7 Solid Tips For NDA Aspirants To Ace The Exam

The heart pumps some extra blood when you hear the phrase “Do you have it in you?”. Every defence aspirant works an extra sweat and...


The heart pumps some extra blood when you hear the phrase “Do you have it in you?”. Every defence aspirant works an extra sweat and dreams an extra mile to get into the forces and give his best. Regarding the fresh and swift candidates of the 10+2, who lie in the age of 16½ to 19½, running with great agility and learning the greatest number of things has been among their common tasks. But, in one month, all your efforts will come into existence and all that you put in the exam will be the only deciding factor whether you stand in front of the SSB or not.

So here, I give you the seven things that you should never forget when you have one month for your NDA exam. I do not say that this will work for everyone but in general, most of the candidates might find this useful.

Prerequisites before beginning the study:

  1. Always have a complete idea of the syllabus.

Those who aren’t aware of the syllabus will not have an idea about how to attempt the paper, which sort of questions take time and which don’t. have an idea about the examination. Take a printout of the syllabus and check what all topics need your special attention and what all topics you are feeling confident about. Always remember, if you can solve problems of a chapter faster than others, then term it as a chapter where you are confident enough. In the NDA exam, your fastness is the key. You might be good in many topics but if you lack solving problems faster, then it will eat your chances of being qualified in the exam. So, please do work out. As additional information, SSBCrackExams is providing courses on the tricks and shortcuts and personalized student interaction is being done for many days. This is to facilitate every aspirant to solve his doubts regarding the examination. Do check it!

  • Always give your time as frequent as possible for the exam.

The main reason why most of the people, even though having good grades in 10+2 do not get qualified in the examination is that they have done silly mistakes in the exam or have never thought that they could miss an answer in the exam. This is because they have not given much time for the exam. One is that they think that the exam is very easy to crack and thus need very less amount of time for preparation or the other is that the student thinks that the exam is so tuff that he getting qualified is itself a dream impossible. The main reason is that the student does not give ample amount of time that he must give to it. So be careful. If you feel the repetition of a few formulae is itself a method for you to know a lot, then better repeat it. Wherever, whenever possible. If you are one among those who just can’t remember things by repetition, and you can just remember things by understanding them better, then you have to give it the proper time to know a lot of things. So, it is your sort of understanding of your study. Understand? 

  • Beware of distraction givers.

Friends in need are friends indeed. But if they are helping you so much that you are not able to give time for your study then obviously, they are a distraction. Let it be friends, girlfriend or boyfriend, or whatever. Every relationship should be something that helps you in prospering. They should not become a distraction. Take breaks. But not so long that you miss the flow of the study. Time is the key. Time is money. Time is success. Time is everything. Remember this!

  • Always stay motivated.

There are N number of people who are in a state of “get-set-go” mood in demotivating you. You are your own motivator. You are dreaming those dreams that won’t even let you sleep. So obviously, you will face problems. After all, what is that success that comes without problems? If not for yourself, then who are you? If only for yourself, then what are you?

  • Avoid group discussion.

I repeat this with a hundred of chaps of are preparing for exam. If you are into group discussion exactly in a month before the exam, then it will not help you. Generally, there are only two sorts of people here in group – one is the teacher who just says what he knows and the other is the learner – who knows nothing and can just understand a 50% of what the teacher-cum-friend has said. Eventually, the teacher guy will not learn anything and will lose his time in preparing things that he is weak, and the learner guy is the only one who is getting some sort of help. More complications occur if the conversation goes wrong or if the team gets distracted. More people – more talk – more distraction. This is the only thing that happens exactly one month before the exam. I’m not against the idea of groups, but in extreme time, it won’t work.

  • Do not blame sleeping as an excuse.

“I should sleep 8 hours a day to get good remembrance of answers in the exam” or “I didn’t even sleep properly because of the exam” – both are not acceptable. Manage both your sleep and study. Both are equally important. Don’t stress out yourself. You just need to give focus. Don’t give sleep, confidence and all essential things of life just for one exam. You will end up being exhausted and won’t feel refreshed during the exam – this can hamper your performance.

  • Do not blame poor material as an excuse.

I have written this point many numbers of times in various articles. There are many materials available online and offline. Even we provide you extensive study guide and have numerous course modules in ssbcrackexams.com. Everything is available. Where there is a will, there is away.

So, all the best for your exam. This is just a small token of thought for you. Hope you succeed in your dreams and become a true officer!

Jai Hind!

Picture of Hemanth Kasturi

Hemanth Kasturi

General Studies Tutor at SSBCrackExams, Graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, Cleared NDA, CDS, INET, AFCAT exams.

23 thoughts on “7 Solid Tips For NDA Aspirants To Ace The Exam”

  1. Sir this exam is applicable for girls ?
    After taking MBBS degree which post can we achieve ?? Is there any post of medical in airforce

  2. Sir its’ for boys what about girls.Can girls give this test . If after graduation then won’t that create age problem


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