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9 February 2022 Daily Defence Current Affairs And Updates [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Daily Defence Current Affairs 9 February 2022 CSL Delivers 3 Floating Border Out-post Vessels To BSF The Cochin Shipyard Limited delivered the three Floating Border Out-Post (FBOPs) vessels to the...

Daily Defence Current Affairs 9 February 2022

CSL Delivers 3 Floating Border Out-post Vessels To BSF

  • The Cochin Shipyard Limited delivered the three Floating Border Out-Post (FBOPs) vessels to the Border Security Force.
    • With this, the Shipyard has delivered six vessels out of nine FBOPs being built for the BSF.
    • The vessels will act as a floating base for the flotilla of fast patrol boats and will supply petrol, freshwater.
  • About BSF:
  • The BSF was raised in 1965, after the India-Pakistan war.
    • BSF comes under the control of MHA.
    • The 2.65-lakh force is deployed along the Pakistan and Bangladesh borders.
    • It has an air wing, marine wing, an artillery regiment, and commando units.
    • BSF has been defending Sir Creek in the Arabian Sea and Sundarban delta in the Bay of Bengal.

PVC Sanjay Kumar Posted as Instructor At NDA

  • Sub Sanjay Kumar PVC of 13 JAK RIF posted as Instructor at National Defence Academy is a role model for cadets & has been promoted to the rank of ‘Subedar Major’ today by Air Marshal Sanjeev Kapoor Commandant NDA.

NSG Commandos Undergo Training from Greyhounds

  • India’s elite special operations force National Security Guard (NSG) has begun training with the anti-Naxal force, the Greyhounds, which best specialises in jungle warfare.
  • NSG commandos are being trained in a restricted area in Hyderabad.
  • For jungle operations, the NSG was used in search of Veerappan in 2002.
  •  The term Naxalism derives its name from the village Naxalbari of West Bengal.
  • It originated as a rebellion against local landlords who bashed a peasant over a land dispute in 1967.
  • Started in West Bengal, the movement has spread across Eastern India; in less developed areas of states such as Chhattisgarh, Odisha & Andhra Pradesh.
  • Causes:
  • Tribal discontent: The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
  • Massive displacement
  • Gaps in the socio-economic system of the country.
  • No Follow-Up from administration
  • Confusion over tackling Naxalism as a social issue or as a security threat.
  • State governments consider Naxalism as the central gov. issue.
  • Steps taken by the Government:
  • Operation Green Hunt: It was started in 2010 & massive deployment of security forces was done in the Naxal-affected areas.
  • ‘Relief and Rehabilitation Policy’.
  • Aspirational Districts Programme
  • Andhra Police rose ‘Greyhounds’; special forces to deal with Naxalism in the state.
  • The NSG is a counter-terrorism unit that formally came into existence in 1986 by an act of Parliament- ‘National Security Guard Act, 1986’.
  • The idea behind raising such force came in the aftermath of Operation Blue Star in 1984, the Akshardham Temple attack & the assassination of former PM Indira Gandhi.
  • It operates under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • The NSG has two complementary elements in the form of:
  • Special Action Group (SAG) comprising of the Army personnel- is the main offensive or the strike wing of the NSG, and
  • Special Ranger Groups (SRG) comprising of personnel drawn from the Central Armed Police Forces/State Police Forces. They generally handle VIP securities.
  • The head of NSG- designated as Director General is selected & appointed by the MHA.
  • The motto of Sarvatra, Sarvottam, Suraksha.
  • Often referred to in the media as Black Cat Commandos.

Central Media Accreditation Guidelines-2022

  • Central government released “Central Media Accreditation Guidelines-2022”.
  • As per guidelines, accreditation will be suspended or withdrawn, in case of journalist acts in a manner prejudicial to India’s security, sovereignty & integrity, public order, friendly relations with foreign States, or if journalist is charged with any serious cognisable offence.
  • Accreditation can also be withdrawn or suspended, if their actions are prejudicial to decency, morality, defamation, or incitement to an offence or in relation to contempt of court.
  • In the case of digital news publishers, general terms of accreditation would apply.
  • What is media accreditation?
  • Accreditation means recognition of news media representatives by the GOI. Media accreditation is done for purpose of accessing sources of information in Government & written or pictorial news materials, released by the PIB or other agencies of the Government.


  • Which company delivers 3 FBOPs vessels to the BSF?
  • MDL
  • L&T
  • CSL
  • HAL


  • ‘Sarvatra, Sarvottam, Suraksha’ Is the Motto Of
  • CRPF
  • BSF
  • NSG
  • ITBP


  • The Eastern Command Indian Army HQ at Of
  • Kolkata
  • Kochi
  • Kerala
  • Coimbatore


  • Black Hawk Helicopter Manufactured By
  • Airbus
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Dassault
  • Boeing

     ANSWER: B

  • Zair-al-Bahr Is a Naval Exercise B/W India And
  • Moldova
  • Qatar
  • Oman
  • Serbia


  • Maiden AL-Mohed AL-Hindi exercise held b/w India &
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Indonesia
  • Saudi Arabia


  • ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ Exercise of India &
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • UAE
  • Saudi Arabia


  • CH-47 Chinook Is a
  • Landing ship tank (LST)
  • Stealth guided-missile destroyer
  • Tandem rotor helicopters
  • Aircraft Carrier


  • Ennore Port Is At
  • Kerala
  • Tamil Nadu
  • West Bengal
  • Gujarat


  • M777 Howitzer Is Developed By
  • Israel
  • USA
  • Japan
  • Russia



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