What Is Integrated Defence Staff? [Fully Explained]

The organisation is known as the Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) is in charge of promoting coordination and facilitating prioritization across the various Indian Armed Forces...

The organisation is known as the Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) is in charge of promoting coordination and facilitating prioritization across the various Indian Armed Forces branches. Reps from the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Ministry of External Affairs, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, and Ministry of Finance make up the group.

What Is Integrated Defence Staff

The Chief of Integrated Defence Staff and Deputy Chiefs of Integrated Defence Staff are in charge of the IDS. The position of Chief of Defence Staff, a four-star general and tri-service chief who would oversee the Department of Military Affairs, was created by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on December 24, 2019. The organisation advises and assists the Chief of Defence Staff.

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Role and Responsibilities

The IDS’s functions include helping multi-service organisations work effectively and offering the Minister of Defense secretarial and subject-matter knowledge for all proposals of capital defence procurements,  fostering cooperation through discussions within the services about purchases, shared beliefs, shared training, and common practices.

The IDS will oversee the operations of the Defense Cyber Agency, the Defense Space Agency, and the Armed Forces Special Operations Division. By November 2019, these three organisations are anticipated to be active.

The colour of joint manship of the three services is purple, hence, the term ‘Purple Fraternity’ is applied to their ranks.

  • IDS was set up to make sure that there was a high degree of synergy  between the armed forces.
  • By using best management practices, IDS strives to integrate policy, war fighting, and procurement.
  • The IDS is made up of service officers, civilian officers, and scientists who carry out the tasks that have been delegated to them per the duties of the Integrated Defence Staff.
  • It is led by the Chairman, Chief of Integrated Staff (who enjoys status equivalent to that of Vice Chief of Service.)
  • Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Defense (DoD), and Def all have representatives (Finance).
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History of Integrated Defence staff

After independence, the Cabinet Secretariat was given a military wing. Later, the wing was moved to the Ministry of Defense. A major general (or equivalent)-level officer serving as the Joint Secretary (Military) oversaw the wing. In addition to overseeing coordination-related concerns, he was in charge of keeping the Cabinet Secretary informed about defence-related topics via the Defence Secretary.

To help the Chiefs of Staff Committee, the Ministry of Defence formed the Defence Planning Staff in 1986. The organisation was led by Director General Defence Planning Staff (DG DPS), a lieutenant general (or equivalent) position held in rotation by the three services, and had five divisions. It was made up of representatives from the Ministries of External Affairs, Defence (including one scientist from the Defense Research and Development Organization), and Finance. In terms of standing, the DG DPS was deputy chief of staff.

The Kargil Review Committee (KRC) was established by the Indian government on July 29, 1999, following the Kargil War between India and Pakistan. Its chairman was K. Subrahmanyam, a retired Indian Administrative Service official and former secretary of defence. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the prime minister, received the committee’s report on January 7, 2000, and it was presented to the Indian Parliament on February 23, 2000.

A group of ministers (GoM) was established on April 17, 2000, in response to the Kargil Review Committee Report, to study the suggestions and conduct a more detailed analysis of national security. The ministers of home affairs, defence, external affairs, and finance, respectively, L. K. Advani, George Fernandes, Jaswant Singh, and Yashwant Sinha, made up the GoM. National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra was invited as a special visitor to the GoM sessions, and the Cabinet Secretariat (National Security Council Secretariat) provided any assistance that was needed. A report titled “Reforming the National Security System” was released by the GoM. On February 26, 2001, they delivered the GoM report to Prime Minister Vajpayee.

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Organizational structure

The Chief of Integrated Defence Staff, a Vice Chief of Staff rank level officer who simultaneously serves as Vice Chief of Defense Staff, is in charge of the organisation. It comprises numerous directorates, branches, and divisions. The designated deputy chiefs of integrated staff, who are officers with the rank of lieutenant general (or equivalent) who are in charge of several branches, provide assistance to the CIDS. A deputy assistant chief of integrated staff oversees a directorate, while a major general (or similar) level officer serves as the assistant chief of integrated defence staff. Officers and employees from the three services as well as representatives from the Ministry of External Affairs, the Defense Accounts Department, and the Defence Research and Development Organization of the Ministry of Defence make up the organization’s workforce.

integrated defence staff organisation chart

The CISC is a Three-star rank officer from the three Services in rotation. The CISC reports to the Chief of Defence Staff in New Delhi. He is assisted by the following five Principal Staff Officers (all three-star appointments) who head the various branches within the IDS. Air Marshal BR Krishna PVSM AVSM SC ADC is the current Chief Of Integrated Defence Staff To The Chairman Chiefs Of Staff Committee (CISC).

BranchDeputy chief responsible
Perspective Planning & Financial DevelopmentLieutenant General Atulya Solankey, AVSM, SM
Doctrine, Organisation and TrainingAir Marshal Sandesh Prabhakar Wagle, VM
OperationsVice Admiral Sanjay Jasjit Singh AVSM, NM
Intelligence (Defense Intelligence Agency)Lieutenant General G A V Reddy, AVSM, SC, VSM
Medical BranchLt Gen Rajiv Mohan Gupta, VSM, MBBS, MD (Microbiology), DNB (Pathology), Ph.D.(Virology), M.Phil., MNAMS.
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New Delhi serves as the home of the Integrated Defence Staff’s (HQ IDS) headquarters. The South Block of the Secretariat Building in New Delhi is home to the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC), its secretariat, and a few other parts. The main part of the IDS headquarters is in Kashmir House in New Delhi. The COSC chairman’s secretariat is housed at HQ IDS.

The new headquarters for the Integrated Defense Staff is located at Mehram Nagar, Delhi Cantonment.

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Mausami Sharma

Intern at SSBCrackExams. An avid reader, UPSC aspirant and a curious defence aircraft researcher. Pursuing my Interest in global politics and diplomatic studies.

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