Supplementary Exam for AFCAT 1 2016

INDIAN AIR FORCE NOTICE AFCAT 01/2016 SUPPLEMENTRY EXAM IAF is going to conduct Supplementary Exam for AFCAT 1 2016 for those candidates who were allotted...


IAF is going to conduct Supplementary Exam for AFCAT 1 2016 for those candidates who were allotted exam centres as Sirsa and Ambala for AFCAT 01/2016 on 21 Feb 16 and could not appear due to disruption in road. Candidates can appear for the supplementary AFCAT on 13 Mar 16 (Sunday) at the same venue.

Candidates are to carry admit cards issued earlier and report as per the reporting time and shift mentioned in their admit cards.


Candidates who have already appeared in AFCAT 01/2016 on 21 Feb 16 at any centre cannot appear in the supplementary AFCAT on 13 Mar 16.

Supplementary Exam for AFCAT 1 2016

For Official Notification. Click Here

AFCAT 1 2016 Admit Card Special Instructions

  1.  Take a colour print of Admit Card and bring it to the exam hall as well as to Air Force Selection Board (Short listed Candidates Only)
  2. Paste a Self Attested Photograph similar to the one submitted in the Online Application form in the space given in the Admit Card. While attesting the photograph, care should be taken to avoid signing on the face of the candidate in the photograph.
  3. Admit card along with a valid photo identity (ID of College, Passport, Driving License, Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, Voters ID Card) must be shown to the officer supervising the examination. A candidate without a valid Admit Card will be debarred from taking the examination.
  4. Original Admit Card duly signed by SIO/ IO of exam Centre is to be preserved carefully for presentation at the time of testing at Air Force Selection Board.
  5. Candidates will report to the Examination Centre at the reporting time.
  6. Violation of any instructions and adoption of any unfair means in the examination shall render a candidate liable for cancellation of his/her script and forfeit his/her claims for admission. Decisions of the SIO of the Examination Centre shall be final and binding.
  7. Use of Calculators, Log Tables, PDA and Mobile Phones are NOT permitted.
  8. Candidates are to make their own arrangements for conveyance. No TA/DA or any kind of allowance will be paid for appearing in the test.
  9. Candidates are requested to bring their own blue/black ball point pen and clipboard.
  10. Request for change of exam center will not be entertained.
  11. Issue of this Card does not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which will be further scrutinized at subsequent stages of selection.


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

3 thoughts on “Supplementary Exam for AFCAT 1 2016”

  1. Hi sir … I have filled my centre delhi but i am from rohtak i ws unable toh went for my exam ..
    Can i give this exam nw ??


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