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What Is Project 2025

Mandate for Leadership 2025:. A set of conservative policy proposals known as Project 2025 has become a lightning rod for opponents of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as they seek...

Mandate for Leadership 2025:. A set of conservative policy proposals known as Project 2025 has become a lightning rod for opponents of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as they seek to highlight what they say are the dangers of him retaking the White House.

What Is Project 2025

Why In News

  • Mandate for Leadership 2025:. A set of conservative policy proposals known as Project 2025 has become a lightning rod for opponents of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as they seek to highlight what they say are the dangers of him retaking the White House.
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  • Trump has recently tried to distance himself from Project 2025, even though many of his closest policy advisers are deeply involved. The campaign of Democratic President Joe Biden says the project is proof that Trump would adopt a series of authoritarian and hard-right policies if elected

What Is Project 2025

  • Ahead of each presidential election, many think tanks in Washington DC release policy wishlists. As the campaign heats up, these proposals can act as talking points for candidates, and perhaps even shape their official party platforms.
  • The Conservative Promise is one such policy wishlist, which lays out ambitious ideas for a prospective Trump presidency. It is published by Project 2025, which is “a broad coalition of conservative organisations that have come together to ensure a successful administration begins in January 2025”.
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  • Project 2025 has also set up a personnel database which will help the future president make administrative appointments, a training programme to develop future conservative leaders, and “a 180-day playbook”, which presents a blueprint for the first six months of the next presidency.
  • “If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.
  • In popular discourse, Project 2025 has been used interchangeably with The Conservative Promise.

Why Is Project 2025 Controversial

  • It advocates expanding the president’s powers, and concentrating decision-making authority in the White House. Conversely, it argues for drastically reducing the power, and cutting the funding, of various federal administrative departments. Among its notable recommendations is to “disband” the Department of Education.
  • Project 2025 calls for the reclassification of tens of thousands of federal workers — possibly the most dramatic change in the federal workforce since the 1880s. This will allow the president to appoint loyalists who side with him, and his administration.
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  • The policy document calls for a “biblically based” definition of marriage and family, which it clarifies means “heterosexual, intact marriage”. It also pushes a number of anti-LGBTQ+ positions, such as rescinding federal anti-discrimination protections “on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics”.
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  • On reproductive rights, Project 2025 advocates the prosecution of people who send abortion pills through the mail, the cancellation of the Food and Drug Authority’s two-decade-old approval of mifepristone, one of the two drugs used in medication abortion, and the federal tracking of abortion-seekers using “every available tool”.
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  • The policy document recommends “unwinding… the Biden Administration’s climate fanaticism”. For example, it recommends ending wind and solar power subsidies, scrapping energy-efficiency standards for appliances, prioritising the use of fossils, and dismantling the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Clean Energy Corps.
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  • Project 2025 calls to expand on Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration during his previous term. For instance, it advocates for higher thresholds for accepting immigrants and refugees, and increasing the amount of time undocumented children can spend in the detention centres.

Why Trump Trying To Distance Himself From Project 2025

  • In 2022, Trump praised Heritage’s plans in a dinner sponsored by the foundation. “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork…for exactly what our movement will do… [when] the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America,” he said.
  • More recently, however, Trump has refused to even acknowledge Project 2025’s existence. In a post on social media platform Truth Social on Friday, Trump wrote: “I know nothing about Project 2025… I have no idea who is behind it”.
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  • Trump’s attempt to distance himself from Project 2025 comes as Democrats have mounted a scathing attack on the former president based on the controversial policy platform.
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  • 248 years ago America declared independence from a tyrannical king, and now Donald Trump and his allies want to make him one at our expense,” James Singer, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, said last week. The campaign has also launched advertisements, and created a website tying Trump to Project 2025, possibly in an attempt to divert people’s attention from Biden’s own tanking fortunes.
  • While many of Project 2025’s priorities are aligned with Trump’s own explicated political positions, Project 2025 also goes beyond what Trump has said — or is likely to say during the campaign.

Why Is Project 2025 Such A Big Deal At The Moment

  • Project 2025 has been around in some form since early 2023. But in recent months, the Biden campaign has made a concerted effort to raise awareness of Project 2025 among voters and turn the project into a symbol of the hard-right political shift that it says would occur in the US should Trump be elected. Biden said this week that “Project 2025 will destroy America,” and his campaign has created a web page dedicated to the project.
  • The Democratic National Committee in July announced plans for billboards mentioning Project 2025 in 10 cities.
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  • The Trump campaign, in turn, has expressed increasing annoyance with the project, repeatedly emphasizing that the project’s proposals are separate from the campaign’s official policy platform. In a statement to Reuters, a campaign official accused the Democrats of fearmongering and said only the official Republican platform and a series of proposals from the campaign known as Agenda 47 should be taken as official.
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