Salary of an Agniveer Soldier In Agnipath Entry Bharti

Many candidates who want to join the Indian Army Navy and Air Force as an Agniveer through Agnipath Entry are eager to know the salary...


Many candidates who want to join the Indian Army Navy and Air Force as an Agniveer through Agnipath Entry are eager to know the salary they will get in 4 years through this entry. Below you can find the salary of a soldier who will join as an agniveer through new agnipath rally bharti scheme. Those recruited as Agniveers soldiers will get Rs 30,000 per month in the first year. This will include Rs 21,000 that they receive in hand and 30 percent of their remuneration or Rs 9,000 will be contributed to the Agniveer Corpus Fund. The government will contribute the same amount to the corpus fund.

Salary of an Agniveer Soldier In Agnipath Entry Bharti

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The ‘Seva Nidhi’ will be exempt from Income Tax. There shall be no entitlement to gratuity and pensionary benefits. Agniveers will be provided non-contributory Life Insurance Cover of Rs 48 lakhs for the duration of their engagement period in the Indian Armed Forces.

During this period of service to the nation, the Agniveers will be imparted with various military skills and experience, discipline, physical fitness, leadership qualities, courage and patriotism. Post this stint of four years, the Agniveers will be infused into the civil society where they can contribute immensely towards the nation building process. The skills gained by each Agniveer will be recognised in a certificate to form part of his unique resume. Agniveers, on completion of the four year tenure in the prime of their youth, will be mature and self-disciplined with the realization to become better version of himself/herself both professionally as also personally. The avenues and opportunities that will open up for their progress in the civil world after Agniveer tenure would certainly be a big plus towards nation building. Moreover, the Seva Nidhi of approximately Rs 11.71 lakhs would aid the Agniveer to pursue his/her future dreams without the financial pressure, which is normally the case for young people from the financially deprived strata of society.

The individuals, selected for enrolment in the Armed Forces as regular cadre, would be required to serve for a further engagement period of minimum 15 years and would be governed by the existing terms and conditions of service of Junior Commissioned Officers/Other Ranks in Indian Army and their equivalent in Indian Navy and Indian Air Force and that of Non Combatant enrolled in the Indian Air Force, as amended from time to time.

The scheme will lead to much more youthful and technically adept war fighting force by ensuring a fine balance between youthful and experienced personnel in the Armed Forces.

Also Read: Agnipath Entry Scheme Notification And Exam Date, Age Limits, Syllabus For Army Air Force Navy

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Picture of Pankaj Negi

Pankaj Negi

Founder, SSBCrack. An Army Brat with a passion for technology, blends innovation with deep insights to empower defence aspirants and enthusiasts.

7 thoughts on “Salary of an Agniveer Soldier In Agnipath Entry Bharti”

  1. Very positive and revolutionary scheme but one lacunae STRICTLY APPLY IN OFFICERS ENTRY ALSO.
    Secondly – delete the 15 years of service also only 6 years of TOUR OF DUTY FOR BOTH THE COMMISSIONED AND NON COMMISSIONED .
    Just like other countries of the world who are using these types of Schemes so that more youths get the chance to serve our motherland coz DEFENCE SERVICES ARE NOT FOR The PENSIONS ….TRUE PATRIOTISM IS TO SERVE OUR MOTHERLAND WITHOUT GREED . After serving for few years get back to the society with skills and work in the private sector as well as own work and participate with positivity to progress our motherland .

  2. ये गलत नियम ह सरकार का करना ही ह तो मंत्री और विधायक का पेंशन बंद करो पवार h bjp sarkar me to

  3. It will affect the defence adversely like in Russia in war with Ukraine.
    Soldier without any security of job will not go to sacrifice in war zone or like situation internally. Army will become like civil police.
    Here officers should also be bring under this scy

  4. For such a small tenure, what is the guarantee of the soldier being loyal to the forces? Second , what type of job will he get after being relieved from the forces ?After all his rank would be a sepoy and not an officer who may have an edge of getting a suitable job in civilian domain. This guy will land up as a security guard somewhere. Being trained for warfare and handling of sophisticated firearms he could pose a threat too after being relieved from the services if he do not get a suitable job. This could be a case of sheer frustration. In a nutshell, this program will be a failure.


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