If you a are defence aspirant and preparing for the defence exams, no matter what, you have to go through the SSB interview to reach your final destination, SSB interview’s day one consist of a screening test and OIR test is a part of Stage-1 SSB interview testing. OIR test, also known as officers intelligence rating test is very crucial for your selection for the Stage-2 testing. So, if you are preparing for the OIR test, do not forget to check our fully updates OIR Test Online Course, this course helps you to clear the screening test at SSB.
We can say that the first test conducted in SSB interview is Officers’ Intelligence Rating Test, OIR test is an MCQ based written exam consists of 54-55 questions like simple linguistic, logical, analytical, and mathematical questions to test the common sense of the candidates.
20 Most Expected MCQs for SSB Officer Intelligence Rating Test