How to prepare for SSB? It is the most common question asked by many aspirants because whenever they ask this question to qualified candidates, conferenced out candidates or any other, they get various inputs like join coaching institutes, never join a coaching institute, prepare yourself or prepare online or prepare from SSBCrackExams and take personalised guidance/personality development.
These inputs create an ocean of confusion in the minds of the candidates due to which they find it difficult to decide what is the best way to prepare for SSB after cracking their written examination. In this article, we will be talking about the facts that SSB demands, which will help you have a better understanding of the process and eventually the way you should choose to clear it.
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SSB is a tri–testing method or way wherein three different veterans (physiologist, interviewing officer, ground testing officer) assesses a candidate using various techniques to check his OLQs. All of them make a pen picture of a candidate during tests and they discuss the common qualities they found in the candidate. This is the reason why candidates are advised to show their own original self and not to copy or listen to someone’s answers because it shows fluctuations in your performance. Example; – you read an answer to the question, what will you do if your group task is getting late and your team member is not listening to you? you read this and write that you will politely make him understand by helping him in finding the solutions or an answer related to this in the WAT or form a story like this in the TAT but when GTO tested you could not perform this action. So both of them form a different picture of you and it will be easy to find out that either you have lied or copied or you have been coached by someone.
“There is nothing special in showing your own personality if there is nothing special in your personality”. so the best way is to develop your personality day by day by using and understanding this article.
- Make a habit of listening to all the local, national, international news every day. You should know all the happenings and you should have your own views about them.
- Know yourself – SSB is going to be your personality’s test, for that you should be fully aware of yourselves to find your strengths, weaknesses, qualities, likes, dislikes and their reasons why so? That will help you to find ways to improve and even to frame answers when questions will be asked to you in the interview.
- Start doing physical exercises in the mornings for your great mental and physical wellbeing.
- Read about the 5-day procedure at SSB, what all tasks are there but do not seek their answers to copy. Just have an idea and about the tasks and start preparing your solutions and answers. Example; You can know about WAT, TAT and self-description. You can have a look at kinds of words asked in WAT, pictures shown in TAT but you should not copy or write similar kinds of responses. You should think about it yourself and write it. You can take all the tasks one by one and practise every day with setting a time limit as they do In the SSB to check whether you can think and write under pressure or not and what all needs to be improved.
- Understand the logic and aim of every task? Why they want stories, sentences and answers during the interview from you because they want to know you. So, express yourselves well in all the tasks but it should be your own original self that you are representing. So, while you prepare for SSB’s task like TAT, WAT etc frame answers keeping in mind the aim behind that task. Example – knife (WAT) answer 1 = knife is used to cut vegetables answer 2 = knife is used in self-defence. So can you notice how answer 1 shows just a common fact but nothing about the candidate and answer 2 shows stamina and courage in the candidate.
- As they say you cannot prepare for SSB, you can prepare for life and SSB is just a part of it. You cannot speak lies, latecomer, anti-social element and write qualitative stories and ither tasks well at SSB. You should ask your parents and close friends what all weaknesses you have in your character to develop day by day. Asking your family, teachers and close friends is suggested because you yourselves will not be able to find your own loopholes easily, reason is that all those qualities are inculcated in your personality and it is your habit now. So, find them and improve them.
- Increase your communication skills by talking to people more. Participate in the team events so that you can understand how to adapt with people and how to solve all the issues that comes in the way. If you do things well here during the experiences of your life then you will surely do it great during the GTO tasks because you have experienced that you have confidence of managing and leading the team.
- You should join coaching or not? A candidate can go to coaching after understanding and preparing SSB fully. It can be used as execution of all your plans and practice that you have done. It can take as a full real time practise before going to SSB. But you should not carry any tricks or shortcuts that does not matches with your conscience and personality. You should do, answer, write what you actually feel.
- Online coaching of the SSB Interview Live Classes and Personsal One on One Peer training by SSBCrackExams: SSBCrackExams is India’s most trusted online portal for Indian defence aspirants dedicated to defence exam-related preparations such as live classes, online courses and many more. It is trusted and followed by many defence aspirants across the country. There are many such sources provided by SSBCrackExams and online coaching at the SSB interview stage is one of them.
- The highly qualified tutors of SSBCrackExams will provide students with in-depth knowledge, a clear course framework, rich content, and constant supervision via advanced technology and simple learning approaches in order to help them prepare for the SSB interview. You might ponder over the question of why you should choose to take online SSB interview coaching by the SSBCrackExams. And here are some more facts: why?
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- Student-friendly classes – SSBCrackexams online coaching classes are student friendly.. It means that the students and their doubts are given the utmost priority.
- Digitally advanced video lectures – The quality of video lectures is extremely good. Students can watch videos as per their convenience.
- Live classes – SSBCrackExams also conduct live classes to guide the students and clear their doubts. These live classes help to boost confidence in students prior to the SSB Interview.
- Teaching by top-rated tutors – The students get taught from the top notch faculties having experience of many years in teaching and guiding the students.
- Doubt clearing Sessions – SSBCrackExams conduct doubt clearing sessions which help in clearing the doubts of the students. This helps in the overall preparation of SSB interview of the students and fills even the slighest gap of doubt among them.
- Pocket-friendly courses – The most important is the price of online SSB coaching provided by SSBCrackExams. It is pocket friendly and way too low compared to market prices.

These were some of the best ways to prepare for SSB, your main aim should be to participate, practise, and develop your personality day by day, to understand the process of SSB, form original answers according to your own thinking, understand the logic behind all tasks and practise them well before going to SSB. You can go to coaching to experience all SSB tasks and to check your preparation. Candidates are advised to go to coaching before 20-30 days of your SSB dates as you can add something valid in your personality that you found you lack during the coaching experience. SSB tasks are designed in a way that the candidate tends to give responses based on his past events and experiences of life. So, prepare for SSB every day and be a better version of your self-keeping in mind all the officer-like qualities they expect from you.
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