50 Common Personal Interview Questions In SSB And Sample Responses

Jai Hind future warriors today we are going to discuss about 50 of the commonly asked questions in the personal interview in SSBs. These are...

Jai Hind future warriors today we are going to discuss about 50 of the commonly asked questions in the personal interview in SSBs. These are sample responses(hints) for the first 26 questions and yours may differ because of your own experiences. So focus on the questions more than the responses.

  • Tell me about your district

Answer: I would divide in 5 parts: geography(terrain, proximity to airport and railway stations), demography and brief history(population), economy(major source of income), facilities(like educational institutions), and tourist places in brief to wrap up this question

Also Read: 5 Days SSB Interview Procedure: The Ultimate SSB Interview Preparation Guide

  • Tell me about your family

Answer: I would tell about the number of family members(4), and then briefly explaining what all they do(occupation) and our home.

  • Tell me about your education after class VIII till now(class XII)

Answer:  Start with class IX where you did, medium of instruction and subjects , subsequently moving till current class(XII) and any special achievements like centum in any subjects/topper, etc.

  • What does your name mean and what significance do you derive from it?

Answer: Mention like my name is Ashish and it means ‘blessing’, the significance I drive is that life itself is a blessing and live it like that being optimistic. You may have same name as mine but its significance for you may be different from mine and that is what I meant when I earlier wrote that responses are bound to be different. So be generic

  • Why did your marks fell down from class X to class XI and XII

Answer: Give the generic reason like mismanagement of time by focussing too much on sports/extra-curricular activities or preparing for NDA exam. See there must be some reason your marks are depreciating, if they were constantly low this question would not arise, but once they were good now bad, would raise questions about your will to work. So response truthfully.

  • Why do you want to join the army?
  • This is the question which is asked in 99.99% of the interviews to check your level of motivation and reasoning behind it. There must be some reason that inspired a teenager of touch and tease to aspire for one of the most professional serviced in the world. It can be anything for some, it may be them being brats who have seen that life a bit closer, or watching a movie(LOC Kargil) or reading war hero books, find your own reason.
  • If you are so inspired to join army, then why did you not join NCC?

Answer: Everyone has their own reason like the school they are studying in, is not having a NCC unit or there were less seats and he couldn’t clear the qualifying tests. Or at that time you didn’t take it seriously but now feel that joining it could have been much better.

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Answer: Don’t search google for those adjectives, talk to your parents, siblings and friends about this, they will give you enough info, then self-introspect to bring out this answer. Never just say the weakness, also mention the steps you are taking to remove it

  1. Which regiment/arm/branch do you want to join and why?

Answer: When you think about this question, also think what you can give to the regiment.

  • Why have you only applied for Army, don’t you like Air Force and Navy?

Answer: You may state that an army unit was in your district, so you kind of have seen them daily while going to work/school thus inspired or you may be an army brat or there may be some war story of a brave soldier which motivated you.

  • Tell me about the competitive exams you have appeared in.

Answer: Don’t start just naming them, also add years and your result, all in chronological order. Like I gave JEE in class XII and secured __ percentile then I gave this __ in __ and secured ___.

  • Do you have a girlfriend? If not, then why?

Answer: If you don’t have gf, say it politely, don’t try to prove you are a ’Sakht Londa’, it may be you are focussed on your career and never had a thought about this,even if you had good female colleagues who are good friends.

  • But if you do have a girlfriend, then he may ask questions related to it like, so be prepared
  • How did you become close?
  • It may be that she was also preparing for CDS exam and you both started helping each other out for the common aim.
  • Do your parents know about it.
  • You may tell that they know, you two are together working hard to achieve their aim. You have to diplomatic in questions related to these.
  • Did you have physical relationship with her?
  • My advice is even if you had, try to deny it, especially if you are going for 10+2 entries.
  • Who is your best friend and why?

Answer: I know that its hard to tell why the person is your best friend, even your friend doesn’t know why you two are close, maybe you both had the same vibe. So bring out positive qualities of your friend which you like.

  • What kind of people you don’t like?

