All the NDA aspirants who are studying in 12th and waiting for their exam dates, there is the latest update on CBSE 10th and 12th exam date. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 10 and Class 12 examination dates are announced on Thursday. The Class X and Class XII exams will be held from July 1 to July 15. The examinations will be held after a long delay due to COVID-19 lockdown in the country. This development comes after Human Resource Development (HRD) Ramesh Pokhriyal, on Tuesday, in a webinar said that decision on CBSE board exams will be taken in a couple of days. Universities in Maharashtra to Conduct Only Final Year Examinations for 2020, All Other Students to Be Promoted Without Exams.
Update: CBSE 10 And 12th Exam Dates For Defence Aspirants
There are four subjects for Class 10 whose exams are yet to be conducted. Class 10 students will sit for Hindi, English, Science and Social Science exams. Students of Class 12 will similarly sit for Computer Science, Hindi, Geography, Sociology and Business Studies. JEE Advanced 2020 Exam Date Announced: Examination to Be Conducted on August 23, Says HRD Ministry.