

(b) A  B  C  D

      1  2   3  4

(c) A  B  C  D

      1  3  2  4

(d) A  B  C  D

      2  4   3  1

Ans. (b)

Q) List-I (Loan word)              List-II (Meaning)

A. ad nauseam                  1. complete freedom to act

B. alma mater                    2. to a sickening or excessive extent

C. carte blanche                3. a school you graduated from

D. ergo                                4. therefore or consequently


(a) A  B  C  D

      2  3  1   4

(b) A  B  C  D

      3  4   1  2

(c) A  B  C  D

      1  3  2  4

(d) A  B  C  D

      2  4   3  1

Ans. (a)

Q) List-I (Loan word)              List-II (Meaning)

A. hoi polloi                        1. a habitual method or procedure

B. joie de vivre                   2. a creator’s greatest work of art

C. magnum opus               3. an exuberant enjoyment of life

D. modus operandi           4. common people generally


(a) A  B  C  D

      4  3  2   1

(b) A  B  C  D

      1  2   3  4

(c) A  B  C  D

      3  4  1  2

(d) A  B  C  D

      2  4   3  1

Ans. (a)

Q) List-I (Loan word)              List-II (Meaning)

A. savoir-faire                    1. social skill

B. tabula rasa                     2. blank slate

C. terra firma                     3. a belief or sentiment shared by most people

D. vox populi                      4. solid part of the earth’s surface


(a) A  B  C  D

      1  2  4   3

(b) A  B  C  D

      1  2   3  4

(c) A  B  C  D

      3  4  2  1

(d) A  B  C  D

      2  4   3  1

Ans. (a)

For more questions, check out NDA-CDS 2 2024 Exam English Live – Revision – Class 8


For the NDA & CDS 2 2024 exams, it is imperative to develop a thorough understanding of grammar and vocabulary. Topics like Correlating Sentences, Usage of Paired Words, Adaptation of Borrowed Words, and Matching List require not only rote learning but also a deep comprehension of language rules and their practical applications. Regular practice, combined with a focus on these specific areas, will greatly improve your ability to answer related questions accurately and efficiently, thereby increasing your chances of success in the English section of the exams.

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