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NDA exam cut off marks

Union public service commission conducts NDA exam twice a year to select the students for National Defence Academy. More than 300000 candidates take this written exam in each sitting and...

Union public service commission conducts NDA exam twice a year to select the students for National Defence Academy. More than 300000 candidates take this written exam in each sitting and around 9000 candidates qualify this exam and are subsequently called for SSB interview.

The following table shows the official NDA exam cut off marks as released by the UPSC.

NDA exam cut off marks

The above table shows the cut off mark of of 2013-1 and 2013-2. Mark of the last qualified candidate is given.

Over all cut off marks

NDA exam paper is of a total of 900 marks. 900 marks is divided in two papers, Paper 1 that is mathematics is of 300 marks, Paper 2 that is general ability test is of 600. 335 marks out 900 which is approximately 37%, was the cut off in 2012-2, very similar cut off was for 2013-1 exam, overall cut off remains around 40%.

Paper wise NDA exam cut off marks

NDA paper 1 : Mathematics

Paper wise cut off is 30%. Mathematics is of 300 Marks, hence the paper wise cut off marks for mathematics is 90.

NDA Paper 2: General ability

General ability test is of 600 marks, hence 30% marks is 180 marks.

There are many students who get more than 350 marks but still fail because they do really well in one of the paper while not doing well in the other paper. Paper 2 is of 600 marks, so a student can score 400 marks in this paper, which is more than the overall cut off mark of  say 350 but if if he scores only 50 marks in paper 2 that is Mathematics, he will fail even with 450 marks cause he could not achieve paper cut off marks.

Therefore doing well in both the paper is imperative. Students can score well in paper 2 that is of 600 marks to achieve over all cut off marks, while enough practice of mathematics should be done so that they satisfy the paper wise cut off.

Students should keep in mind that cut off marks changes every year but not by much and the above given cut off marks are good indicator of what to expect in the next NDA exam, overall cut of marks rarely goes above 40% and paper wise has remained constant at 30% mark. Regular and specific practice for 3 to 4 months is needed to clear NDA exam.

Official UPSC links

2012-2 NDA exam cut off marks

2013 -1 NDA exam cut off marks

  • Comment (7)
    • 360 marks is enough to clear NDA exam but looking at your case it looks like you were not not able to get the mathematics paper cut off marks. Usually it is 30% which means 90 marks out of 300, you are getting 100 according to your calculations and answer key, even 3 more wrong answer will take your maths total to below 90. In general ability section you are getting 260 and assuming even if few more of them are wrong, you still must have cleared this paper.

  • Sir.
    I have recently given NDA 2015 2 held on 27 sep 2015 ..
    According to answer key of resonance institute I am getting 133.333 marks in maths 110 in English and 167 in general aptitutde other than English ..
    That means in paper 1my score is 133.33 or 44.4%marks .
    And in paper 2 my score is 277 or 46.17%..
    Sir would I be able to crack the exam ..
    Kindly reply so that I can prepare for ssb ..

    • Its too early get your hopes high or down lets give it some time to get some legit answer keys and expert views on expected cut off marks of NDA exam.

  • Sir I gave my NDA 2 exam a few days ago and now when I calculated my marks in maths I m getting 85 marks which is less than the last cutt off marks and 389 in gat so sir please tell me will I be able to crack it

  • Links to other web sites occasionally get &#8&20;broken2#8221; for all kinds of reasons. Thanks so much for calling this to our attention. This has been fixed. Ann Adams, LCSW Coordinator, EFT Masters web site.

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