Tips To Crack CDS 2 2023 Exam In September

UPSC has released the Combined Defence Services Examination (II) 2023 notification and according to the notification, the exam will be conducted on 03rd September 2023....

UPSC has released the Combined Defence Services Examination (II) 2023 notification and according to the notification, the exam will be conducted on 03rd September 2023.

Having approximately 4 months in hand for the upcoming CDS 2 2023 Exam, a whole lot of defence aspirants will already start studying for India’s premier and strategic exam for Armed Forces, the Combined Defence Services Examination. Conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, this exam requires effective intelligence and a stronghold of the concepts of diversified fields. More than 3 to 4 lakh aspirants of our country write this exam to get into Army, Navy, and Air Force as Permanently Commissioned officers. Among these huge numbers, only 6 to 7 thousand candidates will be shortlisted for the SSB interview. So, it becomes particularly important for us to understand a few questions before studying, understand a few questions while studying, and understand a few questions after studying for this exam. Here, we present you, a simple, yet effective and sure shot procedure to crack the examination with ease and a well-defined manner. Let us begin.

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Things you must know before starting the preparation:

  • CDS has 3 papers:
  • Paper A – English,
  • Paper B – General Knowledge and
  • Paper C – Mathematics.
  • Each paper carries 100 marks, making the total marks 300.
  • Number of questions in papers A and B each is 120, and the number of questions in Paper C is 100.
  • This indicates that:
  • Marks for every correct answer in Paper A carry 0.83 marks.
  • Marks for every correct answer in Paper B carry 0.83 marks.
  • Marks for every correct answer in Paper C carry 1 mark.
  • CDS paper also has negative markings. One-third of the marks allotted to a question will be deducted for every incorrect answer. This means:
  • Marks deducted for every incorrect answer in Paper A are 0.27 marks.
  • Marks deducted for every incorrect answer in Paper A are 0.27 marks.
  • Marks deducted for every incorrect answer in Paper A are 0.33 marks.
  • As per the trends followed by the previous years, the cut-off marks that you must score so that you be on the safer side and aspire to get an SSB call letter are:
  • For Indian Military Academy – 140 to 150 marks
  • For Indian Naval Academy – 120 to 130 marks
  • For Air Force Academy – 145 to 155 marks
  • For Officers’ Training Academy – 100 to 110 marks
  • This means, out of 340 questions from all the 3 papers, the number of questions that you must accurately answer, as a bare minimum to clear the cut-off is 144.
  • To be more specific, you must answer a minimum of 48 questions accurately in every paper, and this too should be shielded from any negative marking.
  • Keeping this perfect analysis in mind, we must now move forward to study in such a way that you attempt 50 questions (as a round figure) to score better in the CDS exam.

Strategy to follow to study for English Paper:

  • It is very much important to focus on the Grammar part of English as it can be improved only through practice. Grammar includes the following few aspects in itself which should be understood by the candidates in an effective manner: Idioms, Phrases, Antonyms, Synonyms, Sentence completion, Re-arranging sentences, spelling check, Spotting errors, etc.
  • Regular use of English words is very much important for making improvements in it.
  • The reading section demands full attention and concentration. here are a few tips that can help in building a more comprehension level: highlight the important points, read the questions carefully so that answers can be found easily, read thoroughly, more focus on the starting and at the end, and always, give full concentration.
  • Regarding the Sentence Formation part, the sentence should be in a clear and concise manner so that it can be easily understandable. It should be complete so that it can be understood.
  • Make a habit to use a dictionary. If you are finding it difficult to learn these words, you can join the SSBCrackExams Course wherein our SMEs will guide you in learning them.

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Strategy to follow to study for GK Paper:

  • Subjects that you need to know that will come in this paper are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Indian Polity, History, Geography, Economy, Current Affairs and Defence Updates.
  • Topics that you must focus on in Physics are Ray Optics, Wave Optics, Electromagnetic Waves, Thermodynamics and the Kinetic Theory of Gases and Current Electricity. These will be under Priority List 1. Topics under Priority List 2 include Waves, Oscillation, One Dimensional Motion, Magnetism, Mechanical Properties of Matter, Motion in a Plane and Laws of Motion and Atomic / Nuclear Physics.
  • The basic way of learning Physics is that do not always to spend time-solving numerical. First, learn the concept as much properly as possible that will be more than enough.
  • Topics that you must definitely learn in Chemistry include Inorganic Chemistry and little concepts of Physical Chemistry. While learning organic chemistry, try to omit all equations and focus on the concept.
  • Biology needs practice and focus. Most of the candidates who are Technology or Maths related graduates completely omit the Biology part in the paper. This can hamper the overall score and might also become a crucial factor for the rejection of your selection for SSB. To get to know about the topics that guide you to victory, take our CDS Online Course which gives a complete understanding of what topics to study.
  • About 12 questions from the GK paper will be related to Indian Polity and questions might be asked about the articles, schedules, amendments, powers of the posts Executive, application and implementation of the judiciary, fundamental rights, fundamental duties, panchayats, municipalities, constitutional and non-constitutional bodies. Our constitution has 448 articles. You do not have to study at all. Join us, we shall give you a basic joyride on how to love Polity. It is just very fascinating.
  • History questions will be around 20 in number in the paper. Around 10 of these will be from Modern History and the remaining will be from Ancient and Medieval History. Try to focus on the years and the chronology of the events, the acts passed by the British parliament that led to gradual colonialism, locations of various protests and how freedom fighters fought in them, the cultural significance of the events and powerful speeches and writings.
  • The CDS exam focuses on the candidate’s effective intelligence, not bookish intelligence. Before spending hours and hours of time completing History, remember this. Also, do not try to omit History preparation. It does carry the highest weight of all the subjects that come in the paper.
  • Apart from Indian Geography most students focus very much, and try to learn World Geography too. Particularly try to learn about various Bays, Straits, Mountain Ranges, Ridges, Biodiversity hotspots, Heritage sites, capitals of the countries and their currencies, mineral deposits in our country, and top producing countries of various agricultural and mineral products.
  • While learning about the Economy, try to focus on the schemes and amendments that are economically related to our country and are passed in the last 5 years, be it for any particular section of society or not.
  • Make a habit to follow Current Affairs and Defence Updates given by SSBCrack Exams since that will improve your confidence to attempt around 15 questions in the paper.
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Strategy to follow to study for Mathematics Paper:

