What is the ‘ANTIM PAG’?

‘Antim Pag’ translates to the ‘Last Step’. It symbolizes the final step a cadet takes at Indian Military Institutions like the National Defence Academy, the...

‘Antim Pag’ translates to the ‘Last Step’. It symbolizes the final step a cadet takes at Indian Military Institutions like the National Defence Academy, the Indian Military Academy, the Indian Air Force Academy, the Indian Naval Academy, and the Officers’ Training Academy.

antim pag

It marks the commencement of the life of a cadet as a commissioned officer in the armed forces.

The ‘Antim Pag’ is marked on a granite slab and the Gentlemen and Lady Cadets pass over it during their Passing out Parade.

After clearing the entrance exam, passing the SSB interview, and clearing your medical examination, one finally joins either of the Military Institutions.

Being a cadet in one of these institutions is a matter of great pride.

Your time as a cadet is limited. You are taught and tested on various levels. Physical capability, strength, endurance, mental strength, on-the-spot thinking, combat, etc., is taught. Cadets go through a rigorous training period and come out well molded in all aspects. They develop officer-like qualities and are holistically developed.

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Time at the academy goes by in just a blink of the eye. One second you were just entering, fresh out of school, and the other second, you’re leaving, being a transformed individual.

The Antim Pag marks this change.

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It marks the change from a cadet to an officer. This ceremony holds tonnes of symbolic value. In fact, one cannot graduate the academy and is not considered an officer until he crosses the Antim Pag.

Till the year 2021, the concept of the ‘Antim Pag’ existed, which marked the completion of the training period of a cadet.

Also Read: What Is Pehla Kadam In The Indian Army?

However, from last year itself, the concept of ‘Pehla Kadam’, which translates to ‘First Step’ has been introduced by Manoj M. Naravane, who was the former Chief of Army Staff.

The ‘Pehla Kadam’, or the ‘First Step’ symbolizes that the journey is not over. Contrarily it is just the beginning of a new phase of their life in the Indian Armed Forces.

I hope this article was useful and insightful.

I hope all the defence aspirants reading this article get to walk over the ‘Pehla Kadam’ and fulfil their dream of serving in the armed forces and protecting their motherland.

Jai Hind.

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Picture of Alyssa Sarup

Alyssa Sarup

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Student at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. An avid reader, pursuing her interest in mass communication.

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