Answer: No one is a saint so never say I like every kind of people, for example we never like thiefs, criminals, etc. and there’s a reason behind that, so just state the reason.

  • Who are you closer to in your family?

Answer: May be your sibling or mother or father, and there may be a reason behind it, like I am closer to my brother because of the very little age gap between, hence better understanding of each other.

  • Who is your favourite teacher and why?

Answer: Just keep in mind that the teacher should be a recent one, like if you are going for CDS entry and you tell a teacher of class X, it puts an impact that in the 5-6years since  then, there is not a single teacher who is good(highly improbable). Tell about the qualities of that teacher, which may include her pragmatic teaching style, her participation in organizing fests/competitions, or motivating the batch, etc., not how she/he loved/admired you.

  • Tell me about your time-table.

Answer: State the truth like if you are a masters student then it’s not necessary that you go for workout in the morning. You may state that you start the day around 7, go for classes, then go for playing(only if you go), and then study till late night. But yes at least include sports, if workout fatigue hampers your studies. Also include how you make time for your hobbies, newspaper readings, etc.

  • How do you spend time with parent?

Answer: You may state that you sit down with them, discuss about your studies/work, and make plans about the upcoming times, etc and also talk to them about their health and all.

  • What is your role at home?

Answer: You may state here that how you help your parents in daily chores, making the recharges and paying bills, fees, etc., get things repaired ,etc.

  • How much is your pocket money and how do you spend it?

Answer: Here you can state that you get money according to the need, or how you are earning money through internships/tuitions. If you do get money, then tell that you make a plan, and then save accordingly.

  • What is the volume of this room?

Answer: Start by estimating the dimensions (length,  breadth and height) and then telling him the answer. He may ask you how did you measure it? Tell him like my height is this and the roof was this much above me, then I counted the tiles and estimated their size. Also state your estimated measurements.

  • Did you join any coaching academy?

Answer:  You may be state that this was your first attempt and you needed to get a better understanding of the procedure of SSB plus it also gave you an opportunity of exploring a new city

For the next few questions (20-28) I cannot give you hints because everyone will have different responses, so make your own responses. Best method which I follow is standing in front of mirror ans speaking aloud these questions, then write whatever comes to find, before making the answers in pure form

  • Why were you not recommended in your previous attempts?
  • Why you were not selected in you previous SSB ?
  • What special preparation you have done this time to clear SSB ?
  • What have you performed best during your previous SSB ?
  • What is your career plan if you get rejected this time too ?
  • Tell me something about this selection centre and city ?
  • What are your strengths, tell me about a situation where you used have used your biggest strength ?
  • Who is your role model and why ?
  • What are your weaknesses and what have you done in the previous months to overcome that ?
  • What are the seven sister states, their capitals and CMs?
  • What all qualities you will look for into your future partner? (in case you said no gf/bf)
  • Do you smoke or drink? Why so?
  • What will your parents / friends / siblings / teachers tell about you?
  • What motivates and demotivates you, how do you overcome demotivation ?
  • What is your biggest fear in life
  • When did you decide to join defence forces and what have you done to prepare yourself for the forces ?
  • Do you watch porn? Are you addicted to it & what do you do after watching porn?
  • How are you different , give me some reasons to select you ?
  • Whom do you like the most , your mother or father ? Tell me about the qualities you like and dislike in both of them .
  • What will you do if a lion is coming Towards you in the jungle.
  • Did you make friends during previous SSB, tell me about them?
  • What is the meaning of your name, who gave you this and why?
  • Tell me about the social services you have done in your life so far?
  • Tell me about the biggest thing on your life that you are proud of ?

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  5. Doubt clearing Sessions â€“ SSBCrackExams conduct doubt clearing sessions which help in clearing the doubts of the students. This helps in the overall preparation of SSB interview of the students and fills even the slighest gap of doubt among them. 
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It may have happened that you didn’t agree with any of the answers and rightfully so, therefore have your own responses and a proper reasoning behind them.

Hope this article was informative and helpful for you. For more posts related to defence exams and SSB interviews stay tuned

Jai Hind

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