  • It is this paper that decides whether you can be a Permanent Commissioned Officer or not. It is this paper that keeps your seat secure in either Indian Military Academy or Indian Naval Academy or Air Force Academy.
  • Unfortunately, women are not allowed to write this paper. But with the changing times and laws, we know women are already being inducted into permanent commissions through various modes, but through CDS, it might take time. But, as optimism is a trait of possessing OLQs, you must not stop and achieve your dreams in any way available.
  • For the guys who write this paper, never underestimate the level of difficulty since it might become a huge mistake. Do practice Mathematics.
  • CDS Mathematics Syllabus at Elementary Level consists of Arithmetic & Elementary Number Theory, Unitary method, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Mensuration and Statistics.
  • The most important topics to focus on are Number Systems, Logarithms, Powers, Surds, Unitary Methods, Algebraic Operations, Identities, Quadratic Equations & Inequalities, Linear Equations, Basic Trigonometry, Heights and Distances, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Mensuration 2D/3D and Statistics.
  • The only way to solve and learn these is PRACTICE. There is no other way other than Practice regarding mathematics.
  • Try to join the course, where our Mathematics Mentors and guiding thousands of aspirants to learn the concepts and solve the questions as faster as possible.

General Time Format:

  • As you hardly have six months to complete the syllabus of this exam, you must spend your time judiciously.
  • For candidates who feel they are good in English, try to learn English two days a week and while learning English, learn only that and do not touch GK or Maths. However, your current affairs coverage must be covered as usual.
  • For candidates who want to give time to English since they find they are making mistakes or are unaware of the concepts, spend 1 hour on it daily. Follow the study plan provided by us to omit ambiguity.
  • All candidates must compulsorily spend 2 to 3 hours of time covering a subject related to the GK paper. This will enhance your selection probability.
  • All candidates must spend a minimum of 2 hours solving questions related to Mathematics and try to solve as many questions as possible.
  • While learning, remember all the points that I discussed above. No big derivations or numerical problems. Focus only on the textual and conceptual matter.
CDS OTA 2023 Live Classes 2

Miscellaneous Self-Follow Rules to be maintained:

  • Separate books for Maths, GK and English (If you do not have multiple books, at least try to make a separation in your study). This will ensure clarity and conciseness. Most aspirants do not follow this and end up losing interest in doing a revision of what they have written.
  • Dedicated Revision Day every week – On this day, you will reiterate and revise the topics you have studied all week, be it on Saturday or Sunday or whatever.
  • Use of charts and outline maps while learning Geography – Use colours or multiple maps or charts to locate important rivers, mountains, water bodies, etc. The human brain loves pictorial representations rather than huge textual matters.
  • List of Important Articles of Constitution – a sheet of this must be compulsorily pasted at a place where your eye goes frequently, be it your study table, your room’s wall, mirror, etc. Nobody has any right to judge you. Your learning is your property.
  • List of important wars and the years they happened – this list also, as usual, do like above.
  • Constant interaction with parents and peers and maintaining a positive attitude.
  • Compulsory 7 hours of sleep and rest and rigorous exercise – no other medicine is as effective as this for you to improve concentration.

The one who has hunger, along with the food, is the luckiest.

The one who has sleep, along with the bed, is the healthiest.

The one who has a sense of donation, along with the money, is the wealthiest.

Similarly, the one who has concentration, along with time, is the only one that your dream academy needs the most. Remember, with proper planning and guidance, anyone can crack CDS. I gave you the plan and guidance. It is just you who must show, whether you are the right audience or not…

Two things – (1) your parents and (2) the stars on your shoulder.

Do you need anything more?

Join us in our online course for CDS where along with me, there are highly expert SMEs that fulfil your needs as per your ambitions. We hope our dream of seeing you as an officer comes true.

Want To Prepare For The CDS Exam and SSB Interview?

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SSBCrackExams is a premium online portal for Indian Defence aspirants, helping them to achieve their dreams of joining Indian Defence forces.

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