10 Travel Tips from Military Brats You Should Know

Growing up in a military family, children often develop a unique perspective on the world, one that sets them apart from their civilian counterparts. These...

Growing up in a military family, children often develop a unique perspective on the world, one that sets them apart from their civilian counterparts. These “military brats,” as they are affectionately known, are exposed to a lifestyle that is anything but ordinary, and this experience shapes them into exceptional travelers.

Travel Tips from Military Brats You Should Know

From their ability to adapt to new environments to their unwavering sense of adventure, military brats possess a set of skills and qualities that make them superior globetrotters. In this article, we’ll explore 10 Travel Tips from Military Brats You Should Know.

1. Embracing the Nomadic Lifestyle

For military brats, the concept of “home” is not confined to a single location. They have grown up moving from one place to another, often across state or even country lines, as their parents’ duties have required. This constant relocation has instilled in them a deep appreciation for the nomadic lifestyle, and they have learned to embrace the excitement and challenges that come with it. Unlike many civilians who may view frequent moves as a burden, military brats see it as an opportunity to explore new horizons and immerse themselves in diverse cultures.

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2. Adaptability and Resilience

Adapting to new environments is second nature to military brats. They have honed the ability to quickly adjust to different climates, customs, and social norms, often with a grace and ease that leaves their civilian counterparts in awe. Whether it’s navigating unfamiliar public transportation systems, communicating with locals in a foreign language, or adjusting to a radically different way of life, military brats possess a remarkable resilience that allows them to thrive in even the most challenging situations.

Travel Tips from Military Brats You Should Know  Adaptability and Resilience

3. Making Friends Effortlessly

Changing schools and neighborhoods on a regular basis has given military brats a unique set of social skills. They have become adept at the art of making new friends, often with little to no hesitation. Their ability to connect with strangers, overcome language barriers, and forge lasting relationships is truly remarkable. This talent serves them well as travelers, allowing them to quickly integrate into local communities and gain a deeper understanding of the places they visit.

4. Becoming Seasoned Adventurers

While many tourists are content with visiting crowded, well-trodden landmarks and taking selfies, military brats seek out the path less traveled. They are drawn to the thrill of exploration, constantly seeking out hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path destinations, and unique cultural experiences. Whether it’s trekking through remote wilderness, immersing themselves in local festivals, or discovering the most authentic street food, military brats approach travel with a sense of adventure and a desire to truly experience a place, rather than just observe it.

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5. Embracing the Rugged Lifestyle

Sleeping under the stars, navigating through challenging terrain, and adapting to basic living conditions are all part of the military brat’s repertoire. They have grown up accustomed to the rugged, outdoor lifestyle, and they often find more joy in these types of experiences than in the creature comforts of a luxury hotel. This resilience and appreciation for the great outdoors make military brats well-equipped to tackle even the most demanding travel adventures.

Travel Tips from Military Brats You Should Know  Embracing the Rugged Lifestyle

6. Packing Light and Smart

Constantly moving from one place to another has taught military brats the art of packing efficiently. They have mastered the ability to fit all their essentials into a single trunk or backpack, without sacrificing the important items they need. This skill not only makes their travels more streamlined and hassle-free but also allows them to be more nimble and adaptable as they navigate new environments.

7. Survival Skills and Outdoor Expertise

Military brats have been exposed to a wide range of outdoor activities and survival skills from a young age, often as part of their parents’ training or the family’s lifestyle. From swimming and rock climbing to shooting and wilderness navigation, these skills have become second nature to them. As a result, military brats are often more confident and capable when it comes to tackling outdoor challenges and adventures during their travels.

8. Linguistic Versatility

Adapting to new environments has also given military brats a unique linguistic advantage. They have a natural aptitude for picking up local dialects and accents, often incorporating them into their own speech. This ability to seamlessly blend in with the locals and communicate in their native tongues allows military brats to have a more immersive and authentic travel experience, fostering deeper connections and a better understanding of the places they visit.

Travel Tips from Military Brats You Should Know  Linguistic Versatility

9. Embracing the Spirit of Exploration

Military brats possess a deep-rooted appreciation for the spirit of exploration, a quality that sets them apart from many civilian travelers. They are not content with simply visiting tourist hotspots and taking superficial snapshots. Instead, they are driven by a genuine curiosity to uncover the hidden stories, traditions, and nuances of the places they visit. This insatiable thirst for discovery and understanding makes military brats exceptional travelers who seek to truly experience and engage with the world around them.

10. Cultivating a Global Perspective

Growing up in a military family exposes children to a diverse array of cultures, customs, and worldviews. This exposure has a profound impact on the way military brats perceive and interact with the world. They develop a global perspective that transcends the boundaries of their own upbringing, allowing them to approach travel with an open mind and a deep respect for cultural differences. This worldview makes military brats more adaptable, empathetic, and enriched travelers, capable of navigating the complexities of the global landscape.

Also Read | Growing Up Military: The Life of a Military Brat


In conclusion, military brats possess a unique set of skills and experiences that make them exceptional travelers. From their adaptability and resilience to their adventurous spirit and linguistic versatility, these individuals have been shaped by a lifestyle that sets them apart from their civilian counterparts. As they navigate the world, military brats bring a level of depth, curiosity, and appreciation that elevates their travel experiences, making them the envy of many a wanderlust-filled civilian. So, the next time you’re planning a trip, consider taking a page from the military brat’s playbook – you might just discover a whole new world of adventure waiting to be explored.


1. What are the benefits of being a military brat?

Military children enjoy a reliable income, stable housing, child development centers, extensive healthcare, and various educational benefits and assistance.

2. What are the characteristics of military brats?

Military children are typically well-behaved, respectful, and adaptable. They understand the selflessness and dedication of their parents, which often inspires them to engage actively in their schools and communities through volunteering and service. Their resilience is truly remarkable.

3. Is it hard being a military brat?

Military children encounter challenges that typical civilian children may never experience. They deal with frequent moves, leaving behind friends, and the emotional impact of parental deployments. Yet, each obstacle brings valuable lessons and opportunities for growth and success.

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