CDS 2 2022 Marks Of Toppers – CDS Written And SSB Marks Of Recommended Candidates

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has posted the marks of written and SSB Interview along with the rank and results of the aspirants who...

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has posted the marks of written and SSB Interview along with the rank and results of the aspirants who have been recommended for CDS 2 2022 on its official website.

On the official website,, candidates who have been recommended based on the UPSC CDS 2 final result 2022 can check and get their marks.

CDS Final Merit List For IMA, INA, AFA And OTA

UPSC published the CDS 2 2022 final merit list for IMA, AFA, and INA candidates who cleared the respective SSB Interviews. The following are the lists, in order of merit of 204 (146+ 43 + 15) candidates who have qualified on the basis of the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2022 conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in  September 2022, and SSB interviews held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for admission to the 155th  (DE) Course of Indian Military Academy, Dehradun; Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala and Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course i.e. No. 214 F(P) Course.

Marks Of Last Qualified Candidate In CDS 2 2022

CourseMinimum qualifying marks
in each Subject
Minimum aggregate marks
of the last qualified candidate
Marks of last
IMA20 marks (i.e. 20%)126 marks 249
INA20 marks (i.e. 20%)118 marks 248
AFA20 marks (i.e. 20%)136 marks 258
OTA (Men)20 marks (i.e. 20%)98 marks 180
OTA (Women)20 marks (i.e. 20%)98 marks179

CDS 2 2022 Toppers












How can I download my UPSC CDS 2 2022 marks?

  • Step 1: Go to, the UPSC website.
  • Step 2: Select the “Marks of Recommended Candidates: Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2022” link.
  • Step 3: The PDF document would appear on a new page.
  • Step 4: Verify your name and any annotations on the page.

What is CDS Exam and how many candidates apply?

So, starting with the number of candidates who apply for the UPSC CDS exam. The CDS exam is conducted two times every year by the UPSC for defence aspirants who want to join the Army, Airforce and Navy as an officer. Every time around 5 lakh+ candidates apply for the CDS exam, so in one year around 10 lakh+ candidates apply for the CDS exam.

How many candidates clear the CDS exam?

Now coming to the curricula part, how many candidates actually clear the CDS exam? Looking at the previous CDS results, around 7000 to 9000 candidates only clear the CDS written exam. You can find the details on a number of candidates who cleared the CDS exam from previous years.

What is the CDS SSB Interview process?

In the private sector or other competitive sectors, human resources depend on the philosophy of ‘Best Fit’ whereas in the Indian Armed Forces selection is based on the philosophy of ‘Right Fit’. There are three major ways of testing candidates as per SSBs prerequisite standards:

Detail about these tests is discussed in the below sections.

What are CDS SSB Interview dates?

A candidate whether he/she has qualified for any armed forces entrance exam or made in the merit list of candidates based on academic records for any particular type of entry, to get called up for SSB interview candidates are first allotted a roll number and sequenced in a list as per their roll numbers. This list is then published online by the selection board for the candidates to see. The list contains detail like Names with respective roll numbers along with the DOB with the date of reporting for the SSB interview.

Want To Prepare For The CDS Exam and SSB Interview?

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