Check AFCAT exam syllabus in 2015 for candidates writing afcat exam in 2015. In this article we are going to discuss the AFCAT syllabus and candidates can download the afcat exam syllabus pdf file for their convinince. Candidates can check out AFCAT SYLLABUS, AFCAT EXAM SYLLABUS PDF, AFCAT 2015 Exam Pattern as mentioned on
AFCAT which stands for Air Force Common Admission Test is started and being conducted for the admission of eligible candidates in Flying Branch, Technical Branch and Ground Duty Branches of Indian Air Force.
AFCAT 2015 Exam is scheduled to be held on 22 February 2015 for all the eligible applicants who have applied successfully through You can find the details of the afcat examination including AFCAT syllabus 2015 with PDF link and AFCAT 2015 exam pattern and  given below.
AFCAT Syllabus 2015
AFCAT 2015 Exam Syllabus
- General Awareness: History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics , Civics, Basic Sciences, Defence, Art etc.
- Verbal Ability in English: Comprehension, Error Detection, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Testing of Vocabulary, Sentence Completion etc.
- Numerical Ability: Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, and Simple Interest, Profit & Loss
- Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test section: Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.
AFCAT 2015 Exam Pattern:
The Air Force Common Admission Test will consist of 100 questions and each question will be of three marks. So total marks for all questions will be 300. As far as negative marking is concerned, there is one-third negative marking in AFCAT 2015 exam. For every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted as penalty.
AFCAT 2015 paper has of four sections:
- General Awareness
- Verbal Ability
- Numerical Ability
- Reasoning & Military Aptitude Test
There will be Multiply Choice Based Questions of 3 marks each. The candidates will be penalized in the form of deduction of 1 marks for every wrong answers attempted by them. Three wrong answers will take away one correct answer.
AFCAT EKT Exam 2015
- All applicants whose online applications have been successfully submitted will be called for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) and Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) (applicable only for candidates applying for technical branch).
- EKT would be for 45 minutes and conducted immediately after AFCAT.
- The duration of AFCAT 2015 Exam will be 2 Hours and EKT exam will be for 30 mins.
Candidates who will clear the afcat exam 2015 will be called for further ssb interview process which is also know as AFSB interview. AFSB stands for air force selection board which are located at Mysore, Dehradun, Varanasi and Gandhinagar.
AFCAT AFSB Interview Process
- Stage-I Test consisting of Intelligence Test along with other tests will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for. Those candidates who either do not qualify in Stage I testing or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself.
- Stage-II testing consisting of Psychological test, Group Tests and Interview will be conducted on subsequent days (Five Days).
- For Flying Branch: Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) or CPSS Test would be administered to eligible candidates.
AFCAT Syllabus Download PDF copy
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