Tips for AFCAT and AFSB 1 2017 Entry

AFCAT 1 2017 is now 2 months ahead. Candidates are now getting started with their preparation. In this article we will discuss Best Tips for...

AFCAT 1 2017 is now 2 months ahead. Candidates are now getting started with their preparation. In this article we will discuss Best Tips for AFCAT 1 2017 Exam Preparation, sharing some valuable views that can become useful for you in your preparation.

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Tips for AFCAT and AFSB 1 2017 Entry


  • Read all the mathematical formulae, I would recommend you to go through whatever formulae you have prepared. If not, solve all the questions from past year papers and some difficult ones.
  • Read a lot, it will help you in the English section, as this carries maximum weightage and is considered the most deadly among aspirants. There are no specific resources. However, I would recommend reading The Hindu Editorials and Reader’s Digest.
  • Gain more command over the last section of paper. There is a section which generally comes at the end of the paper – one which involves shapes. You can easily score at this section and you also don’t need to practice a lot. Understand the concept and logic behind those questions.
  • Go through all the Previous Year Question Papers complete solutions are not available anywhere so you should solve on your own. This has 2 advantages – you will get to know the pattern and you can practice also.
  • Read latest magazines, daily newspaper reading can save you in the general knowledge section. Keep yourself updated through these tools.
  • Prepare with good AFCAT exam books: To be straight forward, most of the AFCAT exam preparation books which are available in the market are just like any other question bank, these is not dedicated for AFCAT exam preparation, but on the other hand, there are few good books as well which you might consider while preparing for AFCAT exam. Do check the reviews online before buying any AFCAT exam books from flipkart or amazon.
  • Prepare with SSBCrackExams: AFCAT Exam + EKT preparation courses such as:
    2. AFCAT + EKT ECE
    3. AFCAT + EEE

These are customized to fulfil the needs of today’s AFCAT exam aspirants, AFCAT online coaching would help you to understand the concepts of AFCAT exam paper and the high end reporting tool helps you analyse your current standards by comparing with other defense aspirants who are writing AFCAT exam along with you. So, before facing the actual AFCAT exam you could look at your preparations and act accordingly. Having said that, this course will focus more on the questions which likely to come so there is no or less scope of failure. A daily practice of 1 hour on this course can do wonders for you and will surely help you to put extra marks in your bag. To know more about this course you could visit AFCAT exam coaching online.

  • Self preparation is the key: Considering all the above methods of preparation, few candidates believe in self preparation approach to clear AFCAT exam. But, if you are going with self-preparation mode, either you are really brilliant and confident or you do not know what you are doing. Self-preparation is for candidates who doesn’t need help because they are so good at clearing AFCAT exam with the basic knowledge and practice they a have earned throughout their education. So if you are someone who doesn’t require an extra push from someone else and believe in your capabilities, you can prepare for AFCAT exam in self preparation mode. But remember, self-preparation might hamper your chances to clear the AFCAT exam if you are not sure what you are doing or you have never done this before. It is always better to ask for help when you are not sure because your ultimate aim is to clear the AFCAT exam by hook or by crook.
  • Take AFCAT coaching classes: There are ample number of AFCAT coaching classes going on across the length and breadth of the country. Do remember, all coaching classes are not good, but there are few good AFCAT coaching academies with proven results time and again. We suggest you to read the reviews before joining any classroom coaching as it involves huge money and lots of time.

Few tips that could help during the exam day

  • Keep the material like pencil, pen, admit card handy and don’t carry too much with you. No books needed on the day of exam because be assured if you have not read anything when you had sufficient time to prepare then that last moment study will definitely not help.
  • Enter the hall and occupy the position beforehand, settle down and feel calm
  • Do breathing exercise, sitting on the chair calmly; else the other people might get afraid of what has happened to you during the exam.
  • Follow the instructions given in the exam hall as supervisors are very strict there.
  • Never try to cheat, perform your best without thinking of the end result. Remember an officer can never cheat (“An Officer can fail many times but he wins only with right means”- Jayendra Pratap Singh), and you are sitting there for securing that position only.

Elements of Successful AFSB Interview

  1. That smile, will take you miles: When you enter the room of the interviewing officer, you should not look unduly tensed or worried. Once you wish him, wish him with a smile on your face. Trust me, it’ll lighten up the situation. It’s understandable that you are tensed, but if you’ll smile in that stressed environment, it’ll reflect a great deal of positivity. The officer will sense that you are a confident person immediately.
  2. The walk and talk guide: You should enter the room smartly and not slouch while sitting. Shake hands firmly, if offered, and never offer a hand shake from your side. While talking, keep an audible tone, that is your tone should be neither too loud nor too feeble. It should be just like you are talking to a friend sitting a little distance away from you. Never try to speak in a fake accent, that sounds really funny!
  3. When in SSB, speak the truth: Lie is a strict no for an officer to be. You can lie, if you are sure enough to defend it. But lies are caught over the course of time and also keep in mind that the person sitting in front of you is an expert. Interviewing officers are like the old and experienced mechanics of candidates, they have seen so many candidates and caught so many lies that they can easily catch yours. So make sure you never lie in the interview. This applies to the PIQ form also.
  4. Remember, he is a lazy guy: Every man is lazy by nature, so for every short question give a long answer. For instance, if he asks you where are you from, then give a detailed description of the place you are coming from. The more you speak, lesser questions he’ll ask, so definitely you need to speak your heart out. This way you’ll manage the time for the interview also, he’ll be satisfied to have learnt a lot from you and you’ll control your interview.
  5. Never beat around the bush: If you don’t know an answer for something, simply say no, rather than doing a guess work. You can guess but say that you are not sure. This shows honesty. Similarly never exaggerate anything you say. So keep your emotions under control and keep your mind open while answering, so that you know what you are speaking.
  6. Know yourself: Identify the real you, find out your own strengths and weakness, likes, dislikes, positive and negative points about yourself and what are you doing to turn the negatives into the positives. This process will need a real thought and good amount of time with a fair thought process.
  7. Brush up your knowledge: Be it about the current affairs or about your own subject (especially technical entries) brush up your knowledge about the world around you. This will include being updated on your family member’s jobs, positives, negatives as well.
  8. Find the reason why you want to join: The reasons must be real, valid and true. Don’t borrow others reasons. Give the honest and real answer when asked about why you want to come to the forces.
  9. Bring the changes deep down: Merely faking a good personality won’t bag you anything. Cultivate the officer like qualities from within; adapt them naturally in you instead of wearing them over. This will help you throughout your life whether you come to the forces or any job you land in.
  10. Build strong but polite opinions: When you are asked about what’s going on in the world or about any social problem in GD or Interview, they are not interested in facts and figures, they really want your opinion backed up by facts. So have strong and firm opinions, but be polite enough to present them.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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