Tips to Enhance Your Performance in SSB Interview Group Discussion

The first test in the usual order for GTO activities is the group discussion in the SSB. You will participate in two group discussions, which...

The first test in the usual order for GTO activities is the group discussion in the SSB. You will participate in two group discussions, which will last 20 to 25 minutes. Candidates are required to sit in a circle according to the numbers on their chests. There are two phases to the task. The GTO (Group Testing Officer) proposes two subjects for discussion in part one and gives the candidates the option to choose whichever they choose. He then invites them to continue talking about the matter. The GTO often provides 20 to 25 minutes for debate before ending it and introducing a new subject for the second half of the GD. The GTO will present the subject and offer discussion points.

Tips to Enhance Your Performance in GTO Group Discussion
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Now here are 15 Tips to Enhance your Performance in SSB Interview

  • Be an early participant in the GD. If you cannot take the initiative, you must be the second or third speaker.
  • Be as rational as possible, with as many supporting facts and figures as possible. Do not speak continuously, as this may appear to be overbearing; instead, speak more frequently, but for a shorter duration each time.
  • Provide succinct points pertinent to the lead you are supporting. Don’t go off on a tangent.
  • Preferably, do not deviate from the main point that you have decided to support until the end of the discussion. You could, however, connect your point of view to the point of view supported by another candidate by providing relevant arguments.
  • Keep in mind that this is not a debate, so your goal should not be to prove the other person wrong, but rather to support your own point of view with sound logic.
  • The greater your knowledge base, the better you will be able to speak. Try to give some facts and figures, as well as examples from history and recent times to argue your point of view.
  • Be sensitive to others’ points of view and participation; encourage them as they express themselves, and appear genuinely interested in their point of view, even if it is mundane.
  • Avoid being rude, radical, or anti-establishment by blaming systems, authority figures, or the government.
  • Maintain a calm demeanor, a cheerful demeanor, and a high level of positive energy at all times. Maintain a cheerful and upbeat demeanor.
  • Do not be without horns with someone who is argumentative. Maintain a friendly but firm demeanor while expressing your point of view.
  • If a candidate repeatedly interrupts you while you are speaking, you could politely and smilingly tell him, “Please let me finish, or let us give everyone a chance.”
  • Always draw the attention of others before making a point, such as I’d like to add to the point made by chest no.10 or I disagree with the point made by chest no.15, etc.
  • Be rational in your support of others’ ideas and counter-arguments.
  • Speak loudly, clearly, and concisely; do not grab and hold the center stage for longer than is necessary to make your point.
  • Don’t throw out all of your ideas right away; you’ll look silly if another smart candidate strips your point, threadbare, and introduce your point sequentially based on the flow of discussion.
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