What is Self description test in SSB

During psychological tests in 5 day process of service selection board SSB interview, candidates have to face following round of tests: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT...

Self Description Test in SSB

During psychological tests in 5 day process of service selection board SSB interview, candidates have to face following round of tests:

In this article we will discuss about Self description test in SSB.

What is Self description test in SSB

What is Self Description Test in SSB

Self description test is the last test in Psychologist test series at Service Selection Boards. It may be the last test but as important as the first one, this test cons the finding of Psychologist about a particular candidate which he makes by the previous tests like TAT, WAT and SRT.

This test gives an idea to the Psychologist regarding how deep the candidate has knowledge about him, weather he knows his Qualities and Shortcomings or not.

In this test the candidate is required to write 5 paragraphs in 15 minutes on What his Parents, Teacher/Employer, Classmates/Friends, Candidate’s own opinion about himself and what qualities he would like to develop for the future

How to write good in self description test in SSB

  • Communicate with your parents, teachers, friends, and colleague. Ask for positive and negative opinion about you.
  • Your Personal Interview will be based on your Self-Description. The interviewing officer will read this before you enter into the interview room. He/she will cross check your Self description by triggering various types of question based on it .So be careful what you write in it.
  • Avoid negative points like hyper tension, drinking smoking, temper etc. instead negative traits such as less-participation skills, public-shy, introvert, weak communication skills etc are better examples of negative points.
  • Be true and frank in giving your self description. Never try to bluff about any of your qualities as the psychologist will easily find it out.
  • Never copy a Self description from a book or from the internet as you might fail to remember the same during personal interview.

Tips on Self description test

  • Listen to the instructions given by the Psychologist carefully.
  • Emphasise on your personality traits.
  • Be strict on what you have write, don’t contradict your self description during personal interview.
  • Mention your positive personal traits such as enthusiastic, hardworking, diligent.
  • Talk briefly about where you grew up and your family.
  • Mention any accomplishments in short sentences.
  • Use appropriate language and grammar.
  • Avoid sharing irrelevant negative points.
  • On personal opinion use points such as – I want to improve my physical stamina, general awareness, communication skills, performance in studies/sports/extra co-curricular etc. and achieve my goal.

Examples for Self description test

Generally candidates are required to write Self description test based on

  • What do you think of yourself?
  • What your parents think of you?
  • What your friends think of you?
  • What your teachers think of you?
  • What sort of a person you want to become in life?

Below given are some sample examples on Self description test:

Friend’s opinion: My friends say, I am practical person as I put forward my points freely. They always take my advice in important issues. We share ideas with each other and motivate to achieve our life goals. They feel happy around me even some of my friends call me brother.  We make each other life fun and interesting.

Parent’s Opinion: My parents think that I am a responsible child, they have given me freedom to take important life decision by myself of-course they make sure that I have the proper guidance. My parents are my good friends too we always find reasons for having fun together. Though they are not satisfied with my academics, they think that I can put in sustained efforts to achieve my goals. They say I always put 100 % when I am determined on any task.

Teacher’s opinion: My teachers will say that I am above average student with good communication skills. They noticed that I am an active participant of activities whether it is curricular/ extracurricular or non-curricular. Some teachers considers me as an attentive student and some as non-attentive, it depend on the subjects.

Self opinion: I think that I have not done justice to my potential in academics but I have this habit of taking part in extra activities too. I can say I am an average student with potential beyond my core.  I consider myself responsible and confident with a tad bit laziness here and there because I have noticed people around me reminding to complete my work.

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9 thoughts on “What is Self description test in SSB”

  1. it gives me clear reasonable sentence how to write in the psy. test . I am going to do that with on my traits & i have been doing sir …thanku so much


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