What is the Pattern of AFCAT EKT 1 2017 Exam

In this article we are going to discuss the AFCAT and EKT 1 2017 Exam syllabus. AFCAT which stands for Air Force Common Admission Test...

In this article we are going to discuss the AFCAT and EKT 1 2017 Exam syllabus. AFCAT which stands for Air Force Common Admission Test is conducted along with EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) for the admission of eligible candidates in Flying Branch, Technical Branch and Ground Duty Branches of Indian Air Force.

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What is the Pattern of AFCAT EKT 1 2017 Exam


AFCAT 1 2017 Exam Syllabus

  1. General Awareness: History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics , Civics, Basic Sciences, Defence, Art etc.
  2. Verbal Ability in English: Comprehension, Error Detection, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Testing of Vocabulary, Sentence Completion etc.
  3. Numerical Ability: Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, and Simple Interest, Profit & Loss
  4. Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test section: Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.

AFCAT 1 2017 Exam Pattern

The Air Force Common Admission Test will consist of 100 questions and each question will be of three marks. So total marks for all questions will be 300. As far as negative marking is concerned, there is one-third negative marking in AFCAT 2017 exam. For every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted as penalty.

AFCAT 1 2017 paper has of four sections:

  1. General Awareness
  2. Verbal Ability
  3. Numerical Ability
  4. Reasoning & Military Aptitude Test

There will be Multiply Choice Based Questions of 3 marks each. The candidates will be penalized in the form of deduction of 1 marks for every wrong answers attempted by them. Three wrong answers will take away one correct answer.

EKT 1 2017 Exam Pattern

Engineering Knowledge Test is a common test aimed at testing the Basic Engineering knowledge of the candidates applied for Aeronautical Engineering Courses. EKT has two parts, namely Part A – General Engineering: 40 Questions Duration: Part B – Specialist Paper for each Engineering discipline: 35 Questions : 1 hour Engineering Knowledge Test is pitched at pre-final to final year engineering level. The test consists of two parts viz General Engineering and Specialist subjects for the two streams of Technical Branches i.e Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) and Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical). The specialised papers are in Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical engineering, Electronics and Communication engineering, Electrical and Instrumentation engineering and Computer Engineering. The questions are objective type in nature and duration of test is approximately one hour. It is mandatory for the candidates to pass in both General and Specialist papers to qualify for AFSB interview.

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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