AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper Set B [Solved]

Candidates can download the AFCAT Question Paper 2015 SET B with Answers from the links given below. Candidates can download the AFCAT 1 2015 Question...

AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper Set B [Solved]

Candidates can download the AFCAT Question Paper 2015 SET B with Answers from the links given below. Candidates can download the AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper SET B PDF file with Answers and check out the questions faced by the candidates in AFCAT 1 2015 exam. Air Force Common Admission Test AFCAT 1 2015 was conducted on Sunday, February 22nd 2015. Aspirants willing to join Indian Air Force attempted the exam at their respective centers mentioned in their particular admit card. AFCAT 1 2015 was conducted in two batches first batch exam was conducted in the morning around 10: AM and second batch exam was conducted in the afternoon around 2 PM. AFCAT 1 2015 commissioning details for 2016 courses is given below:

For Men:


No. 199/16F/SSC/M (Short Service Commission)


No. 198/16T/PC/M (Permanent Commission)

No. 198/16T/SSC/M (Short Service Commission)


No. 198/16G/PC/M (Permanent Commission)

No. 198/16G/SSC/M (Short Service Commission)

For Women:


No. 199/16F/SSC/W (Short Service Commission)


No. 198/16T/SSC/W (Short Service Commission)


No. 198/16G/SSC/W (Short Service Commission)

To download AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper Set B with answers, click on the link given below. The AFCAT 1 2015 paper was consist of four sections, general awareness, verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning and military aptitude test. Below given questions that are taken directly from AFCAT 1 2015 question paper batch 2, The Air Force Common Admission Test consists of 100 questions and each question was of three marks. So total marks for all questions is 300. As far as negative marking is concerned, there was one-third negative marking in AFCAT 2015 exam was implied. For every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted as penalty.

AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper Set B [Solved]

AFCAT 1 2015 Maths Question Solved SET B

Q. A man traveled from a point A to B at the rate of 25 Kmph and walked back at the rate of 4 Kmph. If the whole journey took 5 hrs 48 minutes, the distance between A and B is

30 Km (b) 24 Km (c) 20 Km (d) 51.6 Km

Answer C

Q. A Train travelling at a uniform speed clears a platform 200 m long in 10 seconds and passes a telegraph post in 5 seconds. The speed of the train is

36 km/h (b) 39 km/h (c) 72 km/h (d) 78 km/h

Answer  144kmph

Q. The price of sugar increases by 20% due to the festive season. By what percentage should a family reduce the consumption of sugar so that there is no change in the expenditure?

20% (b) 18(1/3)% (c) 16(2/3)% (d) 16(1/3)%

Answer (c)

Q. A’s salary is 20% lower than B’s salary, which is 15% lower than C’s salary. By how much percent is C’s salary more than A’s salary?

05% (b) 45.05% (c) 46.05% (d) 47.05%

Answer (d)

Q. The average weight of 5 men is increased by 2 Kg when one of the men whose weight is 60 Kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the new man is

50 Kg (b) 65 Kg (c) 68 Kg (d) 70 Kg

Answer (d)

Q. A and B can do a piece of work in 18 days; B and C can do it in 24 days; A and C can do it in 36 days. In how many days B alone can finish the work?

48 days (b) 45 days (c) 28(4/5) days (d) 144 days

Answer (c)

Q. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how many days can A do the work if he is assisted by B and C on every third day?

(a) 12 days (b) 15 days (c) 16 days (d) 18 days

Answer (B)

Q A man can row 9(1/3) Kmph in still water and finds that it takes him thrice as much time to row up than as to row down the same distance in the river. The speed of the current is

(a) 3(1/3) Kmph (b) 3(1/9) Kmph (c) 4(2/3) Kmph (d) 4(1/3) Kmph

Answer (c)

Q62 The speed of a boat in salt water is 10 Kmph. If it can travel 26 Km downstream and 14 Km upstream in the same time, the speed of the stream is

(a) 2 Kmph (b) 2.5 Kmph (c) 3 Kmph (d) 4 Kmph

Answer (c)

Q. If a sum becomes double in 16 years, how many times will it be in 8 years?

1(1/2) times (b) 1(1/3) times (c) 1(3/4) times (d) 1(1/4) times

Answer (A)

Q. In how many years will a sum of Rs 800 at 10% per annum compounded semi-annually become Rs 926.10?

1(1/3) (b) 1(1/2) (c) 2(1/3) (d) 2(1/2)

Answer (B)

Q. A sells 2 TV sets, one at a loss of 15% and another at a profit of 15%. Find the loss/gain percentage in the overall transaction?

25% (b) 3% (c) 4% (d) No profit, no loss

Answer (A)

AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper SET B

AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper SET B Solved Keys

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6 thoughts on “AFCAT 1 2015 Question Paper Set B [Solved]”

  1. Through 144 kmph is the right answer it was not given in the options then what about marks? what is the solution?

    • Most probably they will not consider that question while evaluation or they will add 3 marks for that question to all students mark. Either way it won’t affect your ranking.

    • For example, Take the initial sum as 100.
      It is getting doubled in 16 years as 200 (increment of 100).
      So for 8 years the increment would be 50. The total is 150. which is 1.5(1 1/2).


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