New Weapon Systems (WS) branch Approved for IAF Officer

The government has given the green light to the establishment of a new branch of the Indian Air Force (IAF), known as the Weapon Systems...

The government has given the green light to the establishment of a new branch of the Indian Air Force (IAF), known as the Weapon Systems (WS) branch.

What is the IAF New Weapon Systems (WS) branch?

To operate all ground-based and specialised airborne weapon systems, the WS branch would require the unification of all weapon system operators under a single organisation. Operators of ground-based & specialist airborne weapon systems to be unified under one umbrella.

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Significance of the New Weapon Systems (WS) branch

The branch will make a significant contribution by improving the Indian Air Force’s capacity for combat. Surface-to-Surface missile operators, Surface-to-Air missile operators, remotely piloted aircraft operators, and weapon system operators in twin/multi-crew aircraft would all fall under the purview of this branch.

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Responsibilities of weapon systems officer (WSO)

A weapon systems officer (“WSO”, pronounced “wizzo”) is an air flight officer directly involved in all air operations and weapon systems of an aircraft.

As a WSOp (ISR) operator, you’ll manipulate complicated sensor suites and communications equipment to gather tactical and strategic intelligence for warfighters and military commanders. Land (Lnd), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Acoustic (Aco) ISR responsibilities are used across the whole range of RAF ISTAR platforms to safeguard the country from marine threats, control the air, and many other missions. Linguists (Lg) translate and analyse foreign radio broadcasts, defending India and her allies by supplying real-time intelligence to the battlespace.

Weapon Systems Operators (ISR) is in charge of using complex sensor suites and communications equipment to get tactical and strategic intelligence to help the warfighter and military commanders. In the video above, you can learn more about the role.

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IAF Chief Speech at IAF Day 2022

On this historic occasion, it is my privilege to announce that the Government has approved the creation of a Weapon System Branch for Officers in the IAF. This is the first time since independence that a new operational branch is being created. This will essentially be for manning of four specialised streams of Surface to Surface missiles, Surface to Air Missiles, Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Weapon System Operators in twin and multi crew aircraft. Creation of this branch would result in savings of over Rs 3400 Crores due to reduced expenditure on flying training.

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NOTE: The Indian Air Force has already been recruiting officers for the Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical), and Meteorology Entry branches. As time goes on, the Indian Air Force will also begin recruiting for the New Weapon Systems (WS) branch.

Want To Join the Indian Air Force as a Weapons Systems officer?

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