SSB Interview 2017 Word Association Test Sample

Word Association Test is one of the psychological techniques in which an individual’s behaviour is tested through his subconscious mind. To simply put this test...

Word Association Test is one of the psychological techniques in which an individual’s behaviour is tested through his subconscious mind. To simply put this test observe candidates imagination and evaluate his/her qualities of individual ideas. In this test candidate will be shown a word and he/she is required to form a meaningful sentence using that word. On seeing a word there might be different ideas in candidate’s mind related to that word but he/she must write the first spontaneous reaction in your answer sheet.


In SSB difficulty level of WAT is more because the time limit given for each word is just 15 secs. We are suppose to think and write a sentence based on the word shown to us. If you go without practice, you may feel some difficulty to write good sentences. You may also miss out few words or mess up with the serial number of words.

Tips for Word Association Test (WAT) for 2017 SSB interview

  • Practice daily 40 – 50 words for Word Association Test (WAT)
  • Keep in check your response time for every word and improve it by practicing.
  • Analyse your answer, assess out your negative points from your answers.
  • Practice positive word association for negative words, for example: War – on this word people make negative sentences like “War is a heinous act committed by few politicians but suffered by whole nation” instead try to make a positive sentence out of it like “Indian war of independence got tremendous support.” Think positive and write positive. Being positive is the main factor to reckon the interview.
  • Do write short and crisp responses where required.
  • Don’t write answers relating only to army or defence forces, avoid too much use of famous idioms or probes.
  • Many of the stimulus words may appear to be emotionally neutral (pen, coin, building etc), try to make a meaning full positive sentence out for it.

SSB Interview 2017 Word Association Test Sample


  • Atom: India uses her atomic energy for peace purpose.
  • Agree: Agreement is the result of mutual understanding.
  • Average: Average People rise to glory with continuous efforts.
  • Argument: Reasonable argument promotes good ideas.
  • Bachelor: Is the state of gaining experience.
  • Break: Continuous efforts help to break records.
  • Careful : Careful preparation keeps errors away.
  • Captain : Motivates his men/leads by example.
  • Cheat : Cheating does not give long-lasting results.
  • Cry : To Check growing population is the crying need of the hour.
  • Casual : Casual Attitude harms the success.
  • Develop : Youth plays crucial role in the development of country.
  • Dictator : Democracy is the answer to dictatorship.
  • Deteriorate : Illiteracy deteriorates a country’s progress.
  • Escape : Braves don‟t escape from difficulties.
  • Encourage: Encouragement motivates people, Improve performance.
  • Failure: Gives chance to mend the shortcomings.
  • Favourite : Dr. Abdul Kalam is favourite of all Indians.
  • Girl: Deserves equal opportunities for development for society.
  • Gallant: Gallant mountaineers scaled the peak successfully.
  • Hesitation: Practice removes hesitation.
  • Hand: India joined hand with others to fight terrorism.
  • Illiterate: Literacy bring prosperity in society.
  • Impossible: Persistence made it possible to reach the moon.
  • Lose: Strong people bounced back from their loss.
  • Love: Binds people.
  • Mend: Mending fences improves relations with neighbors.
  • Mother: Is an embodiment of faith and sacrifice.
  • Opportunities: Wiseman always makes proper use of opportunities.
  • Overcome: One can overcome the hurdles with determination.
  • Quick: Army Officers take quick and correct decision.
  • Read: Reading enhances knowledge.
  • Recognition: Great deeds are always recognized.
  • Sister: Elder sister is a good friend and an advisor.
  • Sportsman: Sportsman spirit helps in winning the match.
  • Team: Team’s victory depends on each ones efforts.
  • Temper: Short tempered people create more enemies than friends.
  • Understand: Friendship in based on mutual understanding.
  • Uniform: Gives pride and unity.
  • Victory: Sincere efforts leads to victory.
  • War: War is not the solution to human problems.
  • Worry: Hurry and worry brings diseases only.
  • Young: Young performers are goal oriented.
  • Youth: Youth alone can built society.
  • Zeal: He plays with Zeal & Josh.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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