A Look Into The SSB Interview Testing Through States Of Mind Of The Candidates

This system of selection of the SSB is based on the trait theory of leadership which assumes that every leader must have some specific and...

This system of selection of the SSB is based on the trait theory of leadership which assumes that every leader must have some specific and pre-determined leadership traits. It also presumes that such traits can be acquired by a candidate with the passage of time meaning thereby that a person once rejected in an SSB interview is likely to succeed if he acquires some of the traits with the passage of time. The present system of selection, although is long and takes four to five days, is thus based on an objective assessment of each candidate in which the qualities like initiative, alertness, judgement, courage, physical fitness endurance, cooperation, group planning, decisiveness, knowledge, etc. are judged.

You need to develop emotional intelligence unlike anything else. Most defence aspirants aren’t aware of their psychology and this is because it’s difficult to measure at face value but there comes a time during your SSB preparation when you despite getting conference out, don’t feel disappointed as you are mentally strong to take rejection and failure while having the ability to bounce back from the rock bottom.

In addition, psychological and mental robustness of the candidate vis-a-vis requirements of the Armed Forces is judged and finally, an overall assessment of the personality of a candidate is made by way of an exhaustive personal interview.

SSB selection procedure is testing the personality of the candidate and not of the knowledge though knowledge being an important component of it. The personality of a person is primarily because of his states of mind. There are broadly 3 states of mind which the personality reflects and all of these three different states of minds get unfolded in different tasks which are designed in SSB by the DIPR.

Subconscious State

You can not change this state of mind and it is not trainable. Psychology tests are primarily designed to test this aspect of the candidate. There are many who try to prepare WAT, TAT etc. beforehand and write in the SSB. You can definitely improve your English and writing skills. But trying to learn – how recommended candidates they have to write are a wrong approach. If you are trying to manipulate and fake your psychology in the test, for the most part, you will be spotted and rejected. You should be genuine in the entire selection process. What you write in the psychology test might be read by your interviewing officer.

Writing stories/ sentences/ situation reaction/ SD in a preconceived and pre-decided manner will not only hamper your chances in but will leave a bad taste about your poor comprehensive skills and basic intelligence level. The assessors are looking for candidates with natural responses and unique thought process who are showcasing the probabilities of possessing OLQs. You should be able to convey your exact thoughts as it shows that you do possess good imaginative and practical skills.

Semi-Subconscious State

Personal interviews showcase this aspect of the candidate. You should be having the highest level of self-awareness your own life. You have to be clear in what you say. Just go through the editorials of a week before and know the current happenings in the world. Your hobbies which you will mention in OIR should be really your hobbies. To give an SSB interview, you need to understand the psyche and requirements of the interviewer, and to think by keeping yourself in his place. You need to think hard on the aspects and the expectations that the interviewer is keeping from you and how well you are prepared to take this challenge.

To think like the interviewer, you should make yourself aware of the job profile and the requirements for which you are going to be interviewed and what kind of people find the suitability in that respective line of work. It’s important that you are aware of your personality and inner nature and with that of people around you as well such as your friends and family. Personal interviews are always the best way to put your personality. You should not think too much about what has been asked. Semi-subconsciously you will be digging your memory and speaking it out. After some time, the process just goes spontaneously.

Conscious State

Group planning demands you to stay in the present i.e. conscious state of mind. GTO tasks are different than other two testing techniques as here the candidate will bring out his true self through a series of activities where he will be put to pressure with or without his group and also his reasoning and logical ability will be put on a test. Most of the candidates go prepared with the help of practice material such as books, articles and videos and hence the state of mind is conscious.

It is necessary to remain active, agile yet firm in certain terms which will enhance your performance and will boost your confidence. We can implement a number of preparatory techniques before and during the tasks that can enhance our chances to sail through the GTO tasks and emerge out as a leader. You should be having the basic idea about the functioning of the fulcrum and the cantilever and should be hands-on with the basic plank, rope and balli. It will give you an edge over the other candidates when they will be at the difficulty of generating and implementing in successive stages of GTO testing.

You can prepare for SSB interview and defence entrance exams such as NDA, AFCAT, INET, and CDS by taking Written Online courses as they will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for better study and strategic growth in the exam. You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure the full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrack exams.

You can also access them through the SSBCrack Exams app available in the google play store.

Jai Hind

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