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2 February 2022 Daily Current Affairs With Video Lecture [DOWNLOAD PDF]

DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS 02 February 2022 UNION BUDGET 2022-23: Highlights India’s economic growth is estimated at 9.2 percent, the highest among all large economies. Latest GDP estimates and key indicators...


UNION BUDGET 2022-23: Highlights

  • India’s economic growth is estimated at 9.2 percent, the highest among all large economies.
  • Latest GDP estimates and key indicators confirm the strengthened momentum of India’s economic recovery.
  • Outlay for Capital expenditure in Union Budget hiked by 35.4 percent.
  • Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) extended up to March 2023. The guaranteed cover will be expanded by 50,000 crore rupees.
  • Additional credit of 2 lakh crore rupees for MSME to be provided under Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises.
  • Productivity Linked Incentive in 14 sectors for achieving the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat will be strengthened.
  • The procurement of wheat and rice from 163 lakh farmers in rabi and kharif seasons 2021-22 has ensured rupees 2.37 lakh crore direct payment of MSP value to their accounts.
  • Use of ‘Kisan Drones’ to be promoted for crop assessment, digitization of land records, spraying of insecticides and nutrients.
  • Implementation of the Ken-Betwa Link Project at an estimated cost of 44,605 crore rupees to be taken up.
  • Four hundred new-generation Vande Bharat Trains to be developed over the next three years.
  • One Station-One product concept to be popularized to help local businesses and supply chains.
  • One hundred PM GatiShakti Cargo Terminals for multimodal logistics facilities to be developed during the next three years.
  • PM GatiShakti Master Plan for Expressways to be formulated in 2022-23 to facilitate faster movement of people and goods.
  • National Highway network to be expanded by 25 thousand kilometers in 2022-23.
  • Allocation of 60,000 crore rupees made for Har-Ghar, Nal-Se-Jal to cover 3.8 crore households in 2022-23.
  • 80 lakh houses to be completed in 2022-23 under PM Awaas Yojana, both rural and urban.
  • A new Vibrant Villages Programme to be launched to cover border villages with sparse population, limited connectivity, and less infrastructure.
  • Two lakh Anganwadis to be upgraded under the Saksham Anganwadi Mission.
  • A new scheme-Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North-East, PM-DevINE to be implemented through North-Eastern Council.
  • One class-one TV channel’ programme of PM eVIDYA to be expanded from 12 to 200 TV channels.
  • A Digital University to be established to provide access to students across the country for world-class quality universal education.
  • Government to set up 75 Digital Banking Units (DBUs) in 75 districts of the country by Scheduled Commercial Banks.
  • 100 per cent of post offices to be brought under core-banking system.
  • Digital Rupee, using blockchain and other technologies to be issued by RBI from 2022-23.
  • E-Passports using embedded chip and futuristic technology to be rolled out in 2022-23.
  • Auction of spectrum for the rollout of 5G mobile services to be taken up in 2022.
  • Additional 19,500 crore rupees allotted under PLI scheme to give a fillip to domestic manufacturing in solar power.
  • Revised Fiscal Deficit during current year is estimated at 6.9 percent.
  • New provision introduced for taxpayers to file an Updated Return on payment of additional tax.
  • Alternate Minimum Tax for cooperative societies reduced from 18.5 to 15 per cent.
  • Last date for Tax incentive for Start-ups extended by one year from 31st March 2023.
  • Customs duty on cut and polished diamonds and gemstones is being reduced to 5 per cent.
  • Customs duty exemption given to steel scrap last year is being extended for another year.
  • Outlay for the ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance to States for Capital Investment’ is being enhanced from 10,000 crores in the Budget Estimates to 15,000 crore rupees.
  • Virtual digital assets to be taxed at the rate of 30 percent.
  • Surcharge on long-term capital gains arising on transfer of any type of assets to be capped at 15 percent.
  • More Details: Summary Of Union Budget 2022-23

