Golden Tips To Prepare For AFCAT 2 2017 Exam In 30 Days

Our research and analysis of previous year question papers have given us the conclusion that AFCAT questions are generally easy to solve provided one has...

Our research and analysis of previous year question papers  have given us the conclusion that AFCAT questions are generally easy to solve provided one has a basic elementary knowledge of the concepts. Air Force Common Admission Written Test consists of very basic mathematics questions and with good practice you can solve AFCAT exam maths problems very easily.

AFCAT Coaching

Golden Tips To Prepare For AFCAT 2 2017 Exam In 30 Days

AFCAT 2 2017


  • Know about AFCAT: First of all do some research on what AFCAT exam is. A serious candidates must know the syllabus of afcat, types of questions you will face in afcat, afcat maximum marks, afcat previous cut off marks, difficult and easiest sections in afcat question papers etc. These small things will help you to make a plan for your preparation. Most of the candidates neglect this part, but make sure you do proper homework on this part.

Know all about AFCAT Exam

  • Buy A AFCAT Book: To be straight forward, most of the afcat exam preparation books which are available in the market are just like any other question bank, these is not dedicated for afcat exam preparation, but on the other hand, there are few good books as well which you might consider while preparing for afcat exam. Do check the reviews online before buying any afcat exam books from flipkart or amazon.

Best AFCAT Books

  • Make Better Decisions: There are many candidates miss out AFCAT exam with few marks, try to make a better decision as to how much questions you have to answer correctly to pass the exam. If we look at the past few years afcat cut off, you can easily say that the afcat exam cut off remains between 125-130 marks. Let us assume you have to score minimum 130 marks, for that you have to answer minimum 44 question correctly without answering a question wrong. So it is very simple, you can easily score 44 questions correctly as every section has 25 questions each. If you prepare for two sections perfectly, you could easliy score around 150 marks. Avoid guessing answers when you are not sure.
  • Speed Matters: In AFCAT exam speed matters, you have to complete 100 questions in 2 hours. There are few sections where you need just 5 secs to answer a questions, you are are right, general knowledge sections is something you can do with speed, another sections is English, these sections do not take much time to solve because you either know the answer or you don’t. Mathematics and Military aptitude will definitely take more time. So plan accordingly.
  • Use internet: Browse internet for current year and previous year current affairs read and remember as much as possible.
  • Develop proper time management skill for answering maximum number of questions within the time frame, to do such search for practice test and mock test available at any online or physical coaching.
  • Spatial ability is also one of the easy sections in AFCAT exam, 80-90% candidates can get more marks in spatial ability and military aptitude sections of AFCAT exam. Only thing you need is to know what kind of questions you will face in spatial ability and mental ability sections of AFCAT exam.
  • History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Defence, Art, Culture, and Politics: These are the topics on which knowledge based questions are asked, instead of preparing for each topic select one third of the topics of your choice and interest and gather important facts on those topics as much as possible. Make flash cards of the information gathered and read whenever you have time in hand.
  • Prepare with AFCAT previous question papers: This is considered as one of the best methods to prepare for any exam. AFCAT previous question papers would help you to understand the syllabus, pattern and types of questions you might face during AFCAT exam. Below listed are links for previous year question papers:
  • Prepare with SSBCrackExams: Our AFCAT Exam + EKT preparation course:

These courses are customized to fulfil the needs of today’s AFCAT exam aspirants, AFCAT online coaching would help you to understand the concepts of AFCAT exam paper and the high end reporting tool helps you analyze your current standards by comparing with other defense aspirants who are writing AFCAT exam along with you. So, before facing the actual AFCAT exam you could look at your preparations and act accordingly. Having said that, this course will focus more on the questions which likely to come so there is no or less scope of failure. A daily practice (even before 15 days of the real exam) of SSBCrack Exams courses can do wonders for you and will surely help you to put extra marks in your bag.

To Know More – Click Here

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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