CDS 2 2017 Entry IMA OTA AFA NA Courses And Vacancies

A Combined Defence Services Examination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on 19th Nov, 2017 for admission to the under mentioned courses...

A Combined Defence Services Examination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on 19th Nov, 2017 for admission to the under mentioned courses


CDS 2 2017 Entry IMA OTA AFA NA Courses And Vacancies

NDA 2 2017 ENTRY 78

Name of the Course and Approximate No. of Vacancies:

1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun—  Indian Military Academy, Dehradun- 145th Course commencing in July, 2018 [Including 13 vacancies reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing) holders]. — 100

2. Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala—Course commencing in July, 2018 Executive (General Service) [including 06 vacancies reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders (Naval Wing)].  — 45

3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad—(Pre-Flying) Training Course commencing in August, 2018 i.e. No. 204 F(P) Course. – 32

4. Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai—108th SSC(Men)(NT) Course commencing in Oct, 2018. — 225 (including 50 vacancies for NCC ‘C’ certificate holders to NCC Spl. Entry)

5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai—22nd SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course commencing in Oct, 2018. — 12

NOTE (i) : The date of holding the examination as mentioned above is liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission.

NOTE (ii) : The number of vacancies given above is tentative and may be changed at any stage by Services H. Q.

N.B. (I) (a) : A candidate is required to specify clearly in respective column of the Online Application the Services for which he/she wishes to be considered in the order of his/her preference. A male candidate is advised to indicate as many preferences as he wishes to, subject to the condition given at paras (b) and (c) below, so that having regard to his rank in the order of merit due consideration can be given to his preferences when making appointment. Since women candidates are eligible for OTA only, they should give OTA as their first and only preference.

(b) (i) : If a male candidate is competing for Short Service Commission (Army) only, he should indicate OTA as the one and only choice. However, a male candidate competing for Short Service Commission Course at OTA as well as Permanent Commission course at IMA, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy should indicate OTA as his last preference; otherwise OTA will be deemed to be the last choice even if it is given a higher preference by the candidate.

(b) (ii) : Women candidates are being considered only for Short Service Commission at OTA. They should indicate OTA as the only choice.

(c) Candidates who desire to join Air Force Academy must indicate AFA as first choice, as they have to b administered Computer Pilot Selection System (CPSS) and/or Pilot Aptitude Battery Test at one of the AFSBs and AF Medicals at Central Establishment/Institute of Aviation Medicines. Choice exercised for AFA as second/third etc. will be treated as invalid.

(d) Candidates should note that, except as provided in N.B. (II) below, they will be considered for appointment to those courses only for which they exercise their preference and for no other course(s).

(e) No request for addition/alteration in the preferences already indicated by a candidate in his/her application will be entertained by the Commission. No change of choice once exercised will be allowed. Second choice will come for consideration only when the first choice is not offered to the candidate by Services HQ. When first choice is offered and a candidate declines the same, his/her candidature will be cancelled for all other choices for regular Commission.

N.B. (II) The left-over candidates of IMA/Indian Naval Academy/Air Force Academy courses viz., those who have been recommended by the Union Public Service Commission for grant of Permanent Commission on the basis of the final results of this Examination, but who could not be inducted on these courses for any reason whatsoever may be considered for grant of SSC even if they have not indicated their choice for this course in their applications, if they are subsequently willing to be considered for this course subject to the following conditions :

(i) There is a shortfall after detailing all the candidates who competed for the SSC Course; and

(ii) The candidates who are detailed for training even though they have not expressed their preference for SSC will be placed in the order of Merit List after the last candidate who had opted for this Course, as these candidates will be getting admission to the Course to which they are not entitled according to the preference expressed by them.

(iii) Candidates with Air Force as first and only choice cannot be considered as left-over for grant of SSC (OTA) if they fail in Computer Pilot Selection System (CPSS) and/or Pilot Aptitude Battery Test. Such candidates, if they desire to be considered for SSC (OTA) should exercise their option for OTA also.

NOTE 1 : NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) holders may also compete for the vacancies in the Short Service Commission Course but since there is no reservation of vacancies for them in this course, they will be treated as general candidates for the purpose of filling up vacancies in this course. Candidates who have yet to pass NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) examination, but are otherwise eligible to compete for the reserved vacancies, may also apply but they will be required to submit the proof of passing the NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) examination to reach the Army HQ/Rtg. CDSE Entry for SSC male candidates and SSC women entry for female candidates West Block III, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066 in case of IMA/SSC first choice candidates and IHQ of MOD (Navy) DMPR, (OI&R Section), Room No. 204, ‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110 011 in case of Navy first choice candidates and PO 3 (A)/Air Headquarters ‘J’ Block, Room No. 17, Opp. Vayu Bhawan, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110 106 in case of Air Force first choice candidates by 13th November, 2017. To be eligible to compete for reserved vacancies the candidates should have served for not less than 2 academic years in the Senior Division Army Wing and 3 academic years in the Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing of National Cadet Corps and should not have been discharged from the NCC for more than 24 months for IMA/Indian Naval Academy/Air Force Academy courses on the last date of receipt of Application in the Commission’s Office.

NOTE 2 : In the event of sufficient number of qualified NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) holders not becoming available on the results of the examination to fill all the vacancies reserved for them in the Indian Military Academy Course/Air Force Academy Course/Indian Naval Academy Course, the unfilled reserved vacancies shall be treated as unreserved and filled by general candidates. Admission to the above courses will be made on the results of the written examination to be conducted by the Commission followed by
intelligence and personality test by the Services Selection Board of candidates who qualify in the written examination. The details regarding the (a) scheme, standard, syllabus of the examination, (b) Instructions to candidates for filling up the Online Application Form (c) Special instructions to candidates to objective type tests (d)
Guidelines with regard to physical standards for admission to the Academy and (e) Brief particulars of services etc. for candidates joining the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officers’ Training Academy are given in Appendices I, II, III, IV and V of notification respectively.

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