15 Simple Effective Tips For SSB Personal Interview

Hello Aspirants, Personal Interview in the SSB Interview is the most important assessment. This is because it gives you a chance to interact and present...

15 Simple Effective Tips for SSB Personal Interview

Hello Aspirants, Personal Interview in the SSB Interview is the most important assessment. This is because it gives you a chance to interact and present your personality in front of an officer. The interview can increase your chance of getting selected. The officer taking an interview is a high-rank officer and his opinion in your selection matters a lot. Members of the board of interview constitute a group of competent, impartial observers particularly qualified to judge the suitability of a candidate for the particular job for which he is being considered.

Let’s have a look at some 15 Simple Effective Tips For SSB Personal Interview preparation.

  1. Interview is  internal view of your personality. First step is to know yourself through introspection, that will be helpful in framing effective answers.
  2. Pen down number of questions that can be asked about you. Example – Why you chose MBA after B.sc ? , Why you want to join army ? Which is your dream regiment ? There are no readymade answers to these questions, everybody has his own reasons for choosing something, so prepare your answers accordingly.    
  3. Keep a check on the basics including dressing code, body language. Do not shake your legs, tap your feet, roll your eyes or break eye contact. Be confident and bold.
  4. Current affairs plays a very important role in PI, you can watch videos, read newspapers or articles for that but its vital.
  5. Quality of answers matter a lot, your answers should be crisp , precise and convincing ones.
  6. Talking about the language, English is suitable but if you are stuck use Hindi and  try to come back to English as soon as possible.
  7. To overcome the communication and language  barrier,  practise is the key. Download apps, watch English movies, news or motivational videos by which language along with motivation will go up. Speak English with people around you , do not hesitate. Remember “ an expert was once a starter“
  8. Attempt AI based or live interviews before you going to the SSB. By doing this, you can find your  weaknesses and overcome them to ace the interview.
  9. Listen to the questions of interviewing officer first, do not be in a hurry to answer the question.
  10. You can take permission of some seconds or minutes to think about a deep or out-of-the-box question rather than giving the less effective and inarticulated answer.
  11. Do not use perfumes or noticeable makeup (girls), be simple and sober.
  12. Be cheerful and enthusiastic wearing a light smile on your face shows your confidence and liveliness.
  13. While answering a question be truthful and candid but everything has a  limit, be careful about what to speak and what not. Do not be over frank with the officer.
  14. Be your original self,  mention true things about you because they are experts in their fields. Any kind of lie will be caught easily.
  15. Do not repeat the question that interviewer has asked, if you have any doubt feel free to clarify but do not be doubtful.

To crack the AFSB and SSB interview, we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants

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1 thought on “15 Simple Effective Tips For SSB Personal Interview”

  1. Sir tell me is there age relaxation in IAF for ST candidates I am now 24 years old in 2021 pursuing B.Sc Geology 5th semester exam


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