3 Quick & Easy Ways to Crack English Section in NDA 2021 Exam

Hello, dear NDA aspirants! Hope you all are staying safe from the COVID 19 pandemic that has become a major concern for the whole world...

nda english tips

Hello, dear NDA aspirants! Hope you all are staying safe from the COVID 19 pandemic that has become a major concern for the whole world in recent days. Well, the self-quarantine suggested by the Government has come for you all a blessing in disguise for your upcoming NDA 2021 exam preparation. While most of the students feel confident about the Mathematics paper in NDA exam either through practice or through their dealings with it in their traditional +2 school syllabus, many of them feel nervous, if not scared by the English section of the NDA exam, for it needs not only practice but ample clarity & knowledge of English grammar & vocabulary to score good in English section. So, here I am with the tips & tricks that will help you to ace the questions in the English section of your NDA 2021 exam. So, let’s start!

As you know, there are 8 major sections in English from which a total of 50 questions are asked consisting of 4 marks each. Therefore, if you prepare well for the English section, you can easily score 150 to 180 marks out of a total of 200 marks in your NDA exam. All you need is a good & an in-depth knowledge of English Grammar & a good stock of English Words, for, the 8 major topics in NDA English, namely Spotting of Errors & Sentence Improvement will need English Grammar; Antonyms, Synonyms & Idioms & Phrases will need your Word Power; Fill in the Blanks & Selecting Words or Cloze Test (Sentence Completion) will need both a rich stock of Words & Grammatical knowledge; Comprehension will need your Reading & Comprehensive skills and Reordering of Words & Rearrangement of Sentences will need both the Reading ability, logical power and Grammatical knowledge, to fish good marks in the English section of the NDA exam.

Tip 1 : Conquer the English Grammar!

Fearful & gruelling as it may seem, the English grammar comes with a set of rules for all parts of speech in English. Once you get to know them one by one, along with the rules they follow while being used in English sentences, you will start understanding them. And once you know them inside out (I mean, the basic & advanced concepts) it will be a cakewalk for you to spot out the grammatical errors in sentences & rectify them, which is what Spotting Errors & Sentence Improvement, the two most intense topics in NDA’s English section are all about! So, start with the basic childish concept of the important parts of speech in English & then proceed to the tougher, more advanced part of the rules they need to abide by while they get used in English sentences properly & correctly. You can follow a traditional and well-known English Grammar book available in the market, or better, follow our online classes on NDA English complete with easy-to-understand & in-depth content lectures, practice questions, quizzes, previous years’ solved papers & more!

Tip 2 : Increase your Word Power!

Vocabulary is a very important part of English section in NDA exam. Learn Synonyms and Antonyms of Words together to kill two birds with one stone! Start learning Idioms & Phrases and Phrasal Verbs categorically along with their source of origin for better remembrance & easy application in NDA exam. You can find long lists of Idioms & Phrases & Phrasal Verbs arranged in different categories in our online English course for NDA exam preparation. But learning and mugging up hundreds of words will not help you to increase your vocabulary, as you will still be confused about the ways & contexts of certain sentences in which you can use them. To acquire an idea about the ways to use certain words in certain kinds of sentences, you should develop a knowledge of the usage of words in sentences, and this you can do by consulting a Thesaurus and/or by reading good English newspapers, journals, articles and magazines and/or listening or watching good English news channels (which will in turn also help you to prepare for your daily current affairs and general knowledge section of the NDA exam!). Doing this will help you to solve questions from Fill in the Blanks, Selecting Words or Cloze Comprehension & Reordering of Words & Sentences in NDA exam.

Tip 3 : Read and Be Wise!

Yes, that’s right. Reading will not only help you to solve questions from Reading Comprehension by making you grasp the theme, context & tone of a passage at one go, but will also make you go wiser with greater knowledge in social, political & economic issues which will also help you in your GK & Current Affairs section of your NDA exam! So, what are you waiting for? Now is the good time to read lots of good stuff. Develop your reading habit & ace full marks in your comprehensive ability & logical power to answer questions from Comprehension & Reordering of Words & Sentences Sections in NDA English.

Also Read: 11 Productive Things Defence Aspirants Can Do In Quarantine

Follow these tips & tricks while you are studying English for your upcoming NDA exam, but always remember that Practice will make you perfect, ultimately. But before practising, it’s important for you to understand and grasp the concept thoroughly, for a much better application, solution & boosting of your confidence. Start preparing for your NDA exam! Remember, English is easy once you have Grammar & Vocabulary skills in your fingertips. Also don’t forget to read good books & newspapers, but overall, keep faith in yourself. Practice lots of questions & follow previous years’ papers for  better understanding of the pattern of questions you can expect in the English section of the NDA exam. Also for an in-depth & hassle-free learning of NDA English topics, subscribe to our NDA course & get other subjects at free of cost! Also stay safe, take care & use your time wisely & productively by indulging in our much-helpful course lectures & YouTube videos to crack your NDA exam & fulfill your dream to be the protector of the country. Jai Bharatmata! Jai Hind!

Picture of Anuradha Dey

Anuradha Dey

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, M.A.(Psychology), M.A. English (Gold Medalist) from BHU; B.A. Hons from St. Xavier’s College (Kolkata). Poet, Writer & Translator. Certified Career Counselor. Knows Mandarin, German, English, Bengali & Hindi.

6 thoughts on “3 Quick & Easy Ways to Crack English Section in NDA 2021 Exam”

  1. Sir don’t know about the nda exam,how can I prepare the nda exam.now my inter meadiate completed .but what to do now sir.

  2. Although, the website is fulfilled with lots of knowledge. But in this article we want some more. As you know that these tricky tips we’re taught by alot but no one talk about exact words. To the point, mention some English channels, write something about types of articles which will be beneficial for defence aspirant, mention some names of books and magazines.


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