How to beat Nervousness during SSB Personal Interview

The best among us are affected by nerves. Anxiety is a normal and healthy reaction to the stimulus and circumstance you are facing before a...

The best among us are affected by nerves. Anxiety is a normal and healthy reaction to the stimulus and circumstance you are facing before a big event in your life. (And bear in mind that certain anxiety actually keeps you alert and quick-witted.) However, it’s imperative that you avoid letting your interview fears have a negative effect on your performance.

In this article, we outline what to expect from your SSB interview and provide tips on how to mentally and physically get ready. By following these tips, you can feel calm and confident throughout the entire process.

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How to beat Nervousness during SSB Personal Interview

Highlight the Positive 

The gurus of self-help are correct: Positive thinking is advantageous, particularly when it comes to SSB interviews. Even the greatest candidates experience recurrent rejection during the five-day testing period, so try not to lose hope. At a dinner party, cynicism and anger can be amusing, but they can severely hinder you in job interviews. Nobody wants to hire a candidate who has a bad attitude. However, negativity can make it difficult for you to recognize and articulate your strongest qualities during an interview. With the belief that you can ace this SSB interview, practice and prepare. Until you succeed, fake it!

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Imagine a successful interview

After everything is finished, it is time to go to bed and have a good night’s sleep. Pre-visualize the entire 5-day adventure once more before you go to sleep. Visualize yourself crushing it and completely navigating it without any issues. You can laugh all you want, but research has shown that visualizing success will help you when the time comes to take action. In addition, isn’t this YOUR made-up interview?

Practice Interview 

Role-play your own interview to gain experience speaking aloud. No, neither you nor we are psychic, so what you practice won’t be 100% correct, but it will definitely assist if you can perform a mock interview a few times before you actually do one. Invite a relative or friend to assume the role of the interviewer.

Don’t Give In to Desperation

Keep in mind that there is only one opportunity to join the military, no matter how badly you want to. Your ability to obtain this particular service does not determine your entire destiny. Although it appears appealing on the surface, it is not your sole choice. Don’t exhaust yourself, but also don’t give up. You’ll have more chances like this in the future. Whatever occurs, you will learn from this SSB interview, which will ultimately help you become a stronger job prospect and a wonderful professional.

Plan in advance

It is imperative to emphasize this. Too many SSB candidates experience anxiety in the pit of their stomachs as a result of not knowing what to anticipate. It may be quite nerve-wracking to not know what type of curve balls SSB will throw your way. But preparing ahead of time and considering all the worst-case scenarios can help you enter your SSB interview with confidence. This entails writing down responses to the inquiries you dread the most in addition to reading all testing phases and preparing responses to typical personal interview inquiries like “Why are you interested in joining the military?” and “Why should we choose you above the other applicants?”

Also read: 20 Sure Shot Questions Asked From PIQ Form In SSB Interview

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Anuradha Dey

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, M.A.(Psychology), M.A. English (Gold Medalist) from BHU; B.A. Hons from St. Xavier’s College (Kolkata). Poet, Writer & Translator. Certified Career Counselor. Knows Mandarin, German, English, Bengali & Hindi.

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