Induction of Tejas MK-1A from Next Year

The induction of the TEJAS MK-1A into the Indian Air Force (IAF) will begin next year, according to Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari. The IAF...

The induction of the TEJAS MK-1A into the Indian Air Force (IAF) will begin next year, according to Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari. The IAF chief also stated that production of the TEJAS MK-2 aircraft will begin two to three years after the prototype is completed.

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The Deal

In February 2021, the IAF signed a contract for 83 TEJAS Mk-1As. 73 of the 83 TEJAS Tejas Mk-1As will be single-seaters, with the remaining ten being final operational clearance (FOC) trainers. The IAF is also in the process of acquiring Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA).

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The Defence Ministry signed a 48,000 crore deal with HAL in February 2022 to supply the IAF with 83 TEJAS MK-1A. The Defence Ministry previously stated that HAL will deliver the first three aircraft in 2024, followed by 16 aircraft per year for the next five years.

The design for the TEJAS MK-2, a larger aircraft, has been frozen, and some manufacturing activities have begun. The aircraft should be ready for flight by the end of this year or early in 2023 and it will take to the skies one year later. “We’re aiming for early 2023, but we should be able to do it slightly sooner.”

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Significance of TEJAS MK-1A

The TEJAS MK-2 has increased range and endurance, as well as the first-ever integration of an Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS). Scalp, Crystal Maze, and Spice-2000-class heavy standoff weapons will also be integrated into the MK-2. The MK-2 will be a heavier and more capable aircraft than the current TEJAS variants, measuring 1350mm longer, featuring canards, and capable of carrying a payload of 6,500 kg versus 3,500 kg for the TEJAS.

Also read: How HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS) Is Going To Help Indian Air Force?

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The IAF had previously ordered 20 IOC (Initial Operational Configuration) and 20 FOC standard aircraft, including eight twin-seater trainers. The first TEJAS squadron with IOC aircraft is complete, and the second with FOC aircraft is also operational. The twin-seater aircraft would be the balance of this order once the FOC aircraft are delivered.

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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