How To Score 500+ Marks In General Ability Test Of NDA Exam

Every defence aspirant aspires to get into the Armed Forces as soon as possible because he dreams to give ‘balidaan’ to this country with utmost...


Every defence aspirant aspires to get into the Armed Forces as soon as possible because he dreams to give ‘balidaan’ to this country with utmost pride and honour. It is really beautiful and ecstatic to find our names with the ranks of the Armed Forces. And it is even more truly inspiring to the nation if we made our lives in a way where our contributions are supreme and humble. Being in Armed Forces not only makes you powerful enough to defend the nation but also gives you the responsibility to serve the needful. Where a hand of a person in uniform goes, there comes a stream of bunches of luck and disciple embodied that make the work accomplished and even more accurate. Building trustworthy and energetic champions of the world, the NDA and the NA are training the best of the best. And to be in these, you must be eligible to be among the best of the best.

NDA examination has been one of the most sought-out exams at SSBCrackExams. Every paper and question is thoroughly analysed. We try to give you the excellent and most updated information that is in our hands. Here, I present you a procedure, that if followed religiously by you, chances are, that you end up qualifying the examination with an appreciable All India Rank.

Ground Rules to Remember:

  1. NDA is tough? Do not see the exam as tough or easy. Just look at the exam as an exam itself. You will understand what the examiner is trying to assess in you. The paper is really generic. It is tricky but not tough. Remember that.
  2. Volumes of books and study material – Empty brains? Having volumes of study material is okay. But just question yourself – how much time are you truly giving for the material? Can you justify your preparation for the examination? More simply, are you just accumulating all PDFs and books or are you really studying them all? Answer to yourself.
  3. The Illusion of Copying: If “A” has followed a method to crack the examination with ample amount of marks, it is not necessary that the same trick will also work on you. At SSBCrackExams, we understand, and we have a thorough idea of the processes that you need to go through after the examination also. If your procedure to crack the exam is by copying others, there are even chances that you copy some other person’s persona at SSB. This would be a disaster. What is the better procedure then? UNDERSTAND YOURSELF. Improve yourself. If you feel that you are able to concentrate for just 1 hour, so be it. Improve your preparation levels. Do not try to compare. So the ground rule is – stop copying.
  4. Exceptions when copying is accepted – There are some exceptions to the rule of not copying. If in case you find any procedure that can help you in your personal process, then you can opt it to cope up with your daily chores. Did not understand? Okay, I might sound boring. So, let us read a small story.

Atul and Ajay are two friends. Both being defence aspirants, Atul was able to concentrate 3 hours a day for NDA exam, while Ajay was able to concentrate just for 1½ hour. Ajay saw this Article in SSBCrackExams and opted out to not to get demotivated and just concentrate on his own studies – because it is always the ending that pays off. Later one day, Ajay found out that while Atul is free, he has a practice of attempting English quizzes in SSBCrackExams. By this, Atul was not only improving his competency but also letting his subconscious mind receive a lot of information. Ajay found that this habit might help him too. Then what, even Ajay, in his free time, he started attempting English quizzes. Since both of them had basic knowledge about grammar, they improved a lot in their speed and accuracy.

So how was the story? Of course, I was not just telling you the story for fun. The main essence of this story is that neither Ajay nor Atul left their personal procedures or tried to implement other’s practices. Both were confident in their own ways. But, the idea of practising Mock Quizzes was something they added to since they felt its beneficial. Be like that. Do not try to think “He is studying in only 1 hour and finishing portion, why should I sit for four hours?” or do not say like “One hour isn’t sufficient” and all. Everyone has their own practice and skill. Just opt out those that additionally help you. We provide the way and light. The effort is always yours. Remember that.

  • No knowledge about the syllabus? Attempting the exam without having knowledge about the syllabus is a true disaster. It is like eating your food without a plate. I have personally seen that around 70% of the aspirants come for the exam unprepared and just try to guess the answers in the paper. And you know the fun part – they say the paper was easy or tough, as though they prepared for the exam since generations. Do not do that. Get this thing in your mind. If you never prepared, your selection never was. Times are changing. The paper is growing its standards because the future is not so sweet for us.
  • Managing other subjects: Here I am presenting you away just to crack the General Ability Test Paper of the NDA exam. This absolutely does not mean that you take the Mathematics paper for granted. Please remember that. Time management and syllabus management is an art. Together, they set life on fire and amazing adventures. Keep that fire lit.

Syllabus to be understood:

Here is a generic view of the syllabus. To get a plan on how to cover the GAT paper in 50 days, the link for that article is given in the end – please acknowledge. Also, links for the preparation of various subjects the better way is given in the end. Please acknowledge them for sure. They are also tremendously helpful.

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Most Important Topics to be framed in your Timeline:

  • Physics – Physics in Everyday Life
  • Physics – Electricity and Magnetism
  • Physics – Forces, Vectors, and fields
  • Physics – Optics and optical instruments
  • Physics – Flow of heat in solids and liquids
  • Physics – Wave optics and Electromagnetic waves
  • Chemistry – Periodic Table and element periodic properties
  • Chemistry – Bonds and Molecules
  • Chemistry – States of Matter – basic concepts
  • Chemistry – Uses of special molecules, acids, bases and salts.
  • Chemistry – s-, p-, d- and f-block elements
  • Chemistry – Chemistry in everyday life
  • Chemistry – Basic Organic Chemistry
  • Biology – Basic botany – cell structure and related reactions of the photosynthesis.
  • Biology – Basic knowledge about transport mechanism, respiration and reproduction in plants
  • Biology – Various systems of human body
  • Biology – Biodiversity in environment.
  • Geography – Various landforms
  • Geography – Origins and various names of rivers, famous cities and areas they trace.
  • Geography – India’s geographical extent and its boundaries.
  • Geography – About various mountain ranges and passes in India
  • Geography – All national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India
  • Geography – All the important dams in India
  • Geography – UNESCO World Heritage sites and Biological Hotspots of the Nation and related topics.
  • Geography – Planetary Cosmology and Universe
  • Geography – Towns, megacities, and projects
  • Renewable and Non-renewable resources
  • History – Mostly modern and ancient Indian history carry a lot of importance. In NDA, some part of World History might also be asked. Look out for the link of the Article mentioned in the end on how to study this part.
  • Defence Specific – Latest Military Exercises
  • Defence Specific – Ranks and Insignia of the Armed Forces
  • Defence Specific – Various Regiments of the Army, Stations and Commands of the Air Force and Navy
  • Defence Specific – History of the wars undertaken
  • Defence Specific – Missiles and Weapons of India
  • Defence Specific – Aircraft and Helicopters of Indian Armed Forces
  • Defence Specific – History of famous Air Heroes and medal recipients.
  • Current Affairs – Movies and any recent famous awards related
  • Current Affairs – Dances and the cultures of various communities
  • Current Affairs – Festivals celebrated by various communities
  • Current Affairs – Sports and knowledge of various terms used.
  • Current Affairs – Overview of firsts in India and the world.

Useful Links as mentioned above:

1. Indian Polity Plan
2. Indian History Plan
3. Geography Plan
4. 50 Days Plan for GAT Paper
5. Latest Defence Exercises
6. Latest Defence Deals
7. Tips to score high marks in Mathematics Paper of NDA
8. 30-day Topic wise Timetable for Mathematics paper of NDA
9. 15-day Study Procedure for NDA English
10. NDA Mathematics Exam Tips
11. Cracking English the Easy way
12. Seven Solid Tips for Aspirants to Ace in NDA Exam
13. Most Asked Geography Questions
14. Most Asked History Questions
15. Physics common mistakes
16. Chemistry common mistakes

I hope this will be helpful for you.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. JAI HIND.

Picture of Hemanth Kasturi

Hemanth Kasturi

General Studies Tutor at SSBCrackExams, Graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, Cleared NDA, CDS, INET, AFCAT exams.

6 thoughts on “How To Score 500+ Marks In General Ability Test Of NDA Exam”

  1. I want a lst of those aspirants who have been qualified the nda exam with a very hard work and dedication which would give alot more motivation to us


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