Smartest Ways To Crack NDA Exam

Every year UPSC conducts Nation Defence Academy and Naval Academy exams twice. Almost 4 lakh candidates compete for only 400 vacancies. To crack an exam...

Every year UPSC conducts Nation Defence Academy and Naval Academy exams twice. Almost 4 lakh candidates compete for only 400 vacancies. To crack an exam having a success rate of 0.1 percent, you have to work hard as well as smart. In today’s article, I am going to tell you the smartest way to crack NDA especially the written part.

The candidates can be divided into two broad categories, first category- the students having physics chemistry and mathematics (PCM) as subjects in their class 12, and the other category-not having physics chemistry and mathematics (Non-PCM) in their class 12.

Common Strategy:

Before starting the preparation, you have to promise yourself that you will leave no stone unturned to crack NDA. You will do whatever it takes. Write on your books and copies “I will Crack NDA”.

This strategy is common for both PCM as well as non-PCM students. English is a portion which will be common to both PCM and Non-PCM students

To score well in English you have to make your English strong in the first place. Try to read as much as you can. Newspapers, blogs, magazines anything. Reading will improve your English as well as your general knowledge. Listen to the news in English (prefer unbiased channels like DD News) instead of your local language. Try some spoken English sessions with your friends. This will enhance your communication skills which would help you a lot in SSB.

Apart from English, you have to solve at least the last 5 years’ papers.

Strategy for PCM

PCM students have to focus on only four topics other than English. You have to score well in Paper I mathematics in order to crack the exam. There are few very easy topics which have good weightage in the paper which you have to master by practice. These topics are

  • Set, relations, and functions
  • Matrix and determinants
  • Trigonometry, height, and distance
  • Straight lines
  • Permutation and combination
  • Probability
  • Limits Continuity and differentiability
  • Differentiation and its application

Apart from mastering these chapters, you have to just memorise the formulas of other chapters as well as solve their NCERT sincerely. In the NCERT textbook, you have to solve all the examples and exercises.

Apart from English, attempt only Physics, Chemistry, and Current Affairs in the second paper. To build a strong base in Physics and chemistry, thoroughly go through the NCERT textbooks. Solve the examples, in-text questions, and exercises along with previous year questions. The question paper contains more theoretical questions than numerical. So have crystal clear concepts.

Follow the current affairs of the last five months. Carefully go through the various defence deals and military exercises. All read about the various awards and events related to sports. You can find all current affairs for NDA on our website as well.

Apart from Physics, chemistry, current affairs and English do not attempt any other subject in the GS paper. It’s simply not your cup of tea. Just leave it.

Strategy for Non PCM Students

Clearing the mathematics paper is going to be the biggest challenge for you. To clear the maths paper you have to sincerely practice the NCERT. Yes only NCERT and previous 10-year papers. You have to give some extra efforts but believe me its worth it.

In paper II i.e. GS, you will have your subjects. Focus on your subjects and current affairs only. You have to make your subjects very strong. Work upon them.

After all these strategies, it depends upon your sincerity and hard work which will take you to the prestigious NDA. Only you can make it happen!

ALSO READ: Join The National Defence Academy – NDA 2 2021

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