2nd India, EU Virtual Maritime Security Dialogue

  • India and the European Union today held their second maritime security dialogue in a virtual format. The meeting was co-chaired by Joint Secretary for Disarmament and International Security Affairs at Ministry of External Affairs Sandeep Arya and Director for Security and Defence Policy at the European External Action Service Ms Joanneke Balfoort.
  • The consultations included developments in the maritime security environment, policy developments covering the EU strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans’ Initiative, India-EU maritime cooperation and regional initiatives to address international maritime security issues.
  • India and the European Union discussed cooperation, including in the field of maritime domain awareness, capacity-building and joint naval activities, following their successful joint naval exercise in the Gulf of Aden in June last year.
  • Ministry of External Affairs said, India and the EU are committed to a free, open, inclusive and rules-based maritime order in the Indo-Pacific region, underpinned by respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, democracy, rule of law, freedom of navigation and overflight, unimpeded lawful commerce, and peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law, notably the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea UNCLOS.

Neglected Tropical Disease Day

  • It is observed every year on 30th January. It was declared in the 74th World Health Assembly (2021).
  • The proposal to recognize the day was floated by the United Arab Emirates. It was adopted unanimously by the delegates.
  • NTDs are a group of infections that are most common among marginalized communities in the developing regions of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
  • They are caused by a variety of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and parasitic worms.
  • NTDs are especially common in tropical areas where people do not have access to clean water or safe ways to dispose of human waste.
  • These diseases generally receive less funding for research and treatment than malaises like tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS, and malaria.
  • Examples of NTDs are snakebite envenomation, scabies, yaws, trachoma, Leishmaniasis and Chagas disease, etc.
  • NTDs affect more than a billion people globally. They are preventable and treatable.

US, Russia Clash at UNSC Over Ukraine

  • There have been angry clashes between Russian and US envoys at the UN Security Council, after the US called a meeting to discuss Moscow’s troop build-up on its borders with Ukraine.
  • Earlier, India abstained from a procedural vote in United Nations Security Council on whether discussions were required on the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  • Ten member states, namely the US, UK, France, UAE, Ghana, Albania, Norway, Brazil, Mexico, and Ireland, voted in favour of taking up the Ukraine issue. On the other hand, only two member states – Russia and China – voted against it. Three member states – India, Gabon, and Kenya – abstained from the vote.

Japan’s Parliament Adopts Resolution on Human Rights Situation in China

  • Japan’s parliament has adopted a resolution on the serious human rights situation in China and asked Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s government to take steps to relieve the situation, ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics.
  • Japan has already announced it will not send a government delegation to the Games, following a U.S.-led diplomatic boycott over concerns about China’s human rights condition, although Tokyo avoided explicitly labeling its move as such.
  • The resolution, adopted by the lower chamber, said the international community has expressed concerns over such issues as the violation of religious freedom in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Tibet, and Hong Kong.
  • Human rights issues cannot just be a domestic affair because it holds universal values and is a rightful matter of concern for the international community.


  • Virtual Digital Assets To Be Taxed At ____ As Per Union Budget 2022-23
  • 10%
  • 20%
  • 30%
  • 40%


  • Customs Duty on Cut and Polished Diamonds and Gemstones is Being Reduced to ____
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%


  • India’s Economic Growth is estimated at____ the highest among all large economies.
  • 7.3 %
  • 8.5 %
  • 9.2 %
  • 9.8 %


  • _____ sectors have been focused on achieving the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat through PLI Scheme.
  • 10
  • 12
  • 14
  • 16


  • Which river linking Project has been an estimated cost of 44,605 crore rupees to be taken up.
  • Godavari-Krishna
  • Carvery-Tungabhadra
  • Ken-Betwa
  • Ganga-Yamuna


  • _____ new-generation Vande Bharat Trains to be developed over the next three years
  • 150
  • 200
  • 350
  • 400


  • National Highway network to be expanded by ______ in 2022-23.
  • 15,000 km
  • 25,000 km
  • 35,000 km
  • 45,000 km


  • ______ houses to be completed in 2022-23 under PM Awaas Yojana, both rural and urban.
  • 50 lakh
  • 60 lakh
  • 70 lakh
  • 80 lakh


  • One class-one TV channel’ program of PM eVIDYA to be expanded from _____ TV channels.
  • 12 to 200
  • 22 to 250
  • 32 to 300
  • 33 to 350


  1. Revised Fiscal Deficit during the current year is estimated at
  2. 3.4 %
  3. 4.7 %
  4. 5.6 %
  5. 6.9 